What is economies of scale
Economies of scale (EoS) are the benefits to a business in the form of lower average unit costs, from increasing the size of operation.
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What is the purchaing economy
Bigger businesses become more powerful witj their suppliers. They are more lickely to be able to negotiate discounts or longer periods of trade credit, reducing average costs. The supplier may also be more flexible in terms of design specifications and delivery agreements
What is the technilogical enconomy
The bigger an organisation, the more advanced and sophisticated technological they may be able to afford. This could help the organisation increase productivity and lower average costs
What is the managerial economy
Bigger organisations can afford to pay specialist ecployees to fuffil proctical roles. I.e. employing a qualified accountant to be head of finance. This could reduce outcourciung costs and increase efficiency, lowering average costs
What is the financial enonomy
The larger an organisation, the more likely it will be to be able to negotiate favourable interest rates from lenders. This reduces the cost of borrowing money