The indicative, irregular verbs (O>UE) Flashcards
Group 2 irregular verbs change the ‘o’ in the verb stem for what letters?
Which pronouns are exceptions to this rule?
Nosotros/as and vosotros/as, where it remains as ‘o’ (like regular verbs).
There are many verbs in this group. What do almorzar and encontrar mean?
almorzar = to take lunch
encontrar = to find
There are many verbs in this group. What does jugar mean?
jugar = to play
There are many verbs in this group. What do mostrar, morir and morder mean?
mostrar = to show
morir = to die
morder = to bite
There are many verbs in this group. What do poder and probar mean?
poder = to be able to
probar = to taste
There are many verbs in this group. What do recordar, resolver and revolver mean?
recordar = remember
resolver = to solve
revolver = to stir
There are many verbs in this group. What do volar and volver mean?
volar = to fly
volver = to return
Yo (almorzar)
almuerzo = I take lunch
Yo (encontrar)
encuentro = I find
Yo (jugar)
juego = I play
Yo (mostrar)
muestro = I show
Yo (morir)
muero = I die
Yo (morder)
muerdo = I bite
Yo (poder)
puedo = I can
Yo (probar)
pruebo = I taste
Yo (recordar)
recuerdo = I remember
Yo (resolver)
resuelvo = I solve
Yo (volar)
vuelo = I fly
Yo (volver)
vuelvo = I return
Tú (almorzar)
almuerzas = you take lunch
Tú (encontrar)
encuentras = you find
Tú (mostrar)
muestras = you find
Tú (morir)
mueres = you die
Tú (morder)
muerdes = you bite
Tú (poder)
puedes = you can
Tú (probar)
pruebas = you taste
Tú (recordar)
recuerdas = you remember
Tú (resolver)
resuelves = you solve
Tú (volar)
vuelas = you fly
Tú (volver)
vuelves = you return
Él/ella/usted (almorzar)
almuerza = he/she/you takes lunch
Él/ella/usted (encontrar)
encuentra = he/she/you finds
Él/ella/usted (mostrar)
muestra = he/she/you shows
Él/ella/usted (morir)
muere = he/she/you dies
Él/ella/usted (morder)
muerde = he/she/you bites
Él/ella/usted (poder)
puede = he/she/you can
Él/ella/usted (probar)
prueba = he/she/you tastes
Él/ella/usted (recordar)
recuerda = he/she/you remembers
Él/ella/usted (resolver)
resuelve = he/she/you solves
Él/ella/usted (volar)
vuela = he/she/you flys
Él/ella/usted (volver)
vuelve = he/she/you returns
Nosotros/as (almorzar)
almorzamos = we take lunch
Nosotros/as (encontrar)
encontramos = we find
Nosotros/as (mostrar)
mostramos = we show
Nosotros/as (morir)
morimos = we die
Nosotros/as (morder)
mordemos = we bite
Nosotros/as (poder)
podemos = we can
Nosotros/as (probar)
probamos = we taste
Nosotros/as (recordar)
recordamos = we remember
Nosotros/as (resolver)
resolvemos = we solve
Nosotros/as (volar)
volamos = we fly
Nosotros/as (volver)
volvemos = we return
Ellos/ellas/ustedes (almorzar)
almuerzan = they/they/you take lunch
Ellos/ellas/ustedes (encontrar)
encuentran = they/they/you find
Ellos/ellas/ustedes (mostrar)
muestran = they/they/you show
Ellos/ellas/ustedes (morir)
mueren = they/they/you die
Ellos/ellas/ustedes (morder)
muerden = they/they/you bite
Ellos/ellas/ustedes (poder)
pueden = they/they/you can
Ellos/ellas/ustedes (probar)
prueban = they/they/you taste
Ellos/ellas/ustedes (recordar)
recuerdan = they/they/you remember
Ellos/ellas/ustedes (resolver)
resuelven = they/they/you return
Ellos/ellas/ustedes (volar)
vuelan = they/they/you fly
Ellos/ellas/ustedes (volver)
vuelven = they/they/you return
There are many verbs in this group. What does dormir mean?
dormir = to sleep
There are many verbs in this group. What do soñar and sonar mean?
soñar = to dream
sonar = to make a sound
Yo (revolver)
revuelvo = I stir
Yo (soñar)
sueño = I dream
Yo (sonar)
sueno = I (make a) sound
Yo (dormir)
duermo = I sleep
Tú (revolver)
revuelves = you stir
Tú (soñar)
sueñas = you dream
Tú (sonar)
suenas = you sound
Tú (dormir)
duermes = you sleep
Él/ella/usted (revolver)
revuelve = he/she/you stirs
Él/ella/usted (soñar)
sueña = he/she/you dream
Él/ella/usted (sonar)
suena = he/she/you sounds
Él/ella/usted (dormir)
duerme = he/she/you sleeps
Nosotros/as (revolver)
revolvemos = we stir
Nosotros/as (soñar)
soñamos = we dream
Nosotros/as (sonar)
sonamos = we sound
Nosotros/as (dormir)
dormimos = we sleep
Ellos/ellas/ustedes (revolver)
revuelven = they/they/you stir
Ellos/ellas/ustedes (soñar)
sueñan = they/they/you dream
Ellos/ellas/ustedes (sonar)
suenan = they/they/you sound
Ellos/ellas/ustedes (dormir)
duermen = they/they/you sleep
Vosotros/as (almorzar)
almorzáis = you (plural) have lunch
Vosotros/as (encontrar)
encontráis = you (plural) find
Vosotros/as (jugar)
jugáis = you (plural) play
Vosotros/as (mostrar)
mostráis = you (plural) show
Vosotros/as (morir)
morís = you (plural) die
Vosotros/as (morder)
mordéis = you (plural) bite
Vosotros/as (poder)
podéis = you (plural) can
Vosotros/as (probar)
probáis = you (plural) play
Vosotros/as (recordar)
recordáis = you (plural) remember
Vosotros/as (resolver)
resolvéis = you (plural) stir
Vosotros/as (revolver)
revolvéis = you (plural) return
Vosotros/as (volar)
voláis = you (plural) fly
Vosotros/as (volver)
volvéis = you (plural) return
Vosotros/as (dormir)
dormís = you (plural) sleep
Vosotros/as (sonar)
sonáis = you (plural) sound
Vosotros/as (soñar)
soñáis = you (plural) dream