The Reformation Flashcards
What happens to the church?
Secular thinking and focus on humanism challenged and ended the dominance of the church during the Renaissance, and the Reformation split the unity of the church
What was the reformation the end of?
The end of religious unity in Western Europe
What were some church abuses?
Caught up in worldly affairs
Lavish lives, worldly lives, became patrons of the arts
Clery sold indulgences (in order to pay for building of new cathedrals)
Who triggered the catalyst of change?
Martin Luther stood up against the actions of Tetzel in Wittenberg, who was selling indulgences, and posted the 95 Theses on the door of Wittenberg’s All Saints Church
What helped spread Luther’s ideas?
The printing press
Luther’s teachings:
1) salvation=justification; the only way to get to heaven is through faith and belief in god through the bible
2) everyone should be able to read the Bible
3) everyone can read and interpret the Bible for themselves (priesthood of believers)
4) the Invisible Church- the church that is in the hearts and minds of the believers
5) allowed the clergy to marry
When an idea is only accepted if it is stated in the Bible, if it’s not, it is rejected (ex. Purgatory)
Luther’s supporters became known as what?
Protestants- because they were protesting the church’s abuses
What happened during the Diet of Worms
Luther was called to the city of Worms and told to recant his reforms or he would be prosecuted; he refused and was sent to exile for heresy
The Peace of Augsburg
Charles V and Lutheran princes signed an agreement called the peace of Augsburg in 1555 which allowed each prince to decide which religion would be followed in his lands
Most northern German states: Lutheranism
Most southern German states: catholic
Who was john Calvin and what did he preach?
Rom Geneva; Switzerland reformation
Preached predestination
Calvinists were serious people; no room for fun, all hard work. They were driven, focused and educated.
Important to them to read and write, to understand the bible and educate future ministers
Opened colleges
How did the Catholic Church respond to the reformations and protests?
They started a reform of their own
How did the England end up having a separate religion from the traditional church?
King Henry VIII wanted a son so he married, divorced and killed numerous wives to get an heir
In order to divorce, he separated from the church and made divorce legal by church terms. This happened by way of the Act of Supremacy, passed in 1534
The catholic reformation aka…what?
The counter reformation.. Countering the Protestants
What is the council of Trent?
Called to address the church problems:
Met on and off for 20 years
What reforms did the council of Trent enforce?
Got rid of simony of church offices, and sale of indulgences
Abolished nepotism
Reaffirmed that salvation comes through faith and good works
Said the bible was the most important source, but not the only source (the pope, priests and other people could also interpret it)
When a family member is favored over someone else in the work place or other social environment
What is the Inquisition?
A church court that used secret testimony, torture, and execution to root out heresy
Forbade Catholics to read certain books: Index of Forbidden books
Meaning of Jesuit
Society of Jesus
Who founded the Jesuits
Ignatius of Loyola
What was the main job of the Jesuits
They helped catholic rulers combat heresy and helped to establish schools and education
Matin Luther posted his 95 Theses
The council of Trent met for the first time
King Henry 5 broke from the Roman Catholic Church