lipids-biological molecules Flashcards
-triglycerides, phospholipids, sterols
how are triglycerides synthesised?
-by the formation of an ester bond between each fatty acid and glycerol molecule
how is an ester bond formed between glycerol and fatty acid
-by a condensation reaction (water molecules are released)
how is an ester bond broken
-by a hydrolysis reaction (water molecules used up)
diff between a saturated and unsaturated fatty acid
-unsaturated have a carbon double bond= causes the chain to kink
general formula for saturated fatty acid
main use of triglycerides, phospholipids and cholesterol
- T, mainly used as energy storage molecules in animals and plants
- P, make up phospholipid bilayer in a cell membranes of all eukaryotes and prokaryotes
- C, in eukaryotic cells, strengthens the cell membrane by interacting with the phospholipid bilayer
uses of adaptations in triglycerides
- long hydrocarbon tails of the fatty acids contains lots of chemical energy= lots of energy is released when they are broken down
- theyre insoluble= dont cause water to enter the cells by osmosis which would make them swell
- fatty tails are hydrophobic and shield themselves from water with their glycerol heads
roles of phospholipids
- make up the phospholipid bilayer
- do not allow water-soluble substances e.g ions to pass through due to their tails being hydrophobic
uses of adaptations in cholesterol
- has a small size and flattened shape-allows cholesterol to fit in between the phospholipid molecules in the membrane
- they bind to the hydrophobic tails of the phospholipids , causing them to pack more closely together. This helps the membrane less fluid and more rigid
role of cholesterol
- makes membrane less fluid
- used to make vit D
- used in liver to produce bile
Contains only carbon, hydrogen and oxygen
triglyceride and cholesterol
insoluble in water
-triglyceride, phospholipid, cholesterol
contains glycerol
triglyceride and phospholipids
contains ester bonds
triglyceride and phospholipid
important in membrane structure
phospholipids and cholesterol
contains fatty acids
triglycerides and phospholipids
Describe how to do the emulsion test for lipids and how a positive result would be identified
mix with / add , ethanol / alcohol , and water ;
(goes) cloudy
State two roles of cholesterol in living organisms
regulates fluidity of / stabilises / AW, membranes / phospholipid bilayer ;
(converted to) steroid / named steroid, hormone(s) ;
waterproofing the skin ;
making Vitamin D ;
making bile (salts) ;
Identify one way in which the molecular structure of cholesterol is similar to the molecular
structure of a carbohydrate.
contains C and H and O ;
has, OH / hydroxyl, groups ;
hex / 6-membered, ring
Cholesterol is transported in the blood within molecules of low-density lipoprotein (LDL).
Name two molecules that combine with cholesterol to form LDLs
(saturated) lipids / fats / triglycerides ;
protein / polypeptide