ARGUMENTS Flashcards
Christian views on protecting the environment
Bible teaches creation belongs to God -> His creation promotes a sense of awe and wonder.
However, God gave humans DOMINION over creation.
Most Christians believe we have a RESPONSIBILITY and duty to be stewards (gave Adam and Eve rhis responsibility in the Garden of Eden)
Christian leaders (eg. the POPE) said to look after creation.
Dogs really pop stool
Muslim views on protecting the environment
Qur’an teaches creation belongs to God.
God’s creation brings a sense of awe and wonder to humans who reflect on it.
We are God’s ‘Khalifahs” so it is our duty to look after his creation.
We should use the Earth’s resources successfully.
On The Day of Judgement, humans will be asked how they have looked after the planet.
Days reset kommenly
Views on animals for food
R ights
H ealth
E nvironment
T ime
Christian views on animals (the use and abuse of animals)
1) Bible says to choose if you eat meat or not and shouldn’t be judged.
‘Everything that lives and moves about will be food for you’
2) Many Christians only accept medicine animal experimentation as it helps humans cure diseases
3) Humans have dominion over animals
‘Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground’
Muslim views on animals (the use and abuse of animals)
1) Only certain animals can be eaten (Not pig) and must be halal (killed ina certain way).
2) Most Muslims allow animal experimentation for medicines, as it helps to prevent human suffering.
3) Muhammad treated animals well (told someone to return a bird’s eggs when he saw the bird was destressed by their removal).
Different Christian sides of euthanasia:
-> Some believe it is a SIN ‘Thou shall not kill’
Sanctity of life - only what God has decreed
Christian leaders have condemned it.
-> Others believe it can be the most loving thing to do ‘love thy neighbour’ Bible.
Lesser of 2 evils -> quality of life. God gave us free will to choose.
Give 2 general against Euthanasia
Murder (punished by law)
Pain can be managed (hospices)
Ill people may make different choices.
Give 2 general for Euthanasia
Your choice
Loving thing to do -> end suffering
More dignified and peaceful before suffering increases (upsetting and unnecessary for vicitim and families)
Muslim beliefs about euthanasia:
-> Murder which Qur’an forbids unless retribution for certain things.
Against God’s plan (shirk) - sin
‘No soul may die except with god’s permission at a pre-destined time’
Different Christian sides of abortion:
-> Catholic Christians (life begins at conception, so murder). ‘thou shall not kill’
Sanctity of life: God has the right to decide when we die so abortion is against God
-> Other Christians beieve it is loving - bible says to be loving ‘love thy neighbour’
Lesser of 2 evils - quality of life for foetus and mother is important.
Different Muslim sides of abortion:
-> Sanctity of life - God should take lives - sin
Abortion due to poverty is not allowed as ‘do not kill your children for fear of poverty’
-> Ensoulment occurs at 120 days, before then the foetus is not a person so abortion is allowed.
Women’s life at risk = women takes priority over foetus.
Christian view on Peace
Jesus often promoted peace
‘Blessed are the peacemakers’
Muslim view on Peace
‘Islam’ = peace and submission
Muslims often greet each other with a sentence meaning ‘peace be with you’
Christian view on Justice
God is just and expects humans to also be just in their treatment of others
‘let justice roll like a river’
Muslim view on Justice
God is just and will treat people fairly on the Day of Judgement
We should also treat others fairly
Christian view on Forgiveness
Important part of being a Christian
Jesus died so human sins can be forgiven
Jesus told people to forgive others
‘Forgive those who sin against us’
Muslim view on Forgiveness
Important as God is all-forgiving and all-merciful.
The Qur’an says we should pardon someone for what they’ve done wrong.
‘ask forgiveness of God’
Muslim view on reconciliation
If a couple want to divorce, they must wait a period of time to see if they can reconcile
Why might Christians and Muslims sometimes allow violence
May be justified -> some Christians believe in ‘an eye for an eye’ and by Muslims as part of the lesser jihad (defending faith, family, and community)
Why might Christians and Muslims sometimes disagree with violence
Christianity : Jesus said to ‘turn the other cheek’
Islam: A Hadith that says to ‘hate your enemy mildly’
Christian quote on war for greed
‘love of money is the root of all evil’
Muslim quote self-defence
‘Those who have been attacked are permitted to take up arms’
Christian quote for and Christian quote against retaliation for war
‘do not repay anyone evil for evil’
‘turn the other cheek’
‘an eye for an eye’
Muslim quote for and Muslim view against retaliation for war
‘make your response proportionate’
However, forgiveness is better.
FOR Pacifism:
Unnecessary death -> innocent civilians
We can use diplomacy and negotiation to resolve issues.
Weapons today (eg. nuclear) can damage way beyond their initial target.
AGAINST Pacifism:
Other countries may see you as weak if you don’t defend yourself.
In the past, war has been needed to remove tyrannical leaders.
We should defend the weak and tose treated unfairly.
What is terrorism?
the unlawful use of violence, usually against innocent civilians, to achieve a political goal.
Give 3 criteria for Just War:
Reasonable chance of success
Last resort
Must be declared by a recognised authority
FOR and AGAINST Christian view just war theory
FOR) Allows war to be last resort and protects the weak
AGAINST) Unnecessary death and almost impossible to fullfil all criteria
FOR and AGAINST MUSLIM view just war theory
FOR) Most Muslims would agree if the recognised authority was Islamic
AGAINST) Conditions can never be met so can never be just
What is a holy war?
A war that is fought ‘for God’ in the name of a religion.
It is often thought to give those involved religious benefits, such as removal of sins or access to heaven.
What are three conditions of lesser jihad?
Just cause
last resort
Christian agree then disagree for pacifism:
‘eye for an eye’ to justify retaliation -> ‘do not resist an evil person
When Jesus turned over the tables in the temple, it showed he accepted violent protest -> ‘all who draw the sword will die by the sword’
Muslim agree then disagree for pacifism:
Muhammad fought in wars -> War has changed since then so conditions aren’t appropriate today.
Islam quote on equality
‘People are as equal as the teeth of a comb’ Hadith