the widening, deepening and speeding up of world wide interconnectdess in all aspects of life from the culutrue to the cirminal, the financial to spiritaul. brings global crime
money made from crime: a02
1trillion per year
transnational organised crime189 child p
idenitiy theft 1.5m vicitms 756m made per year
global crimes
money laundering, arms traffiking, traffiking w/c, cyber cirmes, internaitonal terorrism, drug trade
global risk consiousness: beck
risk is seen as a global problem rather than being tied to a certain place
global risk consuiounsess beck exampels
moral panic cohen, donald trump video outlining the risk of being a victim of illegal immigration making people scared of people commint in country (negaitve label)
global risk consuiounsess beck: a03
left realsit argument is that fear is rational
interactionsit argue media playsa crucial role in labellig new group of outsiders
functioanst say it sets boundry maintence = social soldiarity
globalisation capitlasm and crime
globalisation has led to changes in patterns of crime, it has given free reign to market forces and has created a greater inequalities and has risen crime
globalisation capitlaism and crime: transnational companies
transnational companies switches manuacturing to low wage countries (health and saftey regulations change per country) created oppourtinities for eite groups and imapct : capitlsim is crimogenci
crime of globalisaion: world bank in organsied crime
aim to reduce poverty by ledning money to gov to its poorer memebers to inc their eocnomys and standards of lviing, support counties
voting power: france/uk 3.79% germany 4.26% usa 15.88%
so for poorer countries have less voting power as place less money in, so less decison where money goes such as india 1st place, indonesia 2nd having the least
eval crimes of globalisaion: rothes and friedrich
realsit theories argue that crimes is soemthing that breaks legislation and punsihable by law. this idea suggested that interantional funds only motive is ti set conditions for crime for economicallyd eveliped counties own gain which is not the case