Age Of Reason Flashcards
Rules discoverable by reason that govern scientific forces like gravity and magnetism
Natural laws
Argued that people were naturally cruel, greedy, and selfish
Advocate for a strong government, absolute monarchy
Believed in a social contract: an agreement where people gave up their freedom for an organized society
Wrote during the English civil war
Advocated for natural rights: rights that all humans had to life, liberty, and property
Government by consent of the governed
Restricted absolute monarchy
Said people could overthrow the government if the gov was unsatisfactory
Wrote during 1689 when the English Bill of Rights was being signed
French word for philosopher
What said, “Dare to know! Have the courage to use your own intelligence.”
Immanuel Kant (German philosopher)
Political philosopher
Wrote “ The spirit of the Laws”
Maintained that the government should separate the powers into legislative, executive, and judicial
have checks and balances
Fought religious prejudice, ignorance, corruption, and superstition
Who said, “I do not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”
Wrote the Encyclopedia
Contained new thoughts on liberty and reason
Challenged the authorities and tradition
Promoted the social contract
No government regulation of economy
Laissez faire
Adam smith
Economic philosopher
Believed in natural laws
Wrote “the Wealth of Nations”
3 natural laws about economy
1) law of supply and demand
2) law of competition
3) law of self-interest
Informal social gatherings where writers, artists, and philosophers exchanged ideas
Grand ornate style in art, architecture, and music
Light, elegant, and charming; said to encourage the imagination
A way of thinking that was free from prejudice happens during this time
The enlightenment