The Skeletal System. Appendicular Skeleton. Pelvic Limb. Flashcards
Define the carpal bones?
The bones in the forelimb that make up the paw, ankle and toes.
Define a collateral factor?
It aids with stability or security.
E.g. the collateral ligaments of the knee give extra stability to the knee.
Define the Os coxae?
Another name for the hipbone.
Define the patella?
The sesamoid bone found in the knee, specifically on the tendon of insertion of the large quadriceps femur muscle.
What is the largest sesamoid bone in the body?
The patella.
Define a ramus?
An arm like structure that project out of a bone.
Define the tarsal bones?
The bones in the hindlimb that make up the paw, ankle and toes.
Define a trochlea of the femur?
The entire distal extremity of the femur.
What limb is the pelvic limb?
The hindlimb.
What 5 areas does the pelvic limb consist of?
It’s half of the pelvic girdle.
The thigh (femur).
The stifle (knee joint).
The crus (leg).
The pes (hind paw).
Why is the pelvic girdle of divided into 2 halves?
One half for each leg.
How many bones are found in the pelvic girdle of the pelvic limb?
3 bones that form a single structure.
What 3 bones and single structure form the pelvic girdle of the pelvic limb?
The ilium.
The ischium.
The pubis.
The acetabular (structure not bone).
How do all the bones in the pelvic girdle help to form the hip bone or os coxae?
They are fused together and collectively form the hip bone (os coxae).
What makes up the largest section of the hip bone?
The ilium .
What half of the hip bone does the ilium make up?
The dorsal half.
Which bones form the ventral half of the hip bone?
The ischium makes up the caudal half.
The pubis makes up the cranial half.
When is the acetabula bone visible in a dog?
It is only visible in juveniles and it is invisible in adults.
What is the acetabulum of the hip bone?
It makes up the socket where the joint from the femur will help to form the hip joint.
How many surfaces and borders does the ilium of the hip bone have?
2 surfaces (medial and lateral) and 3 borders.
What is the wing of the ilium?
The most cranial part of the ilium that is much wider than the caudal part.
What is the narrower part of the ilium known as?
It is the caudal part of the bone and it is known as the body of the ilium.
What is the most caudal part of the hip bone?
The ischium.
What are the 4 features that make up the ischium of the hip bone?
A tuberosity.
A body.
A table.
A ramus.
What 3 structures does the ischium contribute to?
The acetabulum.
Obturator foramen.
Symphysis pelvis.
What is the opening that appears in each half of the pelvic girdle and allows for arteries to pass though and deliver blood to the legs?
The obturator foramen.
What is the symphysis pelvis?
The area that is found on the dorsal midline between the 2 hip joints.
How is the acetabulum formed?
The fusion of the 3 bones within the hip forms the acetabulum.
What bone will articulate with the acetabulum?
The head of the femur.
What will the medial part of pubis help to form?
The symphysis pelvis.
The lateral border of the pubis will border which 2 hip bones?
The ilium and the ischium.
What 2 features are found in the pubis of the hip bone?
A body.
2 rami (superior and inferior ramus).
Where is the body of the pubis located?
Cranially to the obturator foramen.
Where does the superior ramus extend from on the pubis?
From the body towards the ilium.
What is the superior ramus also known as?
The cranial ramus.
What does the superior ramus of the pubis help to form in the hip joint?
The acetabulum.
The bones of the pelvis surround what cavity?
The pelvic cavity.
The organs found in the pelvic cavity are essential to which medical disciplines?
What is the femur also known as?
The thigh bone.
What is the largest or longest bone in the body?
The femur.
What does the medial side of the proximal extremity of the femur consist of?
A large head that is used to attach the femur to the acetabular of the hip bone.
What is the landmark on the head of the femur?
The fovea capitis.
What is the fovea capitis on the head of the femur?
An indentation that is used for the attachment of a ligament.
What landmark is lateral to the head of the femur?
The greater trochanter, which projects out, away from the bone.
What muscles will attach to the greater trochanter of the femur?
The middle and deep gluteal muscles.
What landmark is found between the greater trochanter and the head of the femur?
A depression that is known as the inter-trochanteric fossa.
What muscles insert into the inter-trochanteric fossa?
It serves for the insertion of the gemeli and the external and internal obturator muscle.
What is the lesser trochanter of the femur?
A projection of bone which is distal to both the greater trochanter and the head.
Which muscle will attach to the lesser trochanter of the femur?
The iliopsoas muscle.
What is the distal extremity of the femur known as?
It is collectively known as the trochlea.
What does the trochlea of the humerus consist of?
A smooth groove which contains ridges on the cranial (anterior) side of the distal end of the femur.
What is the trochlea of the femur responsible for?
For articulating with the patella.
Are the caudal (posterior) and cranial (anterior) aspects of the femur the same?
What are the 2 landmarks of the caudal aspect of the distal end of the femur?
The medial and lateral condyles.
What are the medial and lateral condyles of the femur continuous with?
The trochlea of the femur.
What side of the distal end of the femur is the trochlea found on?
The caudal side.
How can the 2 condyles of the distal end of the femur be orientated?
The medial epicondyle will always be on the same side as the head which is at the proximal end.
What is the landmark that is found between the 2 condyles on the distal end of the femur?
The intercondylar fossa.
What does the intercondylar fossa serve as a point of attachment for?
As a point of attachment for the cruciate ligaments.
What are the 2 features that are found on the medial side of the medial condyle and on the lateral side of the lateral condyle?
The medial and lateral epicondyles.
What do the medial and lateral epicondyles serve as a point of attachment for?
They serve for the attachment of the collateral ligaments of the stifle.
What are the medial and lateral epicondyles?
Slight projections of bone which are above (proximal to) the condyles.
What is on the caudal apect of each condyle of the femur?
A facet that serves as the resting place for a sesamoid bone called the fabella.
Where are the fabella bones found?
Within or on the tendons of origin for the lateral and medial head of the gastrocnemius muscle.
What is proximal to the 2 fabella sesamoid bones in the femur?
2 tuberosities.
What muscles will arise from the 2 tuberosities that are proximal to the 2 fabella sesamoid bones in the femur?
The gastrocmeii muscle.
What are the names of the 2 tuberosities that are proximal to the 2 fabella sesamoid bones in the femur?
The medial supraondylar tuberosity.
The lateral supracondylar tuberosity.
How does the fabella sesamoid affect the tendon of the gastrocmeii muscle?
The fabella will relieve pressure on the tendon that forms the gastrocmeii muscle.
What is found at the proximal extremity of the tibia?
An articular surface that flares out to articulate with the femur and helps to form the knee joint.
What makes up the articular surface of the proximnal end tibia?
2 flat condyles called the medial and lateral condyles.
How do the condyles of the tibia and femur interact with one another?
The 2 condyles on the distal extremity of the femur will interact with the 2 condyles on the proximal extremity of the tibia.
What feature will separate the medial and lateral condyles of the tibia?
The intercondylar eminence.
What is the tibial tuberosity of the tibia?
A small bulge of bone that emerges just distally of the lateral and medial condyles.
What 3 muscles attach to the tibial tuberosity of the tibia?
The quadriceps femoris.
The biceps femoris.
The sartorius muscles.
How is the distal end of the tibia shaped in its transverse section?
It is quadrilateral.
What is the articular surface of the distal end of the tibia known as?
The cochlea.
How is the cochlea of the distal end of the tibia constructed?
It contains 2 grooves that interact the ridges of the proximal trochlear of the tallus.
What feature is at the most medial extrmeity of the cochlea of the tibia?
A pointed area called the medial malleolus.
What is the most lateral part of the cohlea of the tibia responsible for?
It is the point at which the tibia will articulate with the fibula at the fibular notch.
What bone will the fibula articulate with?
The fibula articulates with the tibia and its proximal and distal ends.
What is the proximal end of the fibula known as?
The head.
What is the distal end of the fibula known as?
The lateral malleolus.
What is the middle section of the fibula known as?
The body.
What can be used to orientate the tibia and fibula?
The 2 malleoli.
The lateral malleolus of the fibula will project away from the body.
The medial malleolus of the tibia projects towards the medial plane.
What do the tarsal bones help to form?
The foot and the toes.
How many tarsal bones are there?
7 tarsal bones arranged into 3 rows.
What bones are found in the proximal row of the tarsus?
The calcaneus (medial).
The talus (lateral).
What bones are found in the distal row of the tarsus?
4 bones that are numbered from 1 to 4 in a medial to lateral direction.
How are the 4 bones of the distal row of the tarsus arranged?
The 1st, 2nd and 3rd bones are side by side and the 4th bone interacts with the calacaneus.
Which bone separates the proximal and distal rows of the tarsus?
The central tarsal bone.
What is the largest bone out of the calcaneus or the talus?
The calcaneus.
What is the tuber calcanei of the calcaneus?
The long region at the proximal end of the bone.
What is the point where the calcaneus starts to widen at its distal end known as?
The sustentaculum tali.
What halves is the talus bone of the tarsus divided into?
A proximal half and a distal half.
What is the proximal half of the talus bone known as?
The body and it contains the trochlea that will articulate with the tibia.
What is the distal half of the talus bone known as?
The head and it will articulate with the central tarsal bone.