American Politilcal Caricature Flashcards
The book Philippine Cartoons: Political Caricature of the American Era was authored by _ and , published on and by _.
Alred McCoy and Alfredo Roces;
Vera-Reyes Publishing, Inc
The word caricature comes from the _ words ‘’ and ‘’ which means ‘’ or ‘’.
Italian, carico, caricare, to load, to exaggerate
_ is a picture, description or imitation of a person, in which certain striking characteristics are exaggerrated in order to create a comic or grotesque effect.
The book Political Caricature of the American Area had a compilation of _ political cartoons that were published in newspaper dailies, providing a comprehensive background not only to the cartoons but to the turbulent period as well.
The Achievement of the Books Included: Philippine Catholic Mass Media Award _, Philippine National Book Award for _, Gintong Aklat Award (MANILA) _.
Philippine Catholic Mass Media Award, best Book of the Year 1985;
Philippine National Book Award for History, 1986;
Gintong Aklat Award (MANILA), Special Citation for History 1897.
The caricature ‘A New Wrinkle in the Art of Thieving; was made by _ in _.
January 14, 1922
The _ in the Philippines is a method of registering land titles that provides undeniable proof of ownership. It is an American exploitation of the system to claim ownership over Philippine lands.
Torrens system
The caricature ‘_’ conveys a strong sense of injustice. It portrays a situation where Filipinos, who should rightfully own and work their land, are subjugated and forced into labor for the benefit of American capitalists.
A New Wrinkle in the Art of Thieving
In the caricature ‘Memories of the Visit,’ “pequeño negocio los pequeños negociantes” means _.
small business for small businessmen
In the caricature ‘_,’ the cartoon’s satire works on three levels: criticizes the sailor’s spending, reflects Filipino frustrations with some American veterans, hints at a more subtle criticism of American colonoization.
Memories of the Visit
In the caricature ‘Memories of the Visit,’ _ were a cartoon figure used to symbolize and critique the American military presence and its impact on Filipino society.
Sailor Jack of the 1930s
In the caricature ‘Manila: The Corruption of a City’, _ was when secretary of War W.H. Taft awarded the commission for the planning of Manila’s urban renewal and the construction of its summer capital at Baguio to Daniel Burnham.
In the caricature ‘Manila: The Corruption of a City’, _ was when Burnham completed sweeping plans for the renovation of Manila which met an enthusiastic response from the colonial government.
1904 - 1905
In the caricature ‘Manila: The Corruption of a City’, population of Manila was: _ in _ and grew to _ in _.
220 000 in 1903, 623 in 1938
In the caricature ‘Manila: The Corruption of a City’, _ was when Parsons resigned when Filipino Assertiveness began to constrain his autonomy.
In the caricature ‘Manila: The Corruption of a City’, _ was when hospitals were forced to turn away charity cases for want of space.
The caricature _ is the translation of the satirical comment on the province’s preoccupation with gambling.
Convenient Blindness