The Female Reproductive System. Flashcards
What is a germatogenic function?
An organ with this function will produce sex cells.
What is the gonad?
The organ that produces the sex cells.
What 6 organs does the female reproductive system consist of?
The ovaries.
The uterus.
The vagina.
The vestibule.
The vulva.
The clitoris.
The uterus is subdivided into what 2 categories?
The uterine horns.
The uterine body.
What is the female gonad?
The ovary.
How many ovaries are found in the female reproductive system?
2 ovaries.
Where are the ovaries located?
They are found caudal to the kidney, at the tip of each uterine tube.
What shape are the ovaries?
Ellipsoidal, or almond shaped.
Why do the ovaries have an irregular surface?
Due to projections that are known as Graafian follicles.
What is each side of the ovary attached to?
The broad ligament of the uterus.
What is the broad ligament of the uterus responsible for?
For suspending the entire female reproductive organ.
How is the broad ligament named?
It is divided into different sections and the name of each section depends on what organ that section is attached to.
What is the section of the broad ligament that attaches to the ovaries known as?
As the mesovarium.
What is the suspensory ligament?
A second ligament that links the ovary to one of the last 2 ribs.
How is the interior of each ovary constructed?
It is divided into 2 distinct regions which consist of an outer section and an inner section.
What is the outer section of the interior of the ovaries known as?
As the cortex.
What is the inner section of the interior of the ovaries known as?
As the medulla.
Is the cortex or medulla the most dense part of the ovary?
The cortex of the ovary is the most dense part of the ovary.
What membrane covers the cortex of the ovary?
A very thin membranous tissue known as tunica albugenia.
What is found within the interior of the cortex of the ovary?
Multiple follicles which are all in different stages of development.
What is the main function of the cortex of the ovary?
To develop sex cells.
What kind of sex cells are developed by the ovary?
What additional function does the cortex of the ovary have?
An endocrine function as it produces hormones.
What hormones are produced by the cortex of the ovary?
Oestrogen and progesterone.
What is the uterine tube also referred to as?
As the oviduct or the salpinx.
What is the uterine tube?
A tubular organ that extends from the ovary to the uterus.
What is the section of broad ligament that supports the uterine tube known as?
As the mesosalpinx and this structure encloses and suspends the uterine tube.
What is the function of the uterine tube?
The function of the uterine tube is to carry the ovum from the ovaries to the uterine horn.
What major event will take place in the uterine tube?
What are the 3 layers that make up the uterine tube?
The mucosa layer.
The muscular layer.
The outermost serosa layer.
What are the 2 openings that are found in the uterine tube?
The abdominal osteum.
The uterine osteum.
What is the innermost layer of the 3 layers that make up the uterine tube?
The mucosa layer.
What is the function of the mucosa layer of the uterine tube?
It consists of a layer of mucus which is used to protect the ovum when it is travelling along the oviduct.
What is the middle layer of the uterine tube?
The muscular layer.
What is the outermost layer of the uterine tube?
The serosa.
What is the abdominal osteum?
An opening through which the uterine tube can communicate with the abdominal cavity.
What is the uterine osteum?
An opening through which the uterine tube can communicate with the uterine horn.
What are the 3 sections of the uterine tube?
The infundibulum.
The ampulla.
The isthmus.
What section of the uterine tube is the infundibulum?
The section of the uterine tube that is located closest to the ovary.
What structure does the uterine tube resemble?
A cup as its function is to catch the ovum after it is released from the ovary.
What section of the uterine tube is the ampulla?
The widest section of the uterine tube and it extends from the infundibulum to the isthmus.
What section of the uterine tube is the isthmus?
A narrow section of the tube which lies between the ampulla and the uterus.
Where in the body is the uterus located?
In the abdominal cavity at a location that is dorsal to the intestinal loops and ventral to the the rectum.
What are the 3 structures that make up the uterus?
The neck (the cervix).
The body.
The horns.
What is the body of the uterus?
The point where the 2 Y shaped uterine horns come together.
What are the 2 uterine horns responsible for?
For linking the uterus to the ovaries.
The uterine horns are particulalry long in what kind of animals?
In polytocous animals which give birth to many young.
Where in the uterus is the cervix located?
Below the uterine body and above the vagina.
What is the main function of the uterus?
To serve as the point of implantation for the fertilised egg and this is where the embryo will develop.
What are 3 layers that make up the uterus?
The endometrium (inner mucosa).
The myometrium (middle muscularis).
The perimetrium (outermost serosa).
Where in the female reproductive organ is the cervix located?
It lies between the vagina and the body of the uterus. a
Where do the extremities of the cervix project into?
Part of the cervix projects into the vagina.
The other end of the cervix projects into the body of the uterus.
What is the portion of the cervix that enters the body of uterus is called?
The internal osteum.
What is the portion of the cervix that enters the vagina called?
The external osteum.
What divides the cervix from the body of the uterus?
A very narrow lumen or opening which has a very thick wall.
What is the main function of the cervix?
To act as a sphincter.
What region is found in the vaginal portion of the uterus?
A region known as the fornix vagina.
What is the fornix vagina?
A recess which surrounds the vaginal space.
What is the broad ligament of the uterus known as when it attaches to the horns and body of the uterus?
As the mesometrium.
What does the broad ligament of the uterus consist of?
A double fold of peritoneum which suspends the female reproductive organ in the abdominal cavity and in the pelvic cavity.
Where does the vagina extend from and to?
From the uterus to the vulva.
What is the cranial limitation of the uterus?
The fornix.
Where does the vagina end?
Cranially to the urethral opening.
What region is contained within the vagina?
The vestibule.
What is the vestibule of the vagina?
The space that connects the vagina with the external genital opening.
What are the 2 external organs within the femal reproductive system?
The vulva.
The clitoris.
Where is the vulva located?
It lies externally to the vestibule and it consists of dorsal and ventral lips which are known as labia.
What boundary of the vulva is marked by the labia?
The external boundary of the vulva.
The labia are homologous to which region of the male reproductive system?
To the scrotum of the male.
The clitoris is homologous to which region of the male reproductive system?
To the male penis.
What is the clitoris composed of?
A paired root.
A body.
A glans.
The root and body of the clitois are homologous to what part of the male penis?
To the male crus and corpus cavernosa penis (erectile tissue).
The glans clitois is homologous to what part of the male penis?
To the glans penis.