3rd, 4th and 6th Cranial Nerves Flashcards
Name the 3rd, 4th and 6th cranial nerves.
- CNIII – Oculomotor nerve
- CNIV – Trochlear nerve
- CNVI – Abducens nerve
What do the oculomotor, trochlear, and abducens nerves supply?
Together the oculomotor, trochlear and abducens nerves supply all the extraocular eye
What does the 3rd cranial nerve, oculomotor nerve also supply?
CNIII also supplies 2 intrinsic eye muscles with sympathetic fibres
•dilator pupillae and the smooth muscle component of LPS (levator palpebrae superioris)
List the functional components of oculomotor nerve.
▪ General somatic efferent – movements of the eyeball
▪ Parasympathetic – contraction of pupil & accommodation
▪ General somatic afferent – proprioception
Nucleus of the oculomotor nerve :
Location and function
• Somatic Motor:
Ventromedial part of central grey matter of midbrain – level of SUPERIOR COLLICULUS
• Visceral Motor: (Parasympth)
Edinger-Westphal Nucleus – dorsal to the anterior two thirds of somatic motor nucleus
❖gives fibres for constrictor pupillae and ciliaris muscles
The Edinger - Westphal nucleus is the…
Source of the parasympathetics to the eye
What does the Edinger - Westphal do?
Constrict the pupil and accommodate the lens.
Where is the Edinger - Westphal nucleus located?
It is located just inside the oculomotor nuclei, like nested “V”s.
Where do the fibres of the Edinger - Westphal nucleus travel?
The fibres travel in the CNIII, so damage to that nerve will also
produce a dilated pupil.
State the series of activities that take place when eye drops are applied to the eye.
Eye drops given at the ophthomologist’s office are an acetylcholine
antagonist (blocker) inhibiting actions of the parasympathetic system.
As a result your eyes are dilated, so the physician can look inside clearly.
As a side effect, you cannot accommodate your lens (focus on close
objects) which is why you can’t read while you are sitting in the waiting
State the course and distribution of the oculomotor nerve.
- Attached to oculomotor sulcus in medial aspect of CRUS CEREBRI
- Emerges from MIDBRAIN
- Pierces dura mater to enter CAVERNOUS SINUS
- Lies ABOVE CNIV in cavernous sinus
- Leaves cranial cavity to enter orbit via SUPERIOR ORBITAL FISSURE
- In fissure DIVIDES into Upper and Lower Divisions
What does the upper division supply?
UPPER DIVISION: supplies Superior rectus and Levator palpebrae superioris
The lower division has 3 branches supplying the :
Medial rectus
Inferior rectus
Inferior oblique (fibres from this branch enter ciliary ganglion – parasympth)
List the functional components of the trochlear nerve.
▪ General somatic efferent – lateral movement of the eyeball
▪ General somatic afferent – proprioception
Unique features of the trochlear nerve :
o Exits brainstem dorsally
o Crosses – fibres cross over each other in the roof of the fourth ventricle
Nucleus of the trochlear nerve : Location
- Ventromedial part of central grey matter of midbrain – level of INFERIOR COLLICULUS
- Immediately below oculomotor nucleus
Course and distribution of the trochlear nerve :
- Emerges from posterior surface of MIDBRAIN
- Winds around superior cerebellar peduncle just above PONS
- Passing anteriorly around BRAINSTEM
- Pierces dura mater to enter CAVERNOUS SINUS
- Enters orbit through lateral aspect of SUPERIOR ORBITAL FISSURE
- Passes ABOVE origin of Levator palpebrae superioris
- Supplies Superior oblique
List the functional components of the abducens nerve.
▪ General somatic efferent – lateral movement of the eyeball
▪ General somatic afferent – proprioception
Nucleus of the abducens nerve : Location
- Situated in upper aspect of the floor of the 4th ventricle
- Inferior to the FACIAL COLLICULUS
Course and distribution of the abducens nerve :
- Emerges from brainstem BETWEEN pons and medulla – PONTOMEDULLARY JUNCTION
- Traverses PONTINE CISTERN of Subarachnoid space
- Pierces posterior wall of CAVERNOUS SINUS
- Enters orbit through middle part of SUPERIOR ORBITAL FISSURE
- Lies inferolateral to nasociliary and oculomotor nerves
- Supplies Lateral rectus