FINAL Review Flashcards
One of his greatest paintings was the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in Rome -depicted figures from the Bible and showed Renaissances optimism which celebrated the glory of humanity
Sculpture of David- shows realistic style of the time
Wrote a guide for rulers on how to gain and maintain power -The Prince
Urged rulers to use whatever methods necessary to achieve their goals
He was amoral but realistic
“The end justifies the means”
“Might makes right”
Intellectual movement that believed education should stimulate the individual’s creative powers
Emphasized the individual
The language or dialect spoken by the ordinary people in a particular country or region
The Renaissance
Began in Italy
Time of rebirth (of Greek and roman influence)
People were well rounded
The individual person was emphasized
The arts were commissioned by wealthy merchants
Italian writer
Wrote Divine Comedy
Scientific Revolution
Time when people questioned and challenged authority of the Church especially and focused on facts and evidence, not faith
Instrument used to determine the altitude of the sun or other celestial bodies
Heliocentric theory
The sun is at the center of the universe
Geocentric theory
Theory that the earth is at the center of the universe
Proposed heliocentric theory through calculations and study
Published “On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres”
Wrote “Heresies”
Supported Copernicus’ heliocentric theory with his telescopic observations
Discoveries caused an uproar and the Church condemned him
Martin Luther
Monk and professor of theology
Posted the 95 theses
Began the Protestant reformation
And began a new religion- Protestant
Things the Church sold to people as a way of “forgiving” their sins
Lessened the time a soul would have to spend in purgatory
Church took the money and put it into building grand new churches and things
95 Theses
Posted by Martin Luther on the doors of Wittenberg’s All Saints Church
Protested the indulgences
Diet of Worms
Meeting Luther was called to in the city of Worms to face charges against him
He was asked to recant his reforms, he refused, was excommunicated and exiled
John Calvin
Believed in predestination: the idea that long ago god had decided who was being saved or going to hell
From Geneva
Calvinists were serious people who had no room for fun; worked hard and believed it was important to read and write in order to understand the Bible
Peace of Augsburg
Agreement that allowed each prince to decide which religion would be allowed in his lands
Henry VIII
Wanted an annulment for his marriage because his wife couldn’t bear a son
Needed up splitting with the Church and getting a divorce
Tudor dynasty
16th century
Anne Boleyn
Henry VIII second wife
Mother of Elizabeth who would one day be Queen of England
Queen Elizabeth I
Slowly enforced a series of reforms Compromises between Protestants and Catholics which satisfied both Long reign Used skills to restore England Firmly Protestant
Philip II
King of Spain in late 16th century
Expanded Spanish influence, strengthened the Catholic Church, gave himself absolute power
Believed his power came from God
Devoutly catholic
Defended the catholic reformation
Ordered the Spanish Armada against England which failed
The Spanish Armada
Fleet that’s goal was to invade England because was against Queen Elisabeth, who was firmly Protestant
Failed because got trapped in the English Channel and the smaller faster English boats destroyed them
French Protestants
Cardinal Richelieu
Chief minister of France appointed in 1624
Ruled in the name of young Louis XIII
Strengthened central government
Destroyed Huguenot power but allowed them to keep their religion
Thirty Years War
Series of wars lasting 30 years within the Holy Roman Empire (which was a lost alliance of hundreds of separate states) Religion divided them Hired mercenaries Terrible loss of life HRE became even more fragmented
Council of Trent
Called in 1545 by the pope and started the Catholic Reformation
Abolished nepotism (when a family member is favored over someone else in the work place)
Got rid of simony (sale) of church office
Got ride of selling indulgences
Declared that salvation came through faith and good works
Said the bible was not the only source, but the most important one
Church of England
Dissenters in England who were a group that sought to purify the Church of England
King James Version of the Bible
Translated the bible from Latin into English
English Civil war
From 1642 to 1651
Cavaliers (supporters of Charles I) vs Roundheads (parliaments forces)
Roundheads lead by. Oliver Cromwell
Cromwell led the to victory
Nobility who followed Charles I
Gentry (middle class) who followed Parliament and Cromwell
Oliver Cromwell
Brilliant General for the. Roundheads
Founded the Commonwealth after he won the war
The Restoration
After the commonwealth, parliament invited Charles II to return from exile and restored a monarch to the throne
Charles II headed parliament
William and Mary
Invited to sit on the throne of England after the Glorious revolution and parliament had them sign the English bill of rights
Glorious Revolution
The peaceful overthrow of King James who fled
Bloodless revolution
Stuart dynasty
James I
Charles I
Charles II
James II
Whigs and Tories
Political parties that emerged in England after the English. Bill of Rights was signed
English Bill of Rights
Ensured the superiority of Parliament over the monarchy
Limited the power of the monarch
Constitutional monarchy
Monarchy controlled by parliament
Habeas corpus
Principle of law that states that you must have evidence to make a conviction , must have due cause
John Locke
Advocated natural rights
Right to life liberty and property
Rejected absolute monarchy
Said people had a right to overthrow the government if it was unsatisfactory
Age of exploration :Prince Henry of Portugal
Sponsored exploration
The search for spices and a quick trade route to Asia
Treaty of Tordesillas
Pope set up a Line of Demarcation that divided the non European world into two zones
Portugal had trading and exploring rights east of the line
Spain had the same rights west of it
Vasco de Gama
Lead four ships around the cape of Good Hope
Reached spice port of Calicut
Opened up spice trade with Asia
Portugal confirmed as a world power
Rounded the tip of Africa first
Cape of Good Hope
Stopped their and turned around
Sailed west to reach the east
Didn’t know that there was a continent in his way
Underestimated the size of the globe
Johan Guttenburg
Invented the very influential and needed printing press
Louis XIV (bourbon dynasty)
Took the French throne basically after Cardinal Richelieu
Had total absolute power
Sun was the symbol of his power
Didn’t call the Estates General
“L’etat, c’est moi”
Said by King Louis XIV
Versailles estates general
Versailles was the symbol of the French King powers
Estates General not called for 175 years
the acceptance of or belief in absolute principles in political, philosophical, ethical, or theological matters.
Policy where government regulated economy
Peter the Great
Modernized Russia
Policy of westernization
Become an autocrat (ruled with unlimited authority)
Built st Petersburg
St. Petersburg
Window to the west
Port accessible 8 out of 12 months of the year
new capital
Westernization of Russia
Forced the boyars into submission
Made them cut their beards
Adopted mercantilist policies
Brought back western ideas, technology and culture
Romanov dynasty
Pete the great belonged to it
Eastern Orthodox religion
Religion of Russia
Cyrillic alphabet
Russian alphabet
Hohenzollern dynasty
Frederick the Great
King of Prussia
After gaining the throne started a the War or Austrian Succession
Earned him the name Frederick the great
Prussian army
Excellent army
Partition of Poland
Russia , Austria, and Prussia all wanted Poland which had no natural boundaries so was open to attack
Each got a piece until Poland disappeared from the map
Maria Theresa of Austria
Hapsburg Dynasty
Age of reason (Enlightenment)
A way of thinking that was free from prejudice
French word for philosopher
Groups of influential thinkers
Defended freedom of thought
“I do not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it”
Fought prejudice ignorance corruption and superstition
Promoted the social contract
Beloved in natural innocence corrupted by the evils of society
French Revolution
Triggered by dissection among the people, deficits spending, wars, and income inequality
Estates general
Had not been called in France for 175
Louis XVI called it in 1789
Started the French Revolution
First estate
Second estate
Third estate
Majority of population
Regular people
National Assembly
Made up of the third estate Tennis court oath Wrote a Declaration of the Rights of Man Took over the lands of the Catholic Church and sold them Started to write a constitution
Medieval fortress in Paris that was attacked by the Parisians
July 14
Bastille day
Reign of Terror
Led by Robespierre
Guillotine was the symbol of horror
Killed people without trial
Shrewd and dedicated to rebellion
Leader of the National Convention during the Reign of terror
Liberty fraternity equality
Slogan of the French Revolution
Declaration of the rights of Man
Written by the. National Assembly
Upheld natural rights
All men equal before the law
Freedom of religion
Took power in France and became military leader and leader of France
Brilliant general
Battle of Trafalgar
1805 naval battle between French and English
Horatio Nelson commander for English
Beat the French
Showed that the English could stop an invasion
Battle of Waterloo
Napoleons final defeat
Crushed by duke of Wellington
Coup d’etat
An overthrow of a government usually by the military
Rosetta Stone
Found by Napoleon during his rule and held the key to unlocking the Egyptian hieroglyphics
Able was I ere I saw Elba
Napoleons code
Code of laws made by Napoleon
Embodied enlightenment ideas such as equality of citizens before the law, religious toleration, and the abolition of feudalism
Prince Metternich
Was conservative
Wanted to turn back to absolute monarchy
Congress of Vienna
European states met after Napoleons exile to restore Europe after years of war
Ready to do anything for change
Agricultural revolution
Improved quality and quantity of farm products
More food equaled bigger population as fewer people died from starvation
Crop rotation
Three fields
2 out of 3 are used and it switches every year
To restore the soil
Enclosure movement
The process of taking over and consolidating land formerly shared by peasant farmers
Forced many small farmers to go to the cities
Steam power
Opened the door to operating machinery and locomotives and steamships
Components of an Industrial revolution
Work force Money Waterways Stable government Entrepreneurs New inventions Etc,
Country’s trade controlled by private owners for profit rather than by the state
Adam smith
First introduced Laissez faire economics
Karl Marx
Wrote the Communism Manifesto
Predicts the rise of communism
Class struggle between the proletariat and bourgeoisie
“Workers of the world unite you have nothing to lose but your chains
“From each according to his means, to each according to his needs
Rule by a dictator where society is equal
Après moi, le deluge
Said by a French King