Lymphatic drainage of the head and neck Flashcards
What does the lymph from the head and neck drain?
Lymph from head & neck drains into deep cervical nodes
situated along internal jugular vein
The deep cervical nodes have 4 groups, namely :
- Anterosuperior
- Anteroinferior
- Posterosuperior
- Posteroinferior
DEEP CERVICAL NODES - Anterosuperior group : Where does the Jugulo-digastric node lie?
The Jugulo-digastric node lies below the posterior belly of digastric between angle of mandible &
anterior border border of sternocleidomastoid in the triangle bounded
by posterior belly of digastric, facial vein, internal jugular vein
What does the Jugulo-digastric node drain?
The Jugulo-digastric node drains tonsil
DEEP CERVICAL NODES - Posteriorinferior group : Where does the Jugulo-omohyoid node lie?
The Jugulo-omohyoid node lies above the intermediate tendon of omohyoid
What does the Jugulo-omohyoid node drain?
The Jugulo-omohyoid node drains the tongue
Name the efferent of the left and right jugular lymph trunks.
Jugulo-omohyoid node
Jugulo-digastric node
What does the left jugular lymph trunk drain into?
The left jugular lymph trunk drains into the thoracic duct
What does the right jugular lymph trunk drain into?
The right jugular lymph trunk drains into the right lymphatic duct/
Angle between internal jugular & subclavian
The peripheral nodes are arranged in 2 circles, namely :
Deep[inner] circle and superficial[outer] circle
List the nodes in the superficial[outer] circle.
- Occipital
- Anterior cervical
- Superficial cervical
- Mandibular[facial]
- Submandibular
- Submental
- Buccal
- Preauricular[parotid]
- Postauricular[mastoid]
List the nodes in the deep[inner] circle.
PERIPHERAL NODES… Outer Circle - Where do the buccal nodes lie?
The buccal nodes lie on the buccinator
PERIPHERAL NODES… Outer Circle - Where do the mandibular nodes lie?
The mandibular nodes lie at the lower border of
Buccal & mandibular nodes afferents :
From the cheek & lower eyelids
Buccal & mandibular nodes efferents :
Anterosuperior group
Where do the occipital nodes lie?
The occipital nodes lie in the apex of the posterior triangle of
Occipital nodes afferents :
From the occipital region of
Occipital nodes efferents :
Posteroinferior group
Where do the anterior cervical nodes lie?
The anterior cervical nodes lie along the anterior jugular vein
Anterior cervical nodes afferents :
From the skin of anterior part of
neck below hyoid bone
Anterior cervical nodes efferents :
Deep cervical nodes of both
Where do the superficial cervical nodes lie?
The superficial cervical nodes lie along the
What does the superficial cervical node drain?
The superficial cervical nodes drain the lobule of auricle, floor of
external acoustic meatus, skin over
lower parotid region, angle of jaw
Superficial cervical nodes efferents :
Deep cervical nodes
Where do the postauricular[mastoid] nodes lie?
The postauricular[mastoid] nodes lie on the mastoid process
What do the postauricular[mastoid] nodes drain?
The postauricular[mastoid] nodes drain a strip of scalp just abobe & behind auricle, upper1/2 of medial surface &
margin of auricle, posterior wall of external acoustic meatus
Postauricular[mastoid] nodes efferents :
Postero-superior group
PERIPHERAL NODES… Inner Circle - Where do the prelaryngeal nodes lie?
The prelaryngeal nodes lie on the cricothyroid membrane
Where do the pretracheal nodes lie?
The pretracheal nodes lie in front of the trachea below the isthmus of the thyroid gland
Prelaryngeal and pretracheal nodes afferents :
- From anterior cervical nodes, from larynx, trachea,
* Isthmus of thyroid gland
Prelaryngeal and pretracheal nodes efferents :
To the deep cervical nodes
Where do the paratracheal nodes lie?
The paratracheal nodes lie on the sides of the trachea and esophagus along the recurrent laryngeal nerves
Paratracheal nodes afferents :
From the esophagus, trachea, larynx
Paratracheal nodes efferents :
To the deep cervical nodes
Where do the retropharyngeal nodes lie?
The retropharyngeal nodes lie in front of the prevertebral fascia and behind the buccopharyngeal fascia of the pharynx
Retropharyngeal nodes afferents :
From the pharynx, auditory tube, soft palate, hard palate, nose
Retropharyngeal nodes efferents :
To the upper deep cervical nodes