Midterm Vocabulary Flashcards
The Muslim house of worship
Five Pillars of Islam
Make a declaration of faith
Pray 5 times a day
Give charity (alms) to the poor
Fast from sunrise to sunset during the holy month of Ramadan
Make a hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca) if able
The spreading of the Islamic religion, sometimes forcefully
A type of painting that was done on wet, moist plaster
In ancient Greece these were often found, especially in the palace at Knossos, and offer insight into culture and daily life
The art of skillful meaning and public speaking
When people choose their representatives
Members of the nobility/upper-class Served in Rome's senate
The middle class of the early Roman republic, who made up most the population, and included farmers, merchants, and artisans They had rights of citizenship but little influence They did gain the right to elect their own officials, called tribunes, to protect their interests. The tribunes could veto laws
Bridge like stone structures that carried water from the hills to Roman cities
In the Roman and Byzantine Empire, the highest church official in a major city
Greek foot soldier
Economy based entirely on trading- there is no money
Barter economy
A new method of fighting in Sparta which involved a massive tactical formation of heavily armed foot soldiers with shared training that created a strong sense of unity among citizen-soldiers and reduced the class difference
One who uses very few words
Derived from a region located on the lower part of the Peloponnesus inland from the coast
A society where the government has total control over every person and thing
The society of Sparta
Totalitarian (society)
Government by the people
Used in Athens
By people it meant adult male citizens
Spartan slaves that farmed
Harsh punishment or very harsh laws
Named after a man named Draco
A Greek version of city states, made up of a major city or town and it’s surrounding countryside
a city built on two levels
- The acropolis which stood on a hill
-flatter ground below where the main city was located
To be austere, frugal, or plain
A way of organizing laws
A word meaning three men ruling together
Pompey, Crassus, and Caesar formed the alliance
Crassus brought wealth
Pompey brought soldiers and prestige
Caesar brought influence over the common people
The day Caesar was murdered
The Ides of March
March 13, 44 BC
A period of Roman Peace lasting 200 years, starting with the reign of a Augustus and ending with the reign of Marcus Aurelius
27-227 AD
Pax Romana
A calendar created by Caesar that was based on the Egyptian’s calendar
Julian calendar
Migrating nomads that came down from modern day Germany (mostly) and attacked Rome
Entered Roman territory and some even attacked Rome directly
Eventually took over the region
Had primitive societies
Germanic tribes
A new set of laws that preserved ancient Roman laws put into place in the Byzantine Empire during the reign of Justinian
A sum of the revised, collected, and organized laws of ancient Rome
Justinian’s Code
Stands for Holy Wisdom
A church rebuilt by Justinian
Incredible architecture using domes, arches, and vaults as well as other exemplary engineering
Later, Muslims added minarets to it and made it a mosque
Hagia Sophia
Church law ; governed life with its own courts (medieval church)
Canon law
Rules created by St. Benedict to regulate monastic life
Monks or nuns took three vows of obedience, poverty, and chastity
they divided their days and to worship, work, and study
they cleared the land and experimented crops; their work lead to better agricultural technology, which improved the farming economy of the Middle Ages
Benedictine Rule
The sacred text of Islam
Arabic legend that this woman created the stories of 1001 Arabian Nights to keep herself alive
One who attacks cherished beliefs or institutions
A destroyer of religious images
An estate granted to a vassal by a lord
Lesser lord who pledged service and loyalty to the greater lord
Provided the greater lord with armies in return for fiefs
An economic system based on the manor (and mutual obligations)
Peasants who lived on the manor and were bound to the land
When the power is in the hands of many people and there’s not a direct one power
A code of conduct in which knights were expected to be brave, loyal, and true to their word
They fought fairly
They never fought an unarmed man
There was never two against one
they never hit a man when he was down
they never hit below the belt
Chivalry provided a standard for knights to live up to
Census taken in 1086 by William the Conqueror of England region
How to build an efficient tax system
Domesday Book
Having to do with the church
A legal system based on customs and court rulings based on precedent and previous rulings which apply to all of England
Created by Henry II
Was the early jury system and laid the foundation for the English legal system
Common law
Decisions based on those that came before
A belief or teaching contrary to popular church doctrines
Romanesque vs Gothic architecture
Romanesque: solid stone churches, looked like fortresses with thick walls and towers, the roofs were barrel vaults and heavy, no windows, interior dark and gloomy
Gothic: flying buttresses, higher thinner walls, large Stainglass windows, graceful spires, tall windows, tall and elegant, gargoyles, vaulted ceilings
Questioning or harsh investigation
Vernacular literature
Vernacular – every day languages such as French, German, and Italian
Dante’s “Divine Comedy”
Chaucer’s “Canterbury Tales”
Financial assets or the financial value of the assets
The illegal action of lending money at unreasonably high rates of interest
Jews did this and were prosecuted for it during medieval revival
Based on a random chance or whim, rather then any reason or system
Loosely organized system of rule in which powerful local lords divided their landholdings among lesser lords
The whole system was based on land
Languages based off of Latin
French Spanish Romanian Portuguese Italian
Romance languages