Midterm: Important People Flashcards
essence of Greek thought
always asking questions (curious)
Socratic method (discussion)
know of him through writings (The Dialogues) of Plato, his student
considered to be a troublemaker; arrested
given poison hemlock from bark of the hemlock tree
distrust in democracy
book “the republic”
society- workers, soldiers, philosophers
leader needed to be thoughtful, synthesizing, and wise
alternate universe where everything was in it’s perfect form
devoted to knowledge and facts
wrote many books about everything
school: Lyceum
Father of History book about the Persian Wars cast a critical eye on his sources importance if research historie means inquiry
Pythagorean theorem
studied causes for illness and looked for clues father of medicine set ethical standard for doctors Hippocrates oath medical symbol- caduceus
The leader of Athens during the construction of the Parthenon
He reigned during the Golden age of Athens, and was a very wise and skillful leader, who made the economy thrive and the government become more democratic
He also had a part in turning Athens into a cultural center of Greece
Leader of Sparta; a word was named after him-draconian meaning very harsh laws or harsh punishment
Son of Philip II of Thebes
put on the throne at age 20
Experienced and ambitious
Created an empire from Egypt to India (about 2000 miles)
Age 32 became sick with a fever and died after saying that the Empire should go “to the strongest”
His most lasting achievement is the spreading of Greek culture
Alexander the Great
Ambitious military leader
Conquered many lands and the Roman leaders were fearful of his power
Defied the senate and led a civil war against them and won
Made new good reforms
Enemies plotted against his and murdered him
Julius Caesar
Military leader who based strategies off of geography and knowing the military leaders weaknesses
Clever, bold, ambitious
Won multiple victories but lost eventually
Originally named Octavian Caesars grandnephew Was given absolute power Ruled until 14 AD when the republic ended Built a stable government -created the census – a population count - created the Postal Service named a successor after he died
The Emperor of the Byzantine Empire from 527 to 565 and unified his empire
Was called the heir to the Roman Empire because:
-he had absolute power (autocrat – was the head of church and government)
-he revised the code of law, which was called Justinian’s Code (preserved the ancient laws of Rome)
-he wanted to reconquer lands of the old Roman empire
-He was a great builder (built the Hagia Sophia, with domes, arches, vaults, and exemplary engineering)
Justinian the Great
Justinian’s wife
Had great influence on him
She was a shrewd politician; was smart, thoughtful, resolute, and strong
A legislative body that was set up in 1302 by the French to represent all the social classes, but never gained power
the Estates General
His name means “Charles the great”
Briefly united the western empire
Had a 46 year reign
Was crowned Emperor of the Romans in 800 A.D. on Christmas Day
Spread Christianity and united the Christian community which became known as Christendom
Used officials called “missi dominici” check on the roads, listen to grievances, and see that justice was done in his empire
Also regarded education as another way to unify his kingdom
Became king of England on Christmas Day in 1066
Originally from Normandy on the northern coast of France
Over the next 300 hundred years he started the blending of Norman-French and Anglo-Saxon customs, languages, and traditions
He centralize the government and power by having the lords of fiefs swear loyalty to him
Had a census taken in 1086 which was called the Domesday Book and helped build an efficient tax system
William the Conqueror
Famous theologian
Wrote the Summa Theologica, which concluded that faith and reason exist in harmony and also proved the existence of God
Scholasticism – a belief that uses reason to support faith
Thomas Aquinas
Brought the Catholic religion to Ireland
St. Patrick