The Urethra, Penis & Scrotum Flashcards
What is a urethral stricture?
Scar of urethral epithelium, extending into corpus spongiosum
Fibroblasts lead to shortening/narrowing of urethra
What are the causes of urethral strictures?
Blunt perineal trauma
Traumatic catheter instertion/LTC
Gonococcal/NG Urethritis
Balanitis xerotica obliterans
How do urethral strictures present?
Obstructive voiding sx that worsen -initial freq/dysuria -hesitancy/straining -urinary retention -splayed stream O/E - firm areas
What is Phimosis?
Narrowing of the preputial orifice –> inability to retract foreskin
What are the causes of Phimosis?
Often idiopathic
Chronic balantitis
Traumatic forcible retraction of the foreskin
How does Phimosis present?
Children - ballooning of foreskin, poor stream in urination
Adults - pain during intercourse, inability to retract foreskin
What is Paraphimosis?
Swollen, painful glans resulting from obstructed venous return due to the pulling of a tight foreskin over the glans –> cannot replace foreskin
What are the common causes of Paraphimosis?
Tight foreskin pulled over glans
- after an erection
- following urethral catheterisation
What is an Epididymal Cyst?
Smooth, extratesticular, spherical cysts in the head of the epididymis
What are the causes of Epididymal Cysts?
Common, due to cystic degeneration of epididymis
Associated w/ PKD/CF
How do Epididymal Cysts present?
Cystic lump, separate from testes, at upper pole
Contained fluid can be clear/contain sperm
Can be painful
What is Hydrocele?
Excessive collection of serous fluid in the tunica vaginalis
What are the three types of Hydrocele?
Describe congenital hydrocele
Associated w/ hernial sac & patent processus vaginalis
Spontaneously resolve <1yr
Describe primary hydrocele
Vaginalis hydrocele
Separate from peritoneal cavity
Describe secondary hydrocele
Underlying inflammation in epididymis/testes
Underlying cancer
What is the outcome of hydrocele?
Typically benign, non symptomatic
What are Varicocele?
Varicosities of pampiniform plexus, commonly on L
When do Varicocele first manifest?
How do Varicocele present?
Dragging sensation & ache
Feels like a ‘bag of worms’ on palpation
What are the complications of Varicoceles?
Reduced spermatogenesis & subfertility
What is the underlying process leading to Varicocele?
Valvular incompetency at junction of L renal vv
What is testicular torsion?
Testicle twists upon pedicle, obstructing venous return
What causes testicular torsion?
Congenital abnormality