The Revolt of 1857 Flashcards
announced that the next prince on
succession after on Prince Faqiruddin’s death in 1856, would have to renounce the regal title
Lord Canning
passed the General Service Enlistment Act 1856 which decreed that all future recruits to the Bengal Army
Lord Canning
would not be given the foreign service allowance (bhatta
when serving in Sindh or in Punjab.
refused to use the newly
introduced Enfield rifle
The 19th Native Infantry at Berhampur in Feb
the officer-incharge of the magazine at Delhi, offered some resistance
Lieutenant Willoughby
a local villager in Pargana Baraut
Shah Mal
Rulers who did not participate included
Sindhia of Gwalior, the Holkar of Indore, the rulers of
Patiala, Sindh and other Sikh chieftains and the Maharaja of Kashmir.
The Indian War of Independence, 1857
V.D. Savarkar
Eighteen Fifty- Seven
Dr S.N. Sen
felt the Revolt was a last ditch stand of feudalism against commercial capitalism
M.N. Roy
first combined attempt of many classes of people
to challenge a foreign power.
S.B. Chaudhuri
martial’ races of
Punjab, Nepal,
and north-western frontier
in the main a military outbreak, which was taken advantage of by certain discontented princes and landlords, whose interests had been affected by the new political order
Dr K. Datta
The Army Amalgamation Scheme, 1861
moved the
Company’s European troops to the services of the Crown
linked-battalion’ scheme
After 1857 revolt the European troops in India were constantly revamped by periodical visits to England
‘conservative brand of liberalism’, after 1857 revolt as it was called by
General Bakht Khan
Nana Saheb
Begum Hazrat Mahal
Khan Bahadur
Kunwar Singh
Maulvi Ahmadullah
Shah Mal
Lieutenant Willoughby, John Nicholson,
Lieutenant Hudson
Sir Hugh Wheeler, Sir Colin Campbell
Henry Lawrence, Brigadier Inglis, Henry Havelock, James Outram, Sir Colin Campbell
Sir Hugh Rose
Colonel James Neill
“Not an organised ‘national’ revolt
R.C. Majumdar and S.N. Sen
Neither first, nor National War of Independence
R.C. Majumdar
Elitist in character”
Eric Stokes
Mere sepoy mutiny
Lawrence and Seeley
A conflict between civilisation and barbarism
T.R. Holmes
“A Mohammedan conspiracy making capital of
Hindu grievances
James Outram
Three phases of the revolt
Percival Spear