The Heart, Cardiac Muscle Properties, the Electrocardiogram Flashcards
location of the Heart
in the Pericardial Sac in the Mediastinal Cavity
Pericardial Sac
double walled sac containing the heart and the roots of the great vessels
Mediastinal Cavity
central compartment of the thoracic cavity,
surrounded by loose connective tissue
heart, vessels, esophagus, trachea, phrenic and cardiac nerves, thoracic duct, thymus and lymph nodes
Heart Wall parts
- Epicardium (visceral pericardium)
- Myocardium
- Endocardium
Epicardium (visceral pericardium)
serous membrane that makes up the innermost layer of the pericardial sac and the outermost layer of the heart wall
heart muscle, middle layer of the heart wall,
thickest layer of the heart
inner layer of the heart wall
similar to epithelial cells
makes up the surface of the valves
4 chambers of the heart
2 atria
2 ventricles
What blood enters the right atria?
deoxygenated blood from the vena cava
Where does the blood in the right ventricle go to?
pulmonary arteries which will take the blood to the lungs
What blood enters the left atria?
Oxygenated blood from the lungs/pumonary veins
Where does the blood in the left ventricle go?
aorta, which will carry blood throughout the body
Right Side of the Heart
deoxygenated blood, low pressure system, pumps blood to the lungs
“Pulmonary Circuit”
tricuspid valve, pulomonary semilunar valve
Left Side of the Heart
oxygenated blood, high pressure system, pumps blood to the body
“Systemic Circuit”
bicuspid valve (Mitral Valve), aortic semilunar valve
Cardiac Blood Supply
- Coronary Arteries(exit from Aorta)
- Capillaries
- Coronary Veins
- Coronary Sinus (outflow into Right Atrium)
Coronary Arteries
Branch off from the Aorta into the Left Coronary Artery and Right Coronary Artery
Coronary Veins
remove deoxygenated blood from the myocardium
Coronary Sinus
largest coronary vein, responsible for venous retuen for 55% of the cardiac blood supply
Cardiac Muscle Structure
distinct cells, striated,
Autorhythmicity, “Functional Synctium”
thick and thin filaments, intercalated disks=glue, branched fibers = twist
autodepolarization or self-excitable
Functional Syncytium
wave of contraction that allows the heart to work as a unit,
breakdown of this causes Fibrillation
thin membranes in between cells, stimulate one cell and they all contract
Atria Autorhythmicity
Ventricle Autorhythmicity
Types of Cardiac Muscle Fibers
- Fast Response
- Slow Response
Fast Response Fibers
Atrial and Ventricular Cells
5 phases
-90 to +30 mV, 2 Na+ gates (M gates, H gates)
M Gates
activation gates, open for depolarization, allow Na+ entry
H Gates
inactivation gates, prevent Na+ entry, closed by end of depolarization
5 Phases of Depolarization in Fast Response Fibers
- Phase 0
- Phase 1
- Phase 2
- Phase 3
- Phase 4
Phase 0 of Depolarization in Fast Response Fibers
depolarization, rapid influx of Na+ ions,
Fast Na+ channels
Tetrodotoxin poisons this channel
Phase 1 of Depolarization in Fast Response Fibers
Initial repolarization, partial efflux of K+ ions
Phase 2 of Depolarization in Fast Response Fibers
plateau phase, Slow Ca++ influx
Ca++ influx is balanced by K+ efflux
Phase 3 of Depolarization in Fast Response Fibers
final repolarization, closure of Ca++ channels
large efflux of K+
Phase 4 of Depolarization in Fast Response Fibers
stabilize resting membrane potential
(Na+/K+ ATPase pump)
Effective Refractory Period
absolute refractory period
Slow Response Fibers
higher resting membrane potential (-70 to +10 mV),
unstable membrane potential
no plateau on the depolarization curve
slow depolarization “pacemaker tissue”
Phases of Depolarization in Slow Response Tissue
- Phase 0
- Phase 3
- Phase 4
Phase 0 of Depolarization in Slow Response Tissue
action potential spike due to Ca++ influx, some K+ efflux
Tetrodotoxin does not affect it, not steep, not fast Na+ channels,
Phase 3 of Depolarization in Slow Response Tissue
decrease in Ca++ influx, increase in K+ efflux
repolarizes similar to other excitable tissue
Phase 4 of Depolarization in Slow Response Tissue
leaky channels, net effect -> Na+, Ca++ influx>K+ efflux, leak to threshold
Na+/K+ ATPase Pump
Order of Electrical Flow in the Heart
- SA Node or pacemaker
- AV Node
- Bundle of His
- Right and Left Bundle Branches
- Purkinje Fibers
SA Node
sinoatrial node, most irritable part of the heart
AV Node
atrioventricular node
3 Standard Bipolar Leads
3 Augmented Unipolar Leads
Eintoven’s Triangle
triangle around the heart formed by standard bipolar leads and augmented unipolar leads
P Wave
deerpolarization of the Atria
QRS Complex
depolarization of ventricles
S marks closure of AV Valves
“Lub” sound
T Wave
repolarization of the ventricles,
“Dub” sound
same deflection as QRS in most leads, opposite deflection or abnormal height is indicative of myocaridal damage
Mean QRS Complex
vector sum of bipolar leads or vector sum of unipolar leads
defines a coordinate axis system
Finding the Mean QRS Complex
- look for the most biphasic wave and its corresponding lead, mean QRS will be perpendicular to it
- confirm mean QRS direction by looking at two surrounding leads in that SAME LEAD GROUP (either bipolar or unipolar)
- mean QRS is their vector sum
“Normal” Mean QRS
-30 to 100 degrees
60 degrees average
Causes Mean QRS to Negative
Right Coronary Infarct
Left Ventricular Hypertrophy
Aortic Stenosis
Left side gets bigger or right side gets smaller
Causes Mean QRS to Positive
Left Coronary Infarct
Right Ventricular Hypertrophy
Pulmonary Emoblus
Pulmonary Contriction
Left side gets smaller or right side gets bigger
Right Axis Deviation
mean QRS from +100 to +180
Left Axis Deviation
mean QRS from -30 to -90
1 large block on EKG chart paper
.20 seconds
1 small block on EKG paper
.04 seconds
Calculating Heart Rate Using an EKG
300 dovoded bu the number of large blocks between 2 “R”s
or the # of Rs in 3 seconds times 20
heart rate greater than 100 bpm
heart rate less than 60 bpm
P-R interval
longer means heart block
QRS segment
0.10 seconds
closure of AV valves
Q-T segment
0.40 seconds
Heart Blocks
Issue with SA to AV
1st Degree Heart Block
prolonged P-R interval (>0.20 seconds)
usually delay in the AV node
2nd Degree Mobitz Type 1(Wenchebach)
increasing PR interval, finally P wave does not produce QRS
Longer, longer, longer, drop, now we have a Wenchebach
2nd Degree Mobitz Type 2
repeating P to QRS ratio of 2:1, 3:1, bradycardia
not all P waves produce QRS deflections
usually problem with conducting through the bundle of His, Pacemaker for treatment
3rd Degree Heart Block
multiple P waves per QRS AND varying P-R interval,
P waves do not evoke a QRS response, “Complete” Block
slow, regular ventricular rhythm, pacemaker for treatment
Paroxysmal Tachycardia
abrupt onset and termination of rapid electrical(contractile) events
Supraventricular Tachycardia
normal QRS except high rate, recurrent AV junction impulse
Ventricular Tachycardia
huge and wide QRS complexes, aberrant impulse conduction within ventricle
Treat with IV Adenosine, Paced Shock, Vagal Manuevers, Pericardial Thump
Very Dangerous!! Often leads to Ventricular Fibrillation
unsynchronized, rippling contractoins
Atrial Fibrillation
not immedietly life threatening, blood pooling and subsequent clotting is biggest risk
Ventricular Fibrillation
nearly immediate unconsciousness
lack of cooridinated contraction
little blood pumped
death unless defibrillation occurs
Coronary Infarct Indicators
multiple events, not visible from all leads, exaggerated Q wave, notched QRS complex, Elevated “ST segment” with “J Point”, inverted T waves with respect to QRS
shift of mean QRS
ST Elevated Myocardial Infartion
Inverted T waves
Non-Stemi Myocardial infarction
can be normal in small children depending on lead placement