Development of Education Flashcards
The Calcutta Madrasah was established by in 1781
Warren Hastings
The Sanskrit College was established by the resident, Benaras in 1791 for study of Hindu law and philosophy.
Jonathan Duncan,
Fort William College was set up by in
1800 for training of civil servants of the Company in
languages and customs of Indians
The Act directed the Company to sanction one lakh rupees annually for encouraging learned Indians and promoting knowledge of modern sciences in the country
Charter Act of 1813
Anglicists argued that the government spending on education should be .
exclusively for modern studies
Orientalists said
emphasis should be placed on expansion of traditional Indian learning along with modern sciences
‘downward filtration theory’.
Lord Macaulay’s Minute
Lord Macaulay’s Minute (1835)
favour of Anglicists
made English as the medium of instruction in its schools and colleges
neglecting mass education
Indian in blood and colour but English in tastes, in opinions, in morals and in intellect”
Lord Macaulay’s Minute (1835)
developed a comprehensive scheme of village education through the medium of vernacular languages
James Thomson, lieutenant-governor of NW Provinces
Magna Carta of English Education in India”
Wood’s Despatch
Wood’s Despatch
education of the masses,
systematised the hierarchy from vernacular primary
schools in villages at bottom, followed by Anglo-Vernacular High Schools and an affiliated college at the district level, and affiliating universities in the presidency towns of Calcutta, Bombay and Madras
recommended English as the medium of instruction
for higher studies and vernaculars at school level.
stress on female and vocational education, and
on teachers’ training
education imparted in government institutions should be secular
in-aid to encourage private enterprise.
was the first fruit of a powerful movement
for education of women which arose in 1840s and 1850s.
The Bethune School founded by J.E.D. Bethune at Calcutta (1849)
mostly confined its recommendations to
primary and secondary education.
The Hunter Commission
Hunter Education Commission (1882-83)
primary education should be imparted through vernacular.
transfer of control of primary education to newly set up district and municipal boards
secondary (High School) education should have two divisions literary and vocational
In 1902, was set up to go into
conditions and prospects of universities in India
Raleigh Commission
Gokhale called it a “retrograde measure”
Indian Universities Act,
Indian Universities Act, 1904
universities were to give more attention to study
and research
the number of fellows of a university and their
period in office were reduced
most fellows were to be nominated by the Government
Government was to have powers to veto
conditions were to be made stricter for affiliation
of private colleges
five lakh rupees were to be sanctioned per annum
for five years for improvement of higher education
and universities
In 1906, the progressive state of introduced
compulsory primary education throughout its territories
made a powerful advocacy for compulsory primary education in the Legislative Assembly
1913 Resolution on Education Policy
refused to take up the responsibility of compulsory
accepted the policy of removal of illiteracy and urged provincial governments
Private efforts were to be encouraged
university, was to be established in each province
The commission was set up to study and report on problems of Calcutta University
Saddler University Commission
Saddler University Commission
School course should cover 12 years
Students should enter university after an intermediate stage
A separate board of secondary and intermediate education
A university should function as centralised, unitary
residential-teaching autonomous body
Hartog Committee 1929
there need be no hasty expansion or compulsion in education
while average students should be diverted to vocational courses after VIII standard.
improvements in standards of university education, admissions should be restricted.
Sergeant Plan of Education
pre-primary education for 3-6 years age group; free,
universal and compulsory elementary education for
6-11 years age group;
university course of 3 years after higher secondary high schools to be of two types: (i) academic and
(ii) technical and vocational.
abolition of intermediate course.
liquidation of adult illiteracy in 20 year
education for the physically and mentally handicapped
abolition of intermediate course.
Sergeant Plan of Education
The objective was to create within 40 years, the same
level of educational attainment as prevailed in England.
Sergeant Plan of Education
reports on vernacular education in Bengal and Bihar pointed out defects in the system of vernacular education by
william Addam
presented a gloomy picture
of primary education
Hartog Committee
did much to broaden the whole basis of professional courses—
Lord Curzon
established an agriculture college at Pusa which
Lord Curzon