crime agaisnt the environment
green crime a02: Chernobyl
explosion at Chernobyl nuclear power plan spreading radioactive cloud over soviet union+other parts pf the world impacting agriculutre/natrual ecocystems
global risk society: beck: threats to environment
most of the threats to environment and human well being are human made rather than natural. unlike natural dangers of the past such as drought and famine, the major risks we face today are of our own making
global risk society: beck: late modern society
in late modern society we provide recourses for all (at least in developed countries) however this creates ‘manufactured risks’ that aren’t global
global risk society: beck: A02 MOZAMBIQUE 2010
russia> global warming triggered hottest ehatwave(g.c) in a century causing wildfires that destroyed parts of the countries grain belt. due to shortage of grain russia introduced export bands and pushed upward price of grain. Mozambique saw 30% rise in price of bread led to rioting/looting of food stores and left dozen dead
why is green crime an issue?
the major risks we face today are a result of our own making this has seen to be due to inc of globalisation.
green crime an issue BECK
although we as modern society have ways to produce adequate recoruses, the mass inc in technology and productivity has resorted to different risks. down as manufactured risks> risks we create ourselves
problems with definition of green crime:
some green crimes don’t break written rules (law) it can be considered debatable to consider some crimes as criminal.
laws are dependent on country which they are committed in, what is considered criminal in one place may not be in others.
eg acid rain is legal but damages enviroment
role of moral entrupnerus in green criminology : DAVID ATTENBOROUGH
highlights the effects of global warming in documentriaies, deforestation, educating million on intricacies of ecosystem. partnerd with various org/campaigns aimed at protecting enviroment> inspired vegerterains and campaigns
state crime: green and ward definition
illegal or devient actives perpitrated by or with complicity fo state agencies included all form of crime commits by or on behalf of state and gov. to further their own policies WAR CRIME EG
state crime includes
labelling/societal reaction, domestic law, human rights
state crime: economic crimes/human rights
72 died, gov prioritised profits over warning signs, didn’t carry out regular health and safety checks, didn’t change materials, individuals died at the benefit of the state
green and war> murded 20thc
262m million by gov during 20thc. as state has enormous power gives them potential to create harm on huge scales
political crime (war cirmes)> censorship/corruption
crimes by security/polcie forces(genocided in Rwanda 1994)
economic crimes(health and safety law grenfil tower)
social and cultural crimes (institutional racism)
modernity bauman 1989
modernisation of scotty can lead to state crime eg holocaust.
a division of labour> each person was responsible for a small task so no oe felt personally responsible
instrumental rationality> in modern business the goal is profit. in the holocaust it was murdr> rationalised as a means to achieve their goals
science and tehcnology> use of railways and death camps and idnsutyr produced gas