The indicative, irregular verbs (+G) Flashcards
Group 5 verbs add a letter(s) in the present tense conjugation of ‘yo’. Which letter(s) is added?
Does this happen for the other pronouns?
‘g’ (some are ‘ig’)
There are lots of verbs in this group. What do caer, decir and hacer mean?
caer = to fall
decir = to say
hacer = to do/make
There are lots of verbs in this group. What do poner and salir mean?
poner = to put
salir = to go out
What do traer and valer mean?
traer = to bring
valer = to be worth/cost (in terms of money)
Yo (caer)
caigo = I fall
Yo (decir)
digo = I say
Yo (hacer)
hago = I do
Yo (poner)
pongo = I put
Yo (salir)
salgo = I go out
Yo (traer)
traigo = I bring
Yo (valer)
valgo = I am worth
Tú (caer)
caes = you fall
Tú (decir)
dices = you say
Tú (hacer)
haces = you do
Tú (poner)
pones = you put
Tú (salir)
sales = you go out
Tú (traer)
traes = you bring
Tú (valer)
vales = you are worth
Él/ella/usted (caer)
cae = he/she/you falls
Él/ella/usted (decir)
dice = he/she/you says
Él/ella/usted (hacer)
hace = he/she/you does
Él/ella/usted (poner)
pone = he/she/you puts
Él/ella/usted (salir)
sale = he/she/you goes out
Él/ella/usted (traer)
trae = he/she/you brings
Él/ella/usted (valer)
vale = he/she/you is worth
Nosotros/as (caer)
caemos = we fall
Nosotros/as (decir)
decimos = we say
Nosotros/as (hacer)
hacemos = we do
Nosotros/as (poner)
ponemos = we put
Nosotros/as (salir)
salimos = we go out
Nosotros/as (traer)
traemos = we bring
Nosotros/as (valer)
valemos = we are worth
Ellos/ellas/ustedes (caer)
caen = they/they/you fall
Ellos/ellas/ustedes (decir)
dicen = they/they/you say
Ellos/ellas/ustedes (hacer)
hacen = they/they/you do
Ellos/ellas/ustedes (poner)
ponen = they/they/you put
Ellos/ellas/ustedes (salir)
salen = they/they/you go out
Ellos/ellas/ustedes (traer)
traen = they/they/you bring
Ellos/ellas/ustedes (valer)
valen = they/they/you are worth
Vosotros/as (caer)
caéis = you (plural) fall
Vosotros/as (decir)
decís = you (plural) say
Vosotros/as (hacer)
hacéis = you (plural) do
Vosotros/as (poner)
ponéis = you (plural) put
Vosotros/as (salir)
salís = you (plural) go out
Vosotros/as (traer)
traéis = you (plural) bring
Vosotros/as (valer)
valéis = you (plural) are worth