THEME E - Crime and Punishment Flashcards
What is a crime? What do most religions believe about crime?
Against the law of the country. Most religions believe that you should respect the laws of the country unless it goes against God.
What is the relationship between religious rules and laws with the criminal justice system?
Religions have their own rules and laws such as the 10 Commandments, these may cross over with the criminal justice system: “Thou Shall Not Kill”
What is a sin?
Offence against religion / God / breaking of a religious law
What is Sharia(h) Law?
Muslim countries base their law on the Qur’an and Sunnah (Way of life of Muhammad)
Name 2 countries that follow Sharia(h) Law:
Saudi Arabia
Give 3 ways people are influenced:
1) Some people believe that your CONSCIENCE influences your actions – your inner sense of right and wrong.
2) Others believe that your ENVIRONMENT such as upbringing is the main influence on people’s behaviour.
3) RELIGIOUS TEACHING may also influence people’s actions especially the
belief in heaven or hell.
What is evil intention?
People intend to hurt others – you plan to do harm
What is evil action?
An action that has resulted in suffering
Give 2 examples of evil intention:
Give 2 examples of evil action:
Drink driving
Ignoring safety laws
Evil vs. Good in CHRISTIANITY
Christians believe that people were created in the “image of God” and initially were good. The Original Sin and the concept of free will or choice of actions has led to the idea that humans are responsible for their own actions. Christians however do believe that there are causes or reasons for crime or evil actions.
Evil vs. Good in ISLAM
Muslims believe that the devil or Iblis continually tempts people to be wicked, humans show weakness by failing to show self discipline. People make mistakes but they should resist temptation as God’s Law is more important and the belief that they will be held accountable on the DAY OF JUDGEMENT
Give a hadith quote on Evil vs. Good
“All actions are judged by motives”
Give a Bible quote on evil vs. good
“Do to others what you would have them do to you”
Give 4 causes of crime
Mental Illness
Hate Crime
Why might crime be caused by POVERTY?
There is no alternative to crime, no other way to get money to provide for yourself or family – cost of living crisis.
Why might crime be caused by UPBRINGING?
Parents, family and friends all have an impact for good or bad on a person’s behaviour.
Why might crime be caused by MENTAL ILLNESS?
Some people have no understanding of right or wrong actions.
Why might crime be caused by GREED?
People are selfish and only consider their own wants and needs.
Why might crime be caused by ADDICTION?
People addicted to drugs or alcohol may resort to crime to support their habit.
Why might crime be caused by HATE CRIME?
Reasons of prejudice, racism, sexism etc.
Christian beliefs about POVERTY as a cause of crime:
Christians believe that we should tackle the causes of crime and treat people with compassion if they steal out of desperation. Foodbanks should help prevent poverty and stop people resorting to crime.
Christian beliefs about UPBRINGING as a cause of crime:
Christians are baptised at a young age to show commitment of parents to religious life.
Christian beliefs about MENTAL ILLNESS as a cause of crime:
Christians believe that compassion is needed and help with illness rather than punishments.
Christian beliefs about GREED as a cause of crime: (The quote)
Christianity: “Love of money is the root of all evil”
Christian beliefs about ADDICTION as a cause of crime:
Christians believe we should help those in need and have compassion for people – rehabilitation is key to preventing this reason for crime
People should still be punished for their crimes.
Christian beliefs about HATE CRIME as a cause of crime:
“Love Your Neighbour” Christians believe that God created all people equally in his image.
Muslim beliefs about POVERTY as a cause of crime:
Muslims give Zakah (2.5%) to stop poverty/ Charity
Stealing has a harsh punishment in Muslim countries “Cut off the hands of thieves”
Muslim beliefs about UPBRINGING as a cause of crime:
Extended family and responsibility of parents to teach respect of law.
Muslim beliefs about MENTAL ILLNESS as a cause of crime:
Compassion for those who are ill / Protection from dangerous people is still necessary
Muslim beliefs about GREED as a cause of crime:
Stealing has a harsh punishment in Muslim countries “Cut off the hands of thieves”
Muslim beliefs about ADDICTION as a cause of crime:
Drugs / Alcohol is haram (forbidden) in Islam so this is a SIN.
Corporal punishment will take place for people who have committed these sins.
Muslim beliefs about HATE CRIME as a cause of crime:
Hate crimes unacceptable to Muslims.
Give 2 examples of opposition to unjust law in CHRISTIANITY:
Christians believe that it is generally wrong to break the law, however in some situations where the law goes against God and their beliefs some Christians may do so.
-> An example of this may be to protect human rights or to protect others from harm “Love thy neighbour”
Christians believe that even if a law is wrong that they should not harm or kill others when protesting against that law.
-> Martin Luther King who was a Christian pacifist – while he protested and was arrested during the civil rights movement he advocated for a non-violent response to inequality.
Give 2 examples of opposition to unjust law in ISLAM:
Muslims believe that the law should be respected unless it goes against God or the Islam religion.
-> Islamic countries have Shari’ah law that is based upon the Qur’an and the teachings of Muhammad – therefore they believe that their laws are fair and just.
Muslims may oppose laws in non-Muslim countries
-> Most Muslims believe that harming people should not be allowed when protesting against an unjust law.
Give 3 types of hate crime:
Christian beliefs about HATE for hate crimes: (Give a quote)
- Christianity disagrees with violence and prejudice against other races
- “Love Your Neighbour” “Live in peace with everyone”
Muslim beliefs about HATE for hate crimes: (Give a quote)
- Hate crimes are becoming more common. There has been a rise in racist attacks and religious prejudice across the world. Issues surrounding immigration and fear of terrorism. Spread of Islamophobia.
- Muslims condemn hate crimes and believe that people should show tolerance towards other religions. The Qur’an teaches that prejudice and discrimination are wrong.
- “People are as equal as the teeth of a comb” Hadith Muhamamd
CHRISTIAN beliefs about THEFT for hate crimes: (Give a quote)
- Theft is a less serious crime as people are not usually harmed. However, it breaks one of the 10 Commandments “Thou Shall Not Steal”
- Christians focus on the causes of crime and believe those in poverty should be helped
ISLAM beliefs about THEFT for hate crimes: (Give a quote)
- Islam states that all wealth belongs to Allah. People should not show greed and selfishness but help others through Zakah “Cut off the hands of thieves”
CHRISTIAN beliefs about MURDER for hate crimes: (Give a quote)
- The most serious type of crime. Condemned by all societies and religions. People who are dangerous should be isolated from the community
- Christianity believes in the Sanctity of life the most fundamental rule “Thou Shall Not Kill”
ISLAM beliefs about MURDER for hate crimes: (Give a quote)
- Islam states that there should be “a life for a life” “Do not take what God has made sacred”
- Muslim countries have the death penalty for the crime of murder
Give an example of a case of hate crime: Give a quote
Anthony Walker was killed in a racist attack. His family made headlines by
stating as Christians they forgave the killers – following the teachings of Jesus
“forgive us our sins as we should forgive those who sin against us”
Lawbreakers in Christianity
Guve a quote
Law should be followed and respected -> unless it breaks religious principles (such as human rights or racism (MLK)).
The justice system has a responsibility to punish offenders BUT humanely – human rights are
important and criminals should be entitled to them. Reform should take place wherever possible and people should receive help with addiction.
Christians believe that punishment and forgiveness should be part of the criminal process– Lord’s Prayer states Christians should forgive others. Punish but then forgive and reform. Giving people a second chance is important.
“Love your neighbour” means no criminal action or harm to others, even criminals should be respected.
“I was in prison and you visited me”
Parable of the Sheep and the Goats Matthew 25
Lawbreakers in Islam
Give a quote
Law should be obeyed – sharia(h) law is based on Islam. The criminal law in some countries (Pakistan) is
almost completely based upon the Qur’an and the Sunnah – Way
of life of Muhammad.
Muslims support the legal system in the UK as it should be respected as the law of the country. Severe punishments exist in sharia(h) law – most not used in the UK as they are corporal punishment. Punishment should fit the crime. DETERRENCE is important in ISLAM and stops offending as well as
“God commands Justice”
Qur’an 16
What do Muslims believe will happen on the Day of Judgement? Quote
Muslims believe that on the Day of Judgement their actions will be read from the book of deeds. Those who have caused suffering to others will “Taste the Fire”
What are the 3 aims of punishment?
Retribution - revenge
Deterrence - to deter
Reformation - to change
Christianity: Retribution - revenge beliefs
Not acceptable to many Christians today as Jesus taught followers to ‘Turn the other cheek’
‘Do not take revenge
Islam: Retribution - revenge beliefs
‘Life for a life and an eye for an eye’ - Bible AND QUR’AN
Justice for victims and their families.
Muslims believe retribution is fair and right as actions go against God.
In some cases, Muslims can grant mercy and receive financial compensation for a crime.
Christianity: Deterrence - to deter beliefs
Christians agree on principle but would not allow physical or mental harm to the offender.
What can deterrence do? What do some people in the UK think?
-> If the punishment is harsh, people will be put off committing the crime.
-> Stop repeat offenders.
-> In the UK, some people think that prisons should be seen as a deterrence.
Islam: Deterrence - to deter beliefs
In Islamic countries, public punishments are often carried out - beating and stonings, ‘Cut off the hands of thieves”
Christianity: Reformation - to change beliefs
Christians favour this aim of punishment as it is positive and allows forgiveness.
Islam: Reformation - to change beliefs
In Islam, education and financial advice may be given but it is not a replacement for punishment.
Why does reformation do?
- Treatments such as counselling and community service to help understand consequences of behavior
- If criminals are reformed, they will not re-offend so it is important to allow education and support to run in prisons.
Christian beliefs about suffering:
Give a quote
Religious people believe it is their DUTY to help others. Christians follow the example of Jesus who healed and helped many people.
“Love your Neighbour” “Faith by itself, without action is dead”
Muslim beliefs about suffering:
Give a quote
Muslims believe that Allah allows suffering to happen for reasons we do not know. It may be a test but through God is the strength to endure. Muslims believe that God is omnipotent and nothing happens without his decree (order), they often use the term “God Willing” to show
that their lives are in God’s hands.
Give 3 good things that can come from suffering:
- People help others in times of suffering, they develop compassion and empathy for people.
- In natural disasters or mass shootings, the community works together to help those who are hurt.
- Donations to charities and the duty of Zakah or Khums allows Muslims to help those in need
- Suffering develops an awareness of others.
Who is Stephen Sutton?
Diagnosed with cancer at a young
age, went on to raise over 3 million
pounds for cancer research.
Give 3 Christianity ideas about suffering:
-> Christians believe that FREE WILL causes suffering.
-> Disobeying God (eg. Original Sin - Adam and Eve, or sinning “Do not Kill”) results in Suffering
-> Christians should repair the damage they cause to others – atone for their sins and reconcile the relationship.
-> Christians believe they should prevent and reduce suffering. Look for forgiveness and reform if they have made mistakes.
Give 3 Muslim ideas about suffering:
-> The whole community – Ummah (Muslim brotherhood) should care and provide for those in need – ZAKAH 2.5% ( All Muslims ) Khums 20% (Shi’a Muslims).
-> When Muslims cause suffering, they should repair the damage.
-> God will forgive those who truly repent and atone for their sins.
-> Muslims believe that if one part of the Ummah is suffering, then all parts are in pain.
Give 5 types of punishment:
Capital/ Death
Restorative ustice
Community Service
Give 2 types of punishment which are not allowed in the UK;
Corporal punishment
Death penalty
What is restorative punishment?
Restorative justice is a recent idea where young criminals attend sessions to look at the crime and why it is wrong. They may meet with victims of the crime.
Christian belief about restorative punishment:
Important to reform the criminal and tackle the causes of crime.
Islam believes in the ideas of ___________ and ____________.
retribution and deterrence
What should the prison system do?
Protect the community by isolating dangerous criminals that could harm others.
Prisons should deter crime
Provide victims with justice
Give 2 types of prisons:
Maximum security
Young offender institutions
Open prisons
What has been proven to lower crime rates?
Rehabilitation and reform
Give 2 Christian beliefs about the treatment of criminals in prisons:
-> Concerned about the re-offending rate
-> Believe prisoners should be treated fairly and humanely
-> Those in prison need help with education, addiction, and life skills.
-> Only be used where necessary as the whole family suffers.. not just the prisoner!!
Give 2 Islamic beliefs about the treatment of prisoners in prisons:
-> They protect society
-> In Muslim countries, they are used as a place to keep people awaiting trial. Usually, after a person is convicted, a corporal punishment is set.
-> Some Muslims may argue that prison is a greater penalty than physical punishments
1) Corporal punishment definition, and 2) is it legal in the UK? 3) and other countries?
1) This punishment inflicts physical pain – beatings, stoning and amputation.
2) Corporal punishment is not allowed in the UK, although there was a time when beatings with a cane was allowed in schools.
3) There are many countries that still allow the use of corporal punishment.
Corporal punishment Qur’an quote:
“Cut off the hands of thieves…. as punishment and a deterrent from God” - Qur’an
2 Christian beliefs about corporal punishment:
-> It’s a breach of human rights. No Christian country uses corporal punishment.
-> Corporal punishment doesn’t help to reform criminals and is focused on retribution and revenge rather than change.
-> Christians believe that the causes of crime should be tackled rather than focused on punishment alone.
2 Muslim beliefs about corporal punishment:
-> Corporal punishment is common in Muslim countries - Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Iraq, Iran, etc.
-> It is allowed by Shar’iah law and is often carried out in public to persuade others not to commit crimes.
-> It is meant to act as a deterrence and serve retribution and justice for the victim ‘eye for an eye’.
Give 2 facts about community service.
-> Given for less serious crimes, to give them a second chance and allows criminals to atone for their crime.
-> A different solution to prison, avoids prison over-crowding and punishing the family of the criminal. Can involve help with addiction, anger management, and education.
-> Often called community payback. Involves unpaid work in the local community, wearing a high visibility jacket.
Islam belief about community service:
Only used for minor crimes as it is not seen as a deterrent and doesn’t allow justice for the victim. Muslims support the criminal justice system in the UK and can see the advantages of helping people in need - counselling and education.
Christian belief about community service:
Should be used to help reform the criminal. Benefits the whole community. Christians believe it stops the separation of families and the long-term negative effects of prison.
Forgiveness - CHRISTIANITY (give a quote)
Forgiveness doesn’t condone/ excuse a crime. Punishment and
Forgiveness go hand in hand. Helps both the victim and the criminal
move on after a punishment has been given.
An important concept in Christianity. Prayer is often used as a method
to seek strength when giving forgiveness. “Forgive us our sins” –
Lord’s prayer
Forgiveness - ISLAM (give a quote)
Only God can truly forgive. He is compassionate and merciful.
Humans should forgive each other but Justice for the victim is why the
law exists.
Muslims may offer financial compensation for a crime to help with
repentance and forgiveness.
‘Pardon each other’s faults and God will grant you honour’ - Hadith
Capital punishment history in the UK
Death penalty abolished in UK in 1969.
Some people in the UK want the death penalty to be brought back for serious crimes such as terrorism or murder.
Christianity and the death penalty (quote or reference)
Most Christians disagree with the death penalty, as it breaks the commandment “Thou Shall Not Kill” and Jesus taught forgiveness / “love your neighbour”
Islam and the death penalty (quote or reference)
Many Muslim countries have the death penalty as they accept the principle of “a life for a life” Muhammad taught that it is justice to lose your life if you take another.
Sometimes financial compensation may be offered instead of the death penalty.
Qur’an quote on the death penality
“Take not life, which God has made
sacred, except by way of justice and law“ - Qur’an
The Principles of utility (death penalty):
An action is right if it provides the
greatest good for all people
(e.g killing one serial killer ->
stops them ever killing again).
The sanctity of life (death penalty):
Christianity and Islam
All life is special and should be
respected (even the life of a
Christianity: Life is a gift from God, and only he has the right to take it away
‘Thou shall not kill’
Islam: Life is given by Allah, Do not
take not life, which Allah has made
sacred, except by way of justice and
Give 5 arguments AGAINST the death penalty:
Protection: Life Imprisonment
‘Thou shall not kill’
Sanctity of Life: All life is sacred and a gift from God
Only God has the right to take life away
Against human rights
Family and friends will also suffer
Contrasting beliefs about CORPORAL PUNISHMENT:
1) Christianity doesn’t support it -> against human dignity and rights -> a form of violence -> purely revengeful rather than merciful.
2) Islam countries using Sharia law allow corporal punishment -> used for retribution and deterrence. ‘Cut off the hands of thieves’ - Qur’an.
Contrasting beliefs about the DEATH PENALTY:
1) Christians don’t support Capital punishment (death penalty) ‘Do not kill’ -> breaks concept of Sanctity of life -> only God has the right to take life away.
2) Death penalty is allowed in Islam –> justice of ‘a life for a life’ -> used to satisfy victims. Muhammad agreed with this principle.
Contrasting beliefs about FORGIVENESS:
1) Central teaching of Jesus, who say forgiveness ‘not seven times but seventy seven times’. It is a main theme of the Lord’s prayer ‘Forgive us our sins’ -> Jesus died so humans can be forgiven.
2) Forgiveness is ultimately for Allah to administer. A human must be truly sorry and not repeat the same sin. Humans are encouraged to forgive each other but punishment is important.