The Meaning of History, Sources of Historical Data and Historical Criticisms Flashcards
The origin of the word history: Greek word “_” means _.
historia, learning by inquiry
_ is referred usually for accounts of phenomena, especially human affairs in chronological order.
The two kinds of history are: _ and _.
Factual history, Speculative history
_ presents readers he plain and basic information vis0a vis the events that took place (wat), the time and date which the events happened (when), the place with which the events took place, and the people that were involved (who).
Factual history
_ goes beyond facts because it is concerned about the reasons for which events happened (why), and the way they happened (how). They speculate cause and effect of an event.
Speculative History
_ deals wiht the study of past events.
It is the _ that seek to understand the present by examining wat went before. They undertake historical research to come up with meaningful and organized rebuilding of the past.
The limitation of historical knowledge lies on the _.
Incompleteness of records
The whole history of the past (called ) can be known to a historian only through the surviving records (), and most of history-as-record is only a tiny part the whole phenomenon.
history-as-actuality, history-as-record
Historians study the records or evidence that _. They tell history from what they understood as a credible part of the record. However, their claims may remain variable as there can be historical records that could be discovered, which may affirm or refute those that they have already presented. This explains the “incompleteness” of the “object” that historians study.
survived the time
The aim of a historian is _.
Verisimilitude includes: _, _, and _.
Truth, Authenticity, Plausibility
_ is the process of critically examining and analyzing the recodes and survivals of the past.
Historical Method
_ is the imaginative reconstruction of the past from the data derived by that process.
_ is the practice of historical writing. It is also the traditional method in doing historical research that focus on gathering documents from different libraries and archives to form pool of evidence needed in making a descriptive or analytical narrative.
The _ writing does not only include examination of documents but also the use of _ from related areas of study such as archeology and geography.
modern historical
_ is also an important element of historical method.
Historical analysis
In historical analysis, historians: _, _, and _.
- Select to investigate,,
- Collect probable sources of information on the subject;
- Examine the sources genuineness,
- Extract credible particulars form the sources