Speaking Flashcards
Presentation, start phrases:
‘I’m going to talk about…’
Voy a hablar de…
Presentation, end phrases:
‘To finish, I would say that…’
Para terminar, diría que…
Presentation, useful phrases:
‘I will never forget…’
nunca olvidaré
Questions you can ask:
‘Could you repeat the question (more slowly) please?’
Podría repetir la pregunta (más despacio) por favor?
Questions you can ask:
‘Could you rephrase the question please? I don’t understand the word x’
Podría reformular la pregunta por favor? No entiendo la palabra x’
Photo, good phrases to use:
It seems that
What tense is this followed by?
parece que…
The subjunctive
Photo, good phrases to use:
I think that
What tense is this followed by?
pienso que…
The indicative
Photo, good phrases to use:
maybe + [indicative]
maybe + [subjunctive]
What do you need to remember about the second one?
a lo mejor + [indicative]
quizás + [subjunctive]
Quizás is usually used to talk about things that are negative
Presentation, good phrases to use:
I found it
me pareció
Presentation, good phrases to use:
I liked it
me gustó
Photo, good phrases to use:
I believe that
What tense is this followed by?
creo que
The indicative
Role play, ending:
Thank you for your help today, I appreciate it
Is this formal or informal - why?
Gracias por su ayuda hoy, yo lo aprecio
Formal, because you’re using usted
Role play, ending:
Can I think about it?
Puedo pensarlo
Role play, ending:
I will come back to pick it up
volveré para coleccionarlo
Role play, ending:
Can I come back to…
puedo volver para…
Role play, ending:
It’s been good talking to you
ha estado bien hablar contigo
Role play, ending:
Have a good day
Is this formal or informal - why?
que tenga un buen día
Because it’s using usted
Role play, ending:
See you soon
hasta pronto
Role play, ending:
All good?
todo bien?
What two things do you need to remember to make sure you speak for long enough?
- Add in as much detail as possible
- Speak slower
Role play, ending:
I will let you know
Is this formal or informal - why?
Le comunicaré
Formal, because it uses ‘le’ (the third person direct object pronoun for usted)
Photo, good phrases to use:
It seems to me that…
What tense does this take?
me parece que…
The indicative
Photo, good phrases to use:
I suppose that…
What tense does this take?
supongo que…
The indicative
Photo, good phrases to use:
They could be…
It could be…
podrían ser…
podría ser…
Role play, starting phrase:
Should I start?
¿Empiezo yo?
Role play, end phrases:
Let’s keep in touch
Is this formal or informal?
What situation might be appropriate for this?
Vamos hablando
When organising something
Role play, end phrases:
See you [time, e.g. the weekend]
Is this formal or informal?
What situation might be appropriate for this?
Nos vemos a [time]
When organising something
Role play, good phrases to use:
Role play, end phrases:
Okay then
Is this formal or informal?
Role play, end phrases:
Okay then, good bye, see you soon
Is this formal or informal?
Venga, adios, hasta pronto
Role play, good phrases to use:
You have been very helpful
Is this formal or informal - why?
ha sido muy amable
Formal because it uses usted
Role play, good phrases to use:
okay, don’t worry
Is this formal or informal?
pues nada
Either - can be used in both contexts
Presentation, end phrases:
In summary…
en resumen…
Photo, how to answer:
How should you describe the photo? Outline 5 steps. For each step, state which tense you should use.
- Start with ‘en la photo hay…’
- Description: people, relationship (conditional), place
- What they are doing (present continuous)
- What has just happened (preterito perfecto / acabar de + inf) and WHY
- What will happen next (going to future / future) and WHY
Photo, how to answer:
When describing the relationships between the people in the photo…
What tense should you use?
What phrase can you use?
The conditional
podrían ser… (they could be…)
podría ser… (it could be…)
Photo, how to answer:
When describing what might have happened, how do you say…
It seems to me that they have [past participle]…
I suppose that they have [past participle]…
I think they have [past participle]…
I think they have just [past participle]…
me parece que ellos han [past participle]
supongo que ellos han [past participle]
pienso que ellos han [past participle]
pienso que acaban de [infinitive]
Photo, how to answer:
When describing what is going to happen next, how do you say…
I think they are going to [infinitive]
It seems to me they are going to [infinitive]
I suppose that they are going to [infinitive]
pienso que ellos van a [infinitive]
me parece que ellos van a [infinitive]
supongo que ellos van a [infinitive]
Photo, how to answer:
When describing what is happening, how do you say…
They are [gerund]
Ellos estan [gerund]