Chapter 4 Sections 1-3 Flashcards
Charles the great great effort to unify kingdom great ruler 46 year reign conquered lands was Christian
mostly farmers + herders no written language no customs, law, cities, education, trade, money small population small kingdoms
Germanic tribes
another name for Charlemagne
emperor of the Romans
Charlemagne’s administrators/officials/ agents who checked in roads, listened to grievances, and saw justice be done
missi Dominici
men of the north, Norseman, Norman
expert sailors from Scandinavian countries
modern day terrorists
tribe that settled in Hungary in cerca 900
overran Eastern Europe towards Italy but we’re eventually pushed back after 50 years
law and tradition in which the first son if the family inherited everything as a way to keep land holdings intact
a substitute for government in which a loss let organized system of rule had powerful lords dividing their landholdings among lesser lords and basis for everything is land
a parcel of land
person of high power who had several vassals
lesser lords who pledged service and loyalty to the greater lord
a code of conduct in which knights were supposed to be brave loyal and true to their word
economic system based in the manor
peasants who lives on the manor and were bound to the land
system where two out if three fields were planted while the third was fallow. it rotated every year to preserve the nutrients in the soil
three field system
the isolated, cloistered place where monks lived
rule for holy people where they took vows of chastity obedience and poverty and divided their day into work pray and study
Benedictine Rule
church law
canon law
worldly, having nothing to do with religion
to pillage sack or loot
fall of the Roman Empire
defense into chaos and anarchy
developed feudalism
the only thing that survived the fall was Christianity
Western Europe
duke, earl, count
titles of nobility
friars founded by St Francis of Assisi
Franciscan friars
important order of nuns
Dominican nuns
three types of nun orders
poor Clare’s , Dominican nuns, beguines