Peasant Movements 1857-1947 Flashcards
Indigo Revolt (1859-60) leaders
Digambar Biswas and Bishnu Biswas of Nadia district
Pabna agrarian crisis reason
oppressive practices of the zamindars.
beyond legal limits and prevented the tenants from acquiring occupancy rights under Act X of 1859
The main form of struggle was that
of legal resistance; there was very little violence
Pabna agrarian crisis
Deccan Riots reason
heavy taxation under the Ryotwari system and moneylenders exploitation’
crash in cotton prices after the end of the American Civil War in 1864,
Government’s decision to raise the land revenue by 50% in 1867
In 1867 ryots against the “outsider” moneylenders’; social boycott was feature of
Deccan Riots
The United Provinces Kisan Sabha was set up in February 1918
by Gauri Shankar Mishra and Indra Narayan Dwivedi
prominent leaders of The United Provinces Kisan Sabha included
Jhinguri Singh, Durgapal Singh and Baba Ramchandra
asked the kisans to refuse to till bedakhali land, not to offer hari and begar (forms of unpaid labour),
Awadh Kisan Sabha
Issues in Eka Movement
i) high rents—50 per cent higher than the recorded
(ii) oppression of thikadars in charge of revenue
collection; and
(iii) practice of share-rents.
Eka Movement leaders
Madari Pasi and other low-caste leaders, and many
small zamindars
Mappila Revolt reason
lack of security of tenure, high rents, renewal fees and other oppressive exactions
Ali Musaliar associated with
Mapilla Movement
Bardoli Satyagraha reason
The movement sparked off in January 1926
when the authorities decided to increase the land revenue by 30 per cent.
Bardoli Satyagraha reason
The movement sparked off in January 1926
when the authorities decided to increase the land revenue by 30 per cent.
Patel set up 13 chhavanis or workers’ camps in the taluqa
Bardoli Satyagraha
K.M. Munshi and Lalji Naranji resigned from the Bombay Legislative Council in support of the movement.
Bardoli Satyagraha
The All India Kisan Congress/Sabha founded in Lucknow in April 1936 with
Swami Sahjanand Saraswati as the president and N.G. Ranga as the general secretary
kisan manifesto was issued and a periodical under Indulal Yagnik started associated with
The All India Kisan Congress/Sabha
The AIKS and the Congress held their sessions in
Faizpur in 1936
Many “Karshak Sanghams” (peasants’ organisations) came into existence in
The most popular method was the marching of jaths or peasants groups to the landlords to get their demands accepted happened in
had set up, in 1933, the India Peasants’ Institute
N.G. Ranga
The Provincial Kisan Sabha developed a rift with the Congress over the ‘bakasht land. This happened in
In 1935, the adopted the anti-zamindari slogan
Provincial Kisan Conference
Bakasht land in bihar
land which was cultivated by tenants having no occupancy right
The earlier peasant mobilisation here had been organised by
the Punjab Naujawan Bharat Sabha,
A new direction to the peasant movement in punjab
was given by
the Punjab Kisan Committee in 1937
“nij khamare dhan tolo”— associated with
Tebhaga movement
bargardars, the share-croppers also known as
bagchasi or adhyar,
The bargardars worked on lands rented from the
Te Bhaga movement characteristics
The storm centre of the movement was north Bengal,
principally among Rajbanshis—a low caste of tribal origin.
Muslims also participated in large numbers
(vethi) meaning
forced labour
Vethi feature in
Telangana movement
doras meaning