The Medieval World - Part 1 Flashcards
The Middle Ages/Medieval Period (Date)
A.D. 500 - 1500
Divisions of the Medieval Ages
Early, High, and Late Middle Ages
Charles Martel Defeats the Muslims (Date)
A.D. 732
Where Charles Martel Defeated the Muslims
Ended the Northern Expansion of the Muslims [into Europe]
Charles Martel
Charlemagne crowned emperor (Date)
December 25, 800
The era of the Crusades
A.D. 1095 - 1291
Crowned Charlemagne
Pope Leo III
Fourth Lateran Council affirms Transubstantiation
A.D. 1215
What marked the end of Muslim northern expansion
Charles Martel’s defeat of Muslim forces at Tours
Church and state fused together
Became the “College of the Cardinals”
Created to select a pope
The College of the Cardinals[/Curia]
The right of an eldest son to succeed to the estate of his father at the exclusion of all his siblings
The buying and selling of spiritual or church benefits
Germanic peoples with a kingdom located in modern France and Germany
Served as Mayor of the Palace
Charles Martel
“The Hammer”
Charles Martel
Gave the pope territory in central Italy
Pepin the Great
The name for the papal territory in central Italy
The Papal States
True or False: Charlemagne’s empire established his rule over much of the former Roman Empire in Europe
City where Charlemagne was crowned
Attached the notion of church-state cooperation to Europe, handing down the tradition of “Christendom”
The name of the cultural rebirth precipitated by Charlemagne
Carolingian Rennaissance
Groups to invade/attack Europe from the 8th to the 11th Centuries
Vikings, Muslims, and Magyars
Another name for Vikings
Location of Scandinavia
Norway, Sweden, and Denmark
Home of the Vikings
True or False: The Vikings terrorized coastal European peoples and visited North America
Group to terrorize Europe in the early 900s until they were halted by Otto I
Halted the Magyar conquests
Otto I
True or False: After defeat by Otto I, the Magyars refused to integrate themselves into mainstream European culture