The Human Brain and Nervous Systems : Cells Flashcards
What 2 cells make up the Nervous System?
- Neurons
2. Glial
What are Neurons?
How many?
basic element in the nervous system
80-100 billlion in CNS and PNS
What are the Glial Cells?
Support for the Neurons
What Is the main role of the Glial Cell ?
Produce Myelin
What Is the 7 main role of the Glial Cell ?
- Support
- Produce Myelin
- Remove Debris
- Housekeeping
- neuron placement
- help form the blood brain barrier
- nourish the neurons
What are the most important 5 Glial cells in the CNS?
- Astrocytes
- Oligodendrocytes
- microglia
- Schwann
- satellite cells
what is Astrocytes ?
nourishes the Neurons
protects against injury
tigers Synapse
what is the Oligodendrocytes ?
Producing Myelin in CNS
what is microglia?
Acting like an immune system
what is Schwann ?
Producing Myelin in PNS
what is satellite cells ?
nourishes the Neurons
protects against injury
tigers Synapse
in PNS
what is Myline Made of ?
70 - lipid
30 - protein
what are Nodes of Ranvier ?
when there is no myelin on the axon
what does Nodes of Ranvier do?
Gives the Neuron the ability and speed to transmit electrical signal
Where are Neuron-transmitters stored?
Terminal Bottoms
What are the 4 types of neurons?
- interneurons
- multipolar nuerons
- unipolar nuerons
- Bipolar
what is interneurons ?
it connect the Neurons together
what is multipolar neurons ?
Multiple dendrite
1 long axon
mostly in the brain cortex
What is unipolar neurons ?
Seen in Sensory area
1 axon or 1 dendrite