The human body - divisions of the spinal column - ch 3 Flashcards
How many bones does the spinal column consist of?
What are the 26 bones within the spinal column known as?
vertebra (plural vertebrae)
How many divisions of the spinal column consist?
Name the 5 divisions of the spinal column?
- cervical
- thoracic
- lumbar
- sacral
- coccygeal
How many vertebrae are found in the cervical division of the spine?
How are the 7 vertebrae found in the cervical division labelled?
C1 - C7
Name the region of the body in which the 7 vertebraes within the cervical division are found?
Neck region
How many vertebrae are found in the thoracic division of the spinal column?
How are the 12 vertebrae found in the thoracic division labelled?
T1 - T12
Name the region of the body in which the 12 vertebrae within the thoracic division are found?
Chest region
In the chest region are 12 pairs of ribs, which spinal division are they attached to?
How many vertebrae are found in the lumbar division of the spinal column?
How are the 5 vertebrae found in the lumbar division labelled?
L1 - L5
Name the region of the body in which the 5 vertebrae within the lumbar division are found?
Fland region (the area between the ribs and the hip bone)
How many vertebrae are found in the sacral division of the spinal column?
How are the 5 vertebrae found in the sacral division labelled?
S1 - S5
The 5 vertebrae labelled S1 - S5 found in the sacral division are fused to form a single bone, what is the name of this bone?
How many bones are fused together to form the coccyx or tailbone?
What is the spinal column made up of?
bone tissue and spinal cord
What type of tissue does the bone tissue and spinal cord consist of?
nervous tissue
Each vertebrae is separated by an intervertebral space which contains a small disc, what is this disc made up of?
Water and cartilidge
What is the purpose of the small disc found in the intervertebral space?
- To act as a cushioning mechanism for the vertebrae as well as a stabiliser.
- To ensure continued movement of the spinal column
If an intervertebral space is labelled T12/L1. Explain where this vertebrae space is found.
T12/L1 is the space between the last vertebrae in the thoracic vertebra (T12) and the first Lumbar vertebra (L1)