THEME B - Religion and Life Issues Flashcards
Where is the Christian creation story found in the Bible?
Christians believe that the creation story highlights important points about their beliefs (Give 2):
God created everything
Humans were created in the ‘Image of God’ as the last and most important part of creation
Everything was good
Humans were given dominion (to rule over) all other creatures
Give a Christian creation quote
“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth’ Genesis 1:1
What do fundamental Christians believe?
Fundamental Christiasn believe in the 6 day creation, and that God rested on the 7th.
They believe creation happens exactly as the Bible states
What do liberal Christians believe?
Liberal Christians believe that the creation story is based on the truth that God created everything, however they believe this was through the Big Bang and evolution.
What does the Qur’an not specify about creation?
What happened in each stage of creation.
Most Muslims believe that Allah created the universe in 6 phases or periods of time.
Why don’t Muslims believe that God’s creation never ends?
It continues with each new birth.
Give 2 points about Islam and Creation:
Islam encourages the search for science and a greater understanding of God.
For Muslims, the Qur’an considers why the universe came into beginning and the fact that it was designed by God.
Many Muslims believe in the idea of the BIG BANG THEORY as how the universe developed into what it is today.
Give a quote on Islamic creation:
‘All creation and all command belong to Him’ Qur’an
Many Muslims and Christians believe in the Big Bang Theory. They believe that God designed the universe to start that way. Give 2 points about the Big Bang:
The Big Bang Theory is the leading explanation on how the universe began.
The theory suggests that all matter was condensed into a small hot mass that suddenly exploded.
It has been expanding ever since.
What does scientific explanation do to Muslims and Christians?
Scientific explanation gives a greater understanding of God - God is omnipotent (all powerful) and resembles the creation stories in many areas.
What is the Christian belief about dominion?
Christians believe that God allows humans to rule over his creation. Humans have power and authority on planet Earth, as we are the most important part of God’s creation and made ‘in the image of God’.
Give the longer quote about Christian dominion:
‘Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground’ Genesis
Christians and Muslims believe that the world has a sense of Awe and Wonder.
What does Awe mean?
The universe is awesome, fascinating, and amazing.
Therefore, it must have been designed by God.
Give 3 places on Earth that show the Earth’s sense of awe and wonder:
Amazon Rainforest
Great Barrier Reef
Grand Canyon
Is damaging the creation of God seen as bad in Islam and Christianity?
Yes, it is considered a SIN.
Give 2 Christian beliefs about Stewardship:
The belief that we are the most important part of God’s creation and have a responsibility to look after God’s ‘gift’.
As stewards of the planet, we should ensure the protection of the environment and the wildlife. This includes protecting the plants and animals.
In return for looking after the Earth, we may use the resources for our survival.
Give 2 Muslim beliefs about Khalifah:
Muslims believe that humans are stewards of Allah’s creation.
People are responsible for their actions towards the Earth and will be held accountable on the Day of Judgement.
The Qur’an states the laws of God’s creation should not be changed.
What is the impact of Stewardship/ Khalifah (Islam)? Give 3
To recycle
To stop pollution
To campaign against deforestation
Use of natural resources - carefully: Sustainable development
The use and abuse of the environment
Pollution.. give 2
Air pollution from factories and cars is causing climate change and acid rain
Land pollution is causing wildlife to be harmed. And dangerous chemicals to be released.
Water pollution oil spills and plastics in the oceans are destroying marine life
The use and abuse of the environment
Destruction of habitats.. give 2
Deforestation for urbanisation is causing animals to lose their homes
Climate Change is causing the ice caps to melt and endangering the habitat of wildlife such as penguins and polar bears.
The use and abuse of the environment
Natural Resources.. give 2
Using up all the natural resources such as coal, oil, and gas is not respecting the planet. it is also adding to the impact of climate change.
Renewable energy such as solar panels help protect the environment for all who live here.
Give a Christian quote on the use and abuse of the environment:
‘The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it’ Psalms 24:1
Give a Islamic quote on the use and abuse of the environment:
‘Do not seek from it more than you need’ Hadith (teaching of Muhammad)
Christians and Muslims believe that in order to protect the planet they can make individual changes. Give 4 examples of this:
Limit use of plastics
Public Transport
Donate to Environmental charities
Use renewable energy
Campaign on climate
Christians also believe that they should make an impact on a global scale by attending political meetings about the Earth - Summits/ COPs!
Give 2 examples
Assisi - Italy
Leaders from five different religions came together in 1986 to discuss how they could help care for the Environment. They met in Assisi (Italy)
Ohito - Japan
In 1995 another Summit took place where Christians said that being in charge of creation does not give people the right to abuse, spoil, waste or destroy God’s work
COP 26 - Glasgow
A conference (of the parties) that took place to discuss climate change and how to limit temperature rises. Political leaders from around the world attended.
What do religious believers think about sustainable energy?
Should be encouraged by world governmental policies - discounts on solar panels for houses or cheaper electric cars.
What do religious believers think about conservation?
Governments should conserve important environmental areas - stopping the destruction of natural habitats.
Give 2 Christian beliefs about the use and abuse of animals and a quote:
Christianity has no direct rules on eating animals.
Some believe that God put animals here for our survival.
Other Christians believe that factory farming is not an accepted way to use God’s creation as the animals suffer terribly.
‘Not one Sparrow is forgotten by God’
Give 2 Islamic beliefs about the use and abuse of animals and a quote:
Muslims allow the hunting of animals for food but not entertainment.
Islam states that the food must be halal, meaning killed in a certain way and a prayer of thanks is given to Allah.
Pigs must NOT be eaten as pork is seen as unclean.
‘It is God who provides livestock for you, some for riding, some for food’
What are the two types of animal experiments?
Is cosmetic testing ok?
All religions disagree with cosmetic testing and it is illegal in the UK and the EU.
Give a benefit of animal testing:
Great advances in medicine have been made through the use of animal experiments.
Give 2 Christian beliefs about animal experiments:
Most Christians allow the use of animal experiments for medical reasons as humans are the most important creation of God.
Dominion means that we can rule over the other species and use them for our survival.
Some Christians say that as stewards of the planet we should not abuse God’s creation for our own purpose.
Give 2 Muslim beliefs about animal experiments:
Islam teaches that experiments that are not essential to human survival should not be allowed.
Muslims believe that if experiments must take place suffering should be kept to a minimum.
Alternatives to experiments such as computer simulation are a better option.
Give 2 contrasting Christian beliefs about this quote:
‘So God created man in his own image; - in the image of God - he created him; male and female he created them’ Genesis 1:27
Many Christians don’t interpret this as a similar physical appearance to God but as a special relationship or link with him.
Quotes about Adam and Eve having life
Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.
The Lord God said, ‘it is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him’.
The story of Christian original sin (fundamental vs. liberal):
Original sin: disobedience to God, free will and the consequence of pain and suffering.
Some fundamentalists believe in the Story of Adam and Eve as the first human.
Most liberalists now believe in Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution. The stories in Genesis are fables - that are used to tell a point.. God created humans and they are the most important part of his creation.
Origins of Life - Islam (diff. beliefs)
Muslims believe that God made everything including each human - they believe that Adam is the first prophet of Islam and they have a similar story of Original Sin.
Therefore, Muslims reject the theory of evolution, although a minority of Muslims accept the scientific theory.
What is evolution?
Evolution states that all species (including humans) adapted and changed over time. The ones that changed the most effectively survived. This is known as The Survival of the Fittest.
Charles Darwin first put forward the idea of evolution in his book ‘The Origin of the Species By Means of Natural Selection’ (in 1859)
What is the value of human life?
Human life is seen as important and should be valued and respected. For religious people, this can also be referred to as the sanctity of life. Every single life holds value, especially for family and friends that are close to each other.
Give 2 Christian beliefs about the value of human life:
Christians believe that God created life as a gift that should be valued and respected.
Christians believe that humans were created in his image.
Humans were created with dominion and can rule over other species - but must be repsonsible to protect them and the planet. Stewardship.
Give 2 Muslim beliefs about the value of human life:
Muslims believe that Allah is responsible for all life - as in the story of Adam and Eve, humans were created with a special connection to God and the planet - which must be looked after - Khalifah (stewardship).
What are the conditions for abortion in the UK?
In the UK, you are allowed an abortion if it is before 24 weeks, has the consent of two doctors and meets one of the four conditions below:
-> woman’s life in danger
-> physical/ mental wellbeing of woman in danger includes: age/ rape/ career/ education/ stable relationship/ money
-> severe disability (quality of life)
-> existing children would suffer
What is the difference between PRO LIFE and PRO CHOICE?
PRO LIFE: For the right of the life of the foetus
PRO CHOICE: For the right of the women to choose
Give 3 points for Christian beliefs about Abortion:
1) Catholic Christians believe life begins at conception. Therefore, all abortion is murder. Although, some allow it if the mother’s life is in danger.
2) Sanctity of life - life is a gift from God and should be respected and valued.
3) Some protestant Christians believe that an abortion should be allowed in extreme circumstances.
Give a quote for Christian abortion:
‘Thou shall not kill’
‘I formed you in the womb, I knew you before you were born’
Give 3 points for Muslim beliefs about Abortion:
1) Most abortion is haram (forbidden). But, in extreme circumstances, it is
allowed. “No soul may die without
God’s permission”
2) Allah created all life so it must be respected.
3) Before 120 days - the foetus has a soul and has become human so no abortion should take place.
4) Abortion due to poverty is not allowed ‘“Do not kill your children for fear of want”
What are the 5 types of euthanasia?
Define voluntary euthanasia
asking for help (assisted suicide) to die
Define non-voluntary euthanasia
incapable of requesting euthanasia - in a coma
Define involuntary euthanasia
capable of making a choice - doesn’t ask to die! (Murder)
Define passive euthanasia
Withdrawing treatment to allow a natural death, turn off life support
Define active euthanasia
intentionally ending someone’s life
Give 4 points of Christianity and euthanasia:
1) Sanctity of life Vs. Quality of life (How good your life is – without pain and suffering?) Which is more important?“
2) Love Your Neighbour” Sometimes you have to help those in suffering so Euthanasia should be allowed.
3) “Thou Shall not Kill” Only God has the right to take life away.
4) Free Will - should be a person’s own choice.
5) Some protestant Christians Passive Euthanasia Allowed.
Give 4 points of Islam and euthanasia:
1) Sanctity of Life: “Death with dignity is not acceptable to Muslims – it is a SIN.
2) Allah created all life so it must be respected: Suffering for a purpose – predestination. God has allowed it to happen.
3) “No soul may die without God’s permission” - Qur’an
4) People will be judged in the afterlife (Akhirah) if they end their own lives.
5) Muslims allow a natural death – life support withdrawn.
What are hospices? Give a quote.
A place for people who are dying.
Hospices focus on Palliative Care which means to try and control pain.
Hospices were founded by a Christian: Dame Cecily Saunders, who believed that those suffering should be helped in accordance to the teachings of Jesus “Love your neighbour”.
Christians believe that if you can control pain and suffering, this becomes a better alternative to Euthanasia.
You do not have to be a Christian to get a place in a Hospice - all
members of faith and religion are welcome.
What is Akhirah?
Life on earth is a test.
Define Barzakh
Barrier state of waiting after death
Define Day of Judgement
All people will be judged accordingly to how they have lived
Define Book of Deeds
All people’s actions read by angels
Define Sirat Bridge
Those who rejected God and the Qur’an will fall off the Sirat Bridge into hell
Define Jannah
Define Jahannam
Give a quote on Jahannam (Hell):
“Taste the suffering of fire”
What is the value of human life?
All life is important and people must decide how to live theirs. All decisions have consequences.
What is the impact of life after death for Christians?
Christians must resist temptation and Sin. They should follow religious teachings and believe in Jesus. The Parable of the Sheep and the Goats
explains the idea of Judgement.
What is the impact of life after death for Muslims?
Muslims should focus on the teachings of the Qur’an and the example of Muhammad (Sunnah) They should complete the 5 pillars of
Belief, Prayer, Charity, Pilgrimage and Fasting.
Give 2 Catholic beliefs about abortion
Catholics believe that all abortion is
wrong. Life is sacred – it is a gift from
Catholics believe that life begins at conception and the human right to live applies from here.
Give an anglican christian belief about abortion
Anglican Christians accept that abortion may be understandable in the case of rape or if the mother’s life is at risk.
Give the Muslim belief about abortion
Muslims belief that there is potential life at conception but ensoulment (giving a soul) happens at 120 days.
Give the Catholic Christian belief about euthanasia
Catholic Christians believe that only
God has the right to take life away so
they disagree with active euthanasia.
Give the Muslim belief about euthanasia
Muslims believe that death with
dignity is NOT acceptable. Suffering is for a reason.
What do many christians believe about euthanasia?
Many Christians believe that PASSIVE euthanasia (with drawing treatment to allow a natural death) may be acceptable if the quality of life is poor.
What do all religions allow about euthanasia?
All religions allow the turning off of life support machines.