The human heart-transport in animals Flashcards
Heart summary
- 4 chambers
- enclosed in ribs and sternum
- deoxygenated blood flows through right side to lungs, oxygenated through left to body
- made of cardiac muscle, contracts and relaxes in regular rhythm, does not get fatigues
- coronary arteries supply cardiac muscle with oxygenated blood it needs
- surrounded by inelastic pericardial membranes which prevent heart from over distending with blood
inelastic pericardial membranes
prevent heart from over distending with blood
function of heart (deoxygenated side)
- deoxygenated blood enters right atrium via vena cava (superior/inferior) at low pressure
- as blood flows in, slight pressure builds up until atrioventricular valve opens to let blood pass to right ventricle
- when both atrium and right ventricle are filled with blood, the atrium contracts and forces all blood into right ventricle
- as right ventricle starts to contract, tricuspid/ atrioventricular valve closes
- the tendinous cords make sure valves are not turned inside out by pressure
- right ventricle contracts fully and pumps deoxygenated blood through semi lunar valves into pulmonary artery, which transports it to capillary bed of the lungs
function of heart (oxygenated side)
- oxygenated blood enters left atrium via pulmonary vein
- as pressure in atrium builds, the bicuspid valve opens between left atrium and ventricle= both filled with blood
- when both are full the atrium contracts, forcing all blood into left ventricle
- left ventricle then contracts and pumps blood through semilunar valves into the aorta and around the body
- as ventricle contracts the bicuspid valve closes
-the inner dividing wall of the heart which prevents the mixing of deoxygenated and oxygenated blood
why do the walls on left and right differ in thickness
- left much thicker because has to pump blood around body.
- left has to produce sufficient force to overcome the resistance of the aorta and arterial systems whereas right only has to overcome the resistance of pulmonary circulation
Diastole- cardiac cycle
- the heart relaxes, the atria and then the ventricles fill with blood.
- the vol and pressure of blood build as heart fills, but the pressure in arteries is at a minimum
Systole- cardiac cycle
- the atria contract, atrial systole, closely followed by the ventricles (ventricular systole)
- pressure inside heart increases dramatically and blood is forced out of right side of the heart to the lungs and from left side to body
- vol and pressure are low at the end of systole and b.p in arteries is at a maximum
Sino atrial node, natural pacemaker
- a wave of electrical excitation begins in the pacemaker area, causing atria to contract and so initiating the heartbeat
- a layer of non-conducting tissue prevents the excitation tissuepassing directly to the ventricles (purkyne )
atrio ventricular node
- electrical activity from sino atrial node picked up by it
- imposes a slight delay before stimulating the bundle of his
Bundle of His
- a bundle of conducting tissue made up of Purkyne fibres which penetrate through the septum between ventricles
- splits into 2 branches and conducts the wave of excitation to the apex of the heart
Purkyne fibres
-at apex, spread out through walls of the ventricles. The spread of excitation triggers the contraction of the ventricles, starting at the apex
wave of excitation
-basic rhythm of heart maintained by a wave of excitation
-measure the spread of excitation and records whats happening on graph
-when heartbeat is v rapid
-when heart rate slows down below 60bpm, many fit ppl have it
ectopic heartbeat
extra heartbeats that are out of the normal rhythm
atrial fibrillation
- example of arrhythmia= abnormal rhythm of heart
- rapid electrical impulses generated in the atria
- heart does not pump blood effectively
Most carbon dioxide is transported as hydrogencarbonate ions in the plasma.
Hydrogencarbonate ions are produced in the erythrocytes and diffuse into the plasma.
(i) Describe how the hydrogencarbonate ions are produced in the erythrocytes
carbon dioxide, enters / diffuses into, erythrocytes ;
2 (carbon dioxide) combines / reacts, with water ;
3 correct ref to carbonic anhydrase;
4 forms carbonic acid ;
5 (carbonic acid) dissociates to form hydrogencarbonate
ions and, hydrogen ions / protons ;
High concentrations of carbon dioxide in the blood reduce the amount of oxygen
transported by haemoglobin.
Name this effect and explain why it occurs.
explanation .
1 Bohr (effect / shift) ;
Explanation (any 2 of the following marks)
2 reduces affinity (of Hb) for oxygen ;
3 formation of haemoglobinic acid / hydrogen ions interact
with haemoglobin ;
4 prevents, fall in pH / build-up of H+, in cells
OR provides buffering effect ;
5 alter, structure / shape, of haemoglobin ;
6 more oxygen released where, needed / more
respiration / carbon dioxide concentration high ;
7 CO2 binds to haemoglobin forming
carbaminohaemoglobin ;
3 max Maximum 2 marks if effect not named correctly
ACCEPT phonetic spelling
IGNORE ref to ‘curve shifting’
ACCEPT hydrogen ions, combine / bind, with Hb
ACCEPT HHb for haemoglobinic acid
ACCEPT H+ + Hb → HHb
State what is meant by the term health.
- mental and physical wellbeing
- in a state of no diseases
Curve A represents fetal haemoglobin.
Explain why the fetal haemoglobin curve is to the left of the adult haemoglobin curve
placenta has low pO2 ;
2 adult (oxy)haemoglobin will, release O2 / dissociate,
(in, low pO2 / placenta) ;
3 fetal haemoglobin has higher affinity for oxygen /
described ;
4 fetal haemoglobin, is (still) able to take up
(some) oxygen, in placenta / at low(er) pO2
Sickle cell anaemia is an inherited disorder in which haemoglobin crystallises when the
partial pressure of oxygen (pO2) is low. The red blood cells change shape and oxygen
transport is disrupted.
Treatment with drugs, such as hydroxyurea, can stimulate adults to produce fetal
haemoglobin rather than adult haemoglobin.
Suggest why this treatment might be of benefit to adults with sickle cell anaemia.
(fetal) haemoglobin may not crystallise (much)
(at low pO2) ;
red blood cells do not change shape ;
(fetal) haemoglobin can pick up more oxygen at low pO2
(than sickle haemoglobin);
idea that more oxygen, transported / delivered
(around body)
Describe and explain how substances that are dissolved in the blood plasma, such as oxygen
or glucose, enter the tissue fluid from the capillaries
diffusion ;
from high concentration to low concentration / down
concentration gradient;
(hydrostatic) pressure in capillary high(er than in tissue fluid) ;
capillary (walls) leaky / described ;
fluid / plasma, forced out (of capillary)
fluid / plasma, moves, from higher pressure to lower
pressure / down pressure gradient ;
(as the fluid / plasma moves out) glucose / oxygen / small molecules, leave with, fluid / plasma ;
Explain why lignin is essential in the wall of a xylem vessel.
provides, strength / support ;
to keep, it / the vessel / the tube, open
prevent collapse of, vessel / tube ;
(because) transpiration produces, tension / negative
pressure ;
to waterproof the, cell / vessel / tube / wall ;
(so) cell, dies / content decays ;
to create a hollow, tube / vessel
to create a continuous column / allow unimpeded flow ;
to limit lateral flow of water ;
ref to adhesion (between water molecules and wall)
Explain why cartilage is essential in the trachea
(provides) strength / support, to keep, it / trachea / airway,
(provides) strength / support, to prevent collapse ;
during, inspiration / inhaling / breathing in ;
volume of, chest cavity / thorax / lungs, increases ;
low(er) / negative, pressure in, trachea / thorax / lungs
During the electrical stimulation of the heart, there is a short delay between the excitation
of the atria and excitation of the ventricles.
Explain why this delay is essential
(to allow time) for the atria to (fully) contract ;
to allow (time for), atria to empty / blood to move /
ventricles to fill ;
so that ventricle(s) do not contract, too early
) The Purkyne tissue carries the excitation wave down the septum to the apex of the heart.
Explain why the excitation wave is carried to the apex.
so that (ventricular) contraction starts at, apex / base /
bottom ;
to push blood upwards
into/ towards, (named) arteries ;
complete / efficient, emptying of ventricles
The pressure fluctuates as the blood flows along the aorta, as shown in Fig. 3.1.
(i) Explain what causes this fluctuation.
systole / contraction, increases pressure ;
diastole / relaxation/ blood flowing onwards, decreases
pressure ;
(contraction of) ventricle, muscle / wall ;
left (ventricle) ;
Explain why the wall of the left ventricle is thicker than the wall of the left atrium
(more muscle to create) more force ; 2 (needs to create) higher pressure ; 3 push blood against greater , resistance / friction ; 4 (left ventricle) pumps blood further / pumps blood to all parts of body / supplies systemic circulation