Theme 3 Quiz Flashcards
Name the bone with which the zygomatic bone articulates with posteriorly
Temporal bone; its zygomatic process- the two structures form the zygomatic arch
what nerve is mental nerve a branch of
A branch of the inferior alveolar nerve which is itself a Br of the mandibular division of the trigeminal V3
What would be the effect of damage to facial nerve supply
Function of blinking affected. Blinking spreads tears across the surface of cornea keeping it moist and free of dirt and other particles. If blinking cannot occur the surface of the cornea will dry out and dust and other foreign particles will accumulate causing ulceration, corneal opacity and ultimately blindness in the affected eye
What is the clinical significance of the buccinator attachments in dentistry
Pterygomandibular raphe is a andmark for locating the inferior alveolar nerve in dental anaesthesia
Attachments are a determinant of infection spread from the teeth between the inside and outside of the oral cavity
Denture fitting- anterior attachment of the muscle
What is the clinical significance of the attachment of levator anguli oris
Tissue space channels infection spread towards the corner of the eye and from there it can spread to the cranium
What is the territory of Ophthalmic division of trigeminal
Skin of the middle of forehead, up to the hairline
what does in the infraorbital nerve supply
skin of lower eyelid, cheek, side of the nose, the upper lip
Which of the nerves of the cervical plexus supply a sensory innervation to part of the skin of the head?
Greater auricular
name br of External carotid artery in the neck
Tonsillar artery and submental artery
Name the nerve that runs with the superficial temporal artery?
Auriculotemporal nerve
At which 3 points on the skin would you be able to feel a pulse
External carotid artery, superficial temporal artery, facial artery
Which are the 3 main arteries that supply blood to the face
Which are the 3 main arteries that supply blood to the face?
Facial- inferior and superior lingual, angular artery, submental artery
Transverse facial
Br of the internal carotid artery
Which blood vessel is related to the anterior border of the masseter?
Facial artery
What is the function of the long buccal nerve
Sensory to the skin over the buccinator. Pierces buccinator to supply mucous membrane of the cheek, buccal sulcus and buccal gingivae of the posterior mandibular teeth from 3-4
What is the sympathetic nerve supply to the maxillary artery?
Post-ganglionic axons which reach the artery from the superior cervical ganglion travelling in the walls of the external carotid arterial tree
which muscles which must contract to allow you to smile
levator anguli oris, levator labii superioris, levator labii superioris alaque nasi, zygomaticus major and minor
What is the ‘danger area’ of the face. What clinical problem might be posed by an infection in this region
Triangular region bounded by the nose, eye and upper lip. Infections here can spread into inferior ophthalmic veins and into cavernous sinus causing a potentially fatal condition
how can a dental infection reach carvernous sinus
bacteria can leak into the sup and inf alveolar veins which feed the pulp cavities and spread to the ptergoid plexus reaching the carvenous sinus
what is the ps innervation of parotid gland
preganglionic- glossopharngyeal- tympanic and lesser superficial petrosal
post gnanglionic- from otic ganglion reaching gland in auricoltemporal nerve
what infections can occur in parotid gland
mumps viral infection- swelling bacterial infection (local)- abcess
how does temporary facial paralysis occur
secure anaesthesia of inferior alveolar nerve
why is it difficult to remove a cancerous parotid gland
facial nerve and plexiform branches - injury can cause paralysis
how can parotid duct become blocked
calcified deposits block secretions causing pain and swelling
what are the layers of the scalp
skin connective tissue aponeursosis loose sup aponeurotic connective tissue pericranium
what artery passes over the lateral pterygoid
what does the auriculotemporal nerve run with
superficial temporal artery and vein
what are the br of V3
ant - long buccal post -auricoltemporal -lingual -inf alveolar--> mental nerve--> incisive nerve - nerve to mylohyoid
what is the incisive nerve
after exiting the mandible as the mental nerve, the inf alveolar continues in the mandible as the incisive nerve