What does digital technology include
Digital technology includes the data that is generated and stored in binary form, and the hardware that is used to store and transmit such data.
It includes:
Financial transactions
Online communications (emails etc)
Computer networks
Cloud computing
Mobile technology
What impact does digital technology have on finance
Ability to store vast quantities of data on financial transactions
Improved record keeping and reporting
Better tracking of cash flow - particularly debtors and creditors
Improved financial analysis (ratios)
Electronic funds transfer - reducing the opportunity cost of cash
What impact does digital technology have on marketing
Impacts on all areas of marketing - product, price, promotion and place
Reduces cost of market research - collecting and analysis of data
Improved data collection on individual customers
Increased ability to target consumers with personalised marketing
Expands the size of target market
Reduces barriers to entry
What impact does digital technology have on operations
Improved communications with suppliers = better inventory management
Increased ability to automate production process
Opportunities for mass customisation
Improved logistics and organisation of production process
What impact does digital technology have on HR
Impact on job design
Hard vs soft HR
Flexible working patterns
Improved communications
Blurring of lines between work and home