The muscles of facial expression Flashcards
Where are the muscles of facial expression developed from?
The mesoderm of the 2nd pharyngeal arch
What are the muscles of facial expression supplied by?
The nerve of the 2nd arch - Facial nerve[motor supply]
Muscles are differentiated functionally to form…
groups around the orifices
There is … on the face
NO deep fascia
What is the function of the sphincters and dilators?
The sphincters and dilators enable us to move our skin and change our facial expression
Constrictors and sphincters diminish the volume of spaces or the area of structures, and dilators increase them
Name the muscle that is found around the scalp.
Name the muscles found around the nose.
• Procerus • Nasalis • Depressor septi • Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi
Name the muscles found around the eye.
- Orbicularis oculi
- Levator palpebrae superioris
- Corrugator supercilii
Name the muscles found around the auricle.
Auricularis anterior
• Auricularis superior
• Auricularis posterior
Name the muscles found around the mouth.
- Orbicularis oris
* Buccinator
Upper group muscles around the mouth :
- Risorius
- Zygomaticus major
- Zygomaticus minor
- Levator anguli oris
- Levator labii superioris
Lower group muscles around the mouth :
- Mentalis
- Depressor labii inferioris
- Depressor anguli oris
Muscles of the neck :
What does the occipito-frontalis cover?
The occipito-frontalis covers the dome of the skull from the highest nuchal line to the eyebrow
What does the occipito-frontalis consist of?
The occipito-frontalis consists of four thin layers: two frontal and two occipital
Where does each occipital part arise?
Each occipital part (Occipitalis) arises by tendinous fibres from the lateral two-thirds of the
highest nuchal line of the occipital bone and mastoid part of the temporal bone
What is each frontal part adherent to?
Each frontal part (Frontalis) is adherent to the superficial fascia
Describe the frontal part of the occipito-frontalis.
The frontal part of the occipito-frontalis has no bony attachments of its
own, its fibres blend with procerus, corrugator supercilii and orbicularis oculi
List all the actions that the occipito-frontalis muscle performs.
- Elevates the eyebrow – surprise
- Produce transverse wrinkles in the forehead when one frowns
- Draws scalp backwards and forwards
Occipito-frontalis innervation : Occipital and frontal part
• Occipital part = posterior auricular branch of the facial nerve
• Frontal part = temporal branch of the facial nerve
ORBITAL GROUP : What is the palpebral fissure surrounded by?
Palpebral fissure surrounded by sphincter: orbicularis oculi
ORBITAL GROUP; What do the dilator mechanisms consist of ?
Dilator mechanisms consist of levator palpebrae superioris & occipitofrontalis
The orbicularis oculi has 3 parts, namely :
Orbital, palpebral and lacrimal
Origin of the orbital part :
Frontal bone, the frontal process of the
maxilla and medial palpebral ligament
Inserts of the orbital part :
Upper orbital fibres blend with the
frontal part of occipitofrontalis and corrugator
supercilii. Inferiorly and medially, blend with
levator labii superioris alaeque nasi, levator
labii superioris and zygomaticus minor
State the action of the orbital part.
Closes the eyelids tightly and shades the eye from a bright light
Origin of the palpebral part :
Medial palpebral ligament
Inserts of the palpebral part :
Lateral palpebral raphe
State the action of the palpebral part.
Contraction of palpebral fibres closes lid gently without
burying eyelashes; blinking
Origin of the lacrimal part :
Upper part of the lacrimal crest and lacrimal bone + fascia
Inserts of the lacrimal part :
Upper + lower eye lids
State the action of the lacrimal part
Dilates lacrimal sac
What action[s] does the orbital and palpebral parts perform together?
Orbital & palpebral parts contract together to close eyelids forcibly &
eyelashes are buried & only tips are visible : “screwing up eyes” causes an
eye that is brimful of tears to spill out over the cheek
Which structures are responsible for the innervation of the orbicularis oculi?
Temporal and zygomatic branches of facial nerve
Describe the corrugator supercilii.
The corrugator supercilii is a small pyramidal muscle
Where does the corrugator supercilii arise?
The corrugator supercilii arises from medial end of superciliary arch
What does the corrugator supercilii attach to?
The corrugator supercilii attaches to the skin above the middle of the
supraorbital margin
State the action performed by the corrugator supercilii.
Wrinkles the skin of forehead vertically (frowning)
Which structures are responsible for the innervation of the corrugator supercilii?
Temporal branch of the facial nerve
Name the 4 muscles of the nasal group.
Nasalis, Procerus, Depressor septi nasi, Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi
Origin of the transverse part of the nasalis.
Maxilla & incisive fossa
Inserts of the transverse part of the nasalis.
Aponeurosis across the nose
State the action of the transverse part of the nasalis.
Compress nares[nostrils or nasal openings]
Origin of the alar part of the nasalis.
Inserts of the alar part of the nasalis.
Alar cartilage & posterior
part of mobile septum
State the action of the alar part of the nasalis.
Draws alar cartilage down &
laterally = Opens nares
Name the structures that are responsible for the innervation of the nasalis.
Buccal and/or zygomatic branches of the facial nerve
Describe the procerus.
The procerus is a small pyramidal shaped muscle
The procerus is superficial to the…
nasal bone
Origin of the procerus :
Nasal bone & upper part of lateral nasal cartilage
Inserts of the procerus :
skin over lower part of forehead between eyebrows
State the action performed by the procerus.
Active during frowning and “concentration”
Which structures are responsible for the innervation of the procerus?
The temporal and zygomatic branches of the facial nerve
Origin of the depressor septi nasi :
Maxilla above the central incisor tooth and the anterior nasal spine
Inserts of the depressor septi nasi :
Lower part of the nasal septum
State the action performed by the depressor septi nasi.
It assists in widening the nares[nostrils/nasal openings]
Which structures are responsible for the innervation of the depressor septi nasi?
Buccal branch of facial nerve
Origin of the levator labii superioris alaeque nasi :
Frontal process of maxilla next to nose
Inserts of the levator labii superioris alaeque nasi :
Both alar cartilages of nose & skin of upper lip
State the action performed by the levator labii superioris alaeque nasi.
Flaring of nares
Flaring - to (cause to) become wider
Which structures are responsible for the innervation of the levator labii superioris alaeque nasi?
Zygomatic and buccal branches of facial nerve
List the components of the oral group[of muscles]
Obicularis oris
Upper group
Lower group
What is the modiolus?
The modiolus is the intersection of the muscle at the corner of the mouth
The orbicular oris is the sphincter-dilator mechanism that consists of…
facial muscles that radiate outward
from lips like the spokes of a wheel
Origin of the orbicularis oris :
Midline of the maxilla superiorly and mandible inferiorly
Inserts of the orbicularis oris :
Lips and the angle of the mouth
State the action performed by the orbicularis oris
Narrows mouth & closes lips
Which structures are responsible for the innervation of the orbicularis oris?
Buccal & mandibular
branches of facial nerve
What is the buccinator?
The buccinator is the muscular component of the cheek
Origin of the buccinator :
Posterior part of maxilla & mandible opposite molar teeth &
pterygomandibular raphe
Insert of the buccinator :
Into the lips - blends with the orbicularis oris muscle
State the actions performed by the buccinator.
- Contraction presses the cheek against the teeth
- Helps keep food out of the vestibule of mouth & in between teeth
- When cheeks puffed out : Muscle is relaxed
Which structures are responsible for the innervation of the buccinator?
Buccal branch of facial nerve
UPPER GROUP OF ORALMUSCLES : The risorius is responsible for
A grin
UPPER GROUP OF ORALMUSCLES : Describe the risorius.
The risorius is a thin superficial muscle
Origin of the risorius :
Laterally from corner of
Insertion of the risorius :
Zygomatic arch and
fascia over parotid gland &
masseter muscle
State the action performed by the risorius.
Contraction pulls corner of
mouth up & laterally for grinning
and laughing
Which structures are responsible for the innervation of the risorius?
Buccal branch of
facial nerve
UPPER GROUP OF ORALMUSCLES : Origin of the zygomaticus major:
Zygomatic bone
UPPER GROUP OF ORALMUSCLES : Insert of the zygomatic major :
Skin at the angle of mouth
Origin of the zygomaticus minor :
Zygomatic bone
Inserts of the zygomaticus minor
Upper lip medial to corner of
What action is performed by the zygomaticus major and minor?
Smile and laughing: raise the
corner of mouth & move it laterally
Which structures are responsible for the innervation of the zygomaticus major and minor?
Zygomatic & buccal
branches of facial
Origin of the levator labii superioris :
Maxilla & zygomatic bone superior
to infraorbital foramen
Insert of the levator labii superioris :
Skin of upper lip
What action is performed by the levator labii superioris ?
Elevates and everts up upper lip
Which structures are responsible for the innervation of the levator labii superioris?
Zygomatic & buccal branches
of facial nerve
Origin of the levator anguli oris :
Maxilla inferior to infraorbital foramen
Inserts of the levator anguli oris :
Skin at the angle of mouth
What action is performed by the levator anguli oris ?
Elevates corner of mouth in smiling & may help deepen the furrow between nose
Which structures are responsible for the innervation of the levator anguli oris?
Zygomatic & buccal branches of facial nerve
What emotion is the depressor anguli oris and depressor labii inferioris responsible for?
Origin of the depressor anguli oris :
Mental tubercle of mandible
Inserts of the depressor anguli oris :
Skin & upper part of orbicularis oris
What action does the depressor anguli oris perform?
Depresses angle of mouth
Which structures are responsible for the innervation of the depressor anguli oris ?
Mandibular and buccal branches of
facial nerve
Origin of the depressor labii inferioris :
Oblique line of mandible between
symphysis menti and mental foramen
Inserts of the depressor labii inferioris :
Mucous of lower lip
What action is performed by the depressor labii inferioris?
Depresses lower lip & moves it laterally
Which structures are responsible for the innervation of the depressor labii inferioris?
Mandibular branch of facial nerve
What is the function of the mentalis?
The mentalis helps position the lip when drinking from a cup or pouting
Origin of the mentalis :
Incisive fossa of mandible
Insert of the mentalis :
Skin of chin
The action performed by the mentalis :
Raises & protrudes lower lip as it wrinkles skin of chin
Which structures are responsible the innervation of the mentalis :
Mandibular branch of facial nerve
What emotion is the platysma responsible for?
Surprise or horror
Describe the platysma.
• Large, thin: sheet of muscle in the superficial
fascia of neck
• Flat muscle ascending onto face from front of
Origin of the platysma :
Upper part of pectoral & deltoid fascia
Insertion of the platysma :
Base of the mandible and skin of the
lower face + lip
Action performed by the platysma :
Depress mandible, draws corner of
mouth downward
Which structures are responsible for the innervation of the platysma?
Cervical branch of facial nerve
Which structure[s] innervates all the muscles of facial expression?
All muscles of facial
expression are innervated
by the branches of the