The Relationship Between Victimization and Offending & Ch. 9 Flashcards
What have the majority of criminalized women experienced?
- Negative and traumatizing experiences
-Experienced poverty, classism, racism, and sexism
-Previously been victimized or targets of violence
How are violent women seen?
gender deviant: aggression equated with masculinity, interpret women’s violent behaviour as bad, mad, victim
What are the two common experiences of female offenders?
sexual abuse and incest, multiple types of abuse and neglect during childhood
How many federally sentenced women have a history of physical abuse?
How many federally sentenced women have a history of sexual abuse?
How many incarcerated Indigenous women have a history of sexual abuse
What are criminogenic factors?
dynamic, static
What is the recidivism rate like for women?
women have lower rates, higher for Indigenous women than non-Indigenous women
Who is not allowed to be a victim?
homeless, sexworkers, Indigenous people
Are they victims?
No, targets bc of their identity, social position, standing, etc
victim makes it appear as natural
What is the cycle of offending?
targets of violence > child / adult abuse & neglect > societal abuse & neglect > offending > targets of violence > offending > (repeat)
How do social structures affect violence against women?
facilitate and allow it to go unpunished, staff are insensitive to cultural concerns, staff are racist and sexist
What is the purpose of criminal behaviour?
to not be dependent on anyone or system, hard to trust when you’ve been wronged
What are childhood physical assault rates for boys and girls?
the same, sexual assault is higher for girls
How does substance use relate to the victimization and offending?
connected to childhood abuse or neglect, repeat the cycle, lack mature characteristics (trusting, healthy partnerships, stress management), connected to adult abuse
Who perpetuates physical and sexual abuse against women?
partners, typically male
How does job stability affect violence against women?
women with male partners who suffer from job instability are 3x more likely to experience IPV
Why do women offend?
make ends meet, feed children
What is the issue with the current analysis of violence against women?
focus on women staying with abusive partners not why men abuse
Why do men abuse? Why do women stay in abusive relationships?
observe it as a masculine trait, familial patriarchy, women see violence against mothers and think its normal, leaving can increase violence