Theorists Flashcards
Roland Barthes
- texts communicate meaning through a process of significations
- constructed meanings can come to seem self evident and achieving the status of myth through a process of naturalisation
Van Zoonen
- gender is constructed through discourse and its meaning varies according to social/ cultural context
- the display of women’s bodies as objects is a core element of western patriarchal culture
- mainstream culture uses visual and narrative codes to construct the male body as a spectacle unlike the objectification of the female body
Media can contribute to social change by representing women in non traditional roles - things can change.
Stuart Hall (Stereotyping)
- Stereotyping occurs when there are inequalities of power
- groups of power encoded their own ideological biases within the media (eg. patriarchal values)
Identity theory
- Media provides us with tools that we use to construct our identities
- Media today offers a diverse range of stars, icons + characters from where we can pick a mix of ideas to construct out identity
Louis Gianetti
Updated ideas of Metz
- Primitive - genre is developing
- Classic - Genre is firmly established, recognisable codes and conventions
- Revisionist - Films that play with/ subvert typical genre elements to explore new ideas
- Parodic - Mocking the genre for the audiences pleasure
Claude Levi-Strauss
- Texts can be best understood through the examination of their underlying structure
- Meaning is dependent on pairs of opposites
- The way these binary opposites are resolved have particular ideological significance
Stuart Hall (Representstion)
- Reflective view, media replicated the world without distortion
- Media produces versions of reality that are shaped by the subjective viewpoints of their creators
Nick Lacey
Argues that each genre has its own repertoire of elements to help distinguish each other from other genres.
Eg. iconography, setting, style, character, narrative
Christian Metz
- Experimental - genre is established
- Classical - Develops the codes and conventions
- Parody - Media texts ‘mocking’ the genre
- Deconstruction - hybridisation, merging with other genres
Steve Neale
- Genre may be determined by repetition but is also marked by difference
- Genres change, develop and vary as they borrow and overlap with one another
- Genres exist within specific economic, institutional and industrial context
Illustration - visual narrative tells the story of the song lyrics, literal interpretation
Amplification - clips introduce new meanings which add layers of meaning
Disjuncture - when the imagery doesn’t match the lyrics, adding a new meaning. or when the visual narrative contradicts the lyrics or unintentionally undermines them
Bell Hooks
- Feminism is a struggle to end sexist/ patriarchal oppression and the ideology of domination
- The idea that feminism is a political commitment rather than a lifestyle choice
- The idea that race and class as well as sex determine the extent to which individuals are exploited, discriminated against or oppressed
Alvarado (1987)
Racial representations
1. The exotic
2. The dangerous
3. The humorous
4. The pitied
- The idea that colonial discourses continue to inform contemporary attitudes to race and ethnicity in the post colonial era
- The idea that civilisation constructs racial hierarchies and sets up binary oppositions based on ‘otherness’
- Media texts reinforce power (overlaps with Levi-Strauss and Stuart Hall)
Laura Mulvey
- Audiences are typically positioned to identify with, and look through the eyes of, a heterosexual male
- In a world ordered by sexual imbalance, pleasure in looking has been split between active/male and passive/female
- Women are objectified (appearances portrayed for strong visual and erotic impact)
- Women’s bodies are often fetishized through fragmented close-ups