the origins of conflict 1450-59 Flashcards
what was the faction between York and Somerset?
- as henry’s closest relative, York believed he would become the king’s chief adviser, his exclusion became a source of resentment
- Somerset replaced York as the king’s military commander in France while York was sidelined to Ireland
what was the faction between Percy’s and Neville’s?
-in 1452, William Percy was made Bishop of Carlisle, a title long held by the Neville’s.
- both sides clashed at Stamford bridge in 1454, resulting in hundreds dead.
why did Henry VI take over the government?
- Henry took over the government in 1437 after being heavily influenced by the Duke of Suffolk and Somerset . this led to tensions and instability which Henry could not control
what happened in 1453
- Henry suffered from a mental breakdown, going into a catatonic state.
what happened to Henry’s uncle?
-in 1447, the Duke of Gloucester, was brought down by his rival, cardinal Henry Beaufort, who accused him of treason
- Henry did nothing to help his uncle, causing instability/unpopularity for Henry
what was the naval report?
- in 1446, Jhon Capgrave reported naval and coastal security neglected
- this led people to criticize Henry for his lack of ability to provide protection and peace
why was the Duke of Suffolk seen as the “evil councilor”?
- corrupt leader who took advantage of Henry’s weaknesses
-favored his own men and wasted the king’s money on gifts and land
-took the law into his own hands to protect friends from execution
how did Britain loose Normandy?
-1449 Henry restarts war with France after following Suffolk’s advice of capturing the town of forgoes
-Charles VII of France declares war, sending 3 armies into Normandy
-1450, Henry try’s to recover by sending British troops to receive Somerset’s army but the troops got overwhelmed before it got to Cain. Somerset surrendered the town so he could escape
- by 1451 Normandy and Gascony lost to the French
what were the consequences of the loss of Normandy?
-slumps in trade because merchants could no longer easily trade with French towns
-troops were left in French towns in danger, others weren’t getting paid or fed.
what was the treaty of tours?
- the treaty of tours was signed in 1444, stopping war between Britain and France.
- it was seen as Henry’s “Greatest achievement” while king
- Henry had to marry Margret of Anjou
what were the reasons for Cades Rebellion?
- fear of revenge
-corrupt advisers
-Henry VI
what was cades Rebellion?
-started 2nd may 1450, when the Duke of Suffolk died
- on the 11th June rebels camped on black heath, the kings advisers sent negotiations but this failed.
-15th June the rebels de-camped after the lords took it into their own hands
-by 25th June Henry and other Lords had fled London
-29th June the rebels returned to black heath, joining with men from Sussex and surrey
-1st/2nd July rebels crossed the bridge, execution of Lord Saye and William Crowner
why did cades rebellion end?
-5th July 1450, Londoners started to turn against cade because of poor conditions/ behaviors
- Cade fled from London
-by the 12th July, Rebels disband, having been given pardon Queen Margret.
- cade is executed