Musclular System Flashcards
Location of Skeletal Muscle
Attached to bones
Location of Cardiac Muscle
Heart only
Location of Smooth Muscle
forms part of the structure of blood vessels, surrounds many hollow organs
Function of Skeletal Muscle
movement of the body
Function of Cardiac Muscle
pumping of blood
Function of Smooth Muscle
constriction of blood vessels, movement of contents in hollow organs
Basic Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle
very large, cylindrical, multinucleate cells arranged in parallel bundles
Basic Anatomy of Cardiac Muscle
quadrangular cells with occasional branching points, jointed to other cells by intercalated disks
Basic Anatomy of Smooth Muscle
Small, spindle-shaped cells with the long axis generally oriented in the same direction
Striated Muscle Tissues
Skeletal and Cardiac
Muscle Tissues with Gap Junctions
Cardiac and Smooth
Initiation of Action Potential in Skeletal Muscle
Neurons only
Initiation of Action Potential in Cardiac Muscle
spontaneous(pacemaker cells), or from another cardiac muscle cell
Initiation of Action Potential in Smooth Muscle
spontaneous, whenever slow-wave potentials exceed the threshold
Role of Nerve Stimulation in Skeletal Muscle
required for initiation of a twitch contraction,
summation and tetanus are possible
Role of Nerve Stimulation in Cardiac Muscle
stimulatory and inhibitory nerves modulate the heart rate and force of contraction, not required for cardiac muscle to function
Role of Nerve Stimulation in Smooth Muscle
stimulatory and inhibitory nerves can modulate a degree of tension developed, not required for smooth muscle to function
Duration of Electrical Activity in Skeletal Muscle
short-duration action potentials (1-2 msec)
Duration of Electrical Activity in Cardiac Muscle
long-duration action potentials (200 msec)
Duration of Electrical Activity in Smooth Muscle
very long slow waves at roughly 10 second intervals,
occasional superimposed long-duration action potentials (300 msec)
Energy Source for ATP Generation in Skeletal Muscle
phosphocreatine, stored glycogen, aerobic metabolism
Energy Source for ATP Generation in Cardiac Muscle
aerobic metabolism
Energy Source for ATP Generation in Smooth Muscle
aerobic metabolism
Energy Efficiency in Skeletal Muscle
Energy Efficiency in Cardiac Muscle
Energy Efficiency in Smooth Muscle
Likelihood of Fatigue in Skeletal Muscle
low-very high, depends on energy source and work load, in extreme conditions may fatigue in second
Likelihood of Fatigue in Cardiac Muscle
low as long as blood supply is adequate
Likelihood of Fatigue in Smooth Muscle
very low
Rate of Muscle Shortening in Skeletal Muscle
fast compared to other muscle types, type 2 fibers are faster than type 1
Rate of Muscle Shortening in Cardiac Muscle
Rate of Muscle Shortening in Smooth Muscle
very slow
Duration of Contraction in Skeletal Muscle
as short as 100 msec for a single twitch, tetanus may be prolonged
Duration of Contraction in Cardiac Muscle
short, about 300 msec, summation and tetanus not possible
Duration of Contraction in Smooth Muscle
very long, may be sustained indefinitely
Stored ATP Quantities in Muscle
stored only in small quantities
Phosphocreatine Quantities in Muscle
three to five times the amount of stored ATP
Glycogen Quantities in Muscle
variable, some muscle types store large quantities of glycogen
Stored ATP Time Course of Use
~10 second
Phosphocreatine Time Course of Use
~30 seconds
Glycogen Time Course of Use
Primarily used during heavy exercise within the first 3-5 minutes
Aerobic Metabolism Time Course of Use
always present
increases dramatically within several minutes of onset of exercise, when blood flow and resipiration increase
Stored ATP Fun Fact
ATP is the only direct energy source
it must be replenished by other energy sources
Phosphocreatine Fun Fact
converted quickly to ATP
Glycogen Fun Fact
glucose can be metabolized to ATP without Oxygen
yields two ATP molecules per glucose molecule
Aerobic Metabolism Fun Fact
high yield
complete metabolism of one gluocose molecule yeilds 38 ATP molecules
Functions of Muscluar System
- Motion - reflex, voluntary, homeostatic
- Posture
- Heat Production - up to 85% bosy heat
Characteristics of Muscle Tissue
- Excitability
- Contractility
- Extensibility
- Elasticity
Excitablility of Muscle Tissue
receives and responds to stimuli
Contractility of Muscle Tissue
shortens with stimuli
contraction is active
Extensibility of Muscle Tissue
Extension is passive
Elasticity of Muscle Tissue
can return to original shape after Extension or Contraction
Muscle Tissue Types
- Skeletal
- Cardiac
- Smooth
Skeletal Muscle
striated, voluntary (most), True Syncytium,
syncytium - multinucleate cells
Types of Skeletal Muscle
- Type 1 Fibers
- Type 2 A Fibers
- Type 2 B Fibers
Type 1 Fibers
slow twitch, fatigue resistant,
Uses Oxidative Phosphorylation for Energy
Red Fiber (myoglobin), Posture Muscles
red protein containing heme, carried and stores Oxygen in muscle tissue
Structurally similar to hemoglobin
Type 2 A Fibers
fast twitch, fatigue resistant
Uses Oxidative Phosphorylation for Energy
Red Fiber (myoglobin), uncommon (extrinsic eye muscles)
Type 2 B Fibers
fast twitch, fatigue easily
Uses Glycolysis for Energy
White Fiber (anaerobic), Arm and Leg muscles, sprinting
White Fiber (anaerobic)
skeletal muscle with low amounts of mitochondria and myoglobin,
Red Fiber
skeletal muscle with high amounts of mitochondria and myoglobin
muscle cell growth
due to hypertrophy, increase in myofilaments
no increase in cell number
Cardiac Muscle
striated, involuntary, functional syncytium,
intercalated disks, Branched Fibers
Autorhythmiticity - 70-20/min
Smooth Muscle
“muscle of organs” blood vessels, respiratory passages, Gi system, Urinary system, Arrector Pilli of skin, Iris of eye
not striated, thick and thin filaments, no Z lines
involuntary, sustained, tonic contraction (peristalsis)
Deep Fascia
dense, organized connective tissue
surrounds muscle
wraps entire muscle
sheath of fibrous elastic tissue
seperates muscles into Fasicles
sheath of connective tissue surrounding a bundle of muscle fibers
Muscle Fasicle
bundle of skeletal muscle fibers
surrounded by Perimysium
seperates Fasicles into muscle fibers
sheath of areolar connective tissue that surrounds each individual muscle fiber
contractile elements within muscle cells
part of bone that Tendons connect to
tough band of dense fibrous connective tissue that connects muscle to bone
plasma membrane of Muscle Fiber
cytoplasm of Muscle Fiber
organelle that uses aerobic respiration to generate ATP
is located in muscle fibers
“powerhouse of the cell”
carries and stores oxygen in muscle fibers
increases force of contraction by synchronising calcium release from the Sarcoplasmic Reticulum throughout a cell, helps give structure to the Sarcoplasmic Reticulum
Transverse Tubule
spread of action potential
helps give structure to the Sarcplasmic Reticulum
Longitudinal Tubule
Sarcoplasmic Reticulum
regulates calcium flow, stores calcium,
Skeletal Muscle “Triad”
T-Tubule bordered by 2 Sarcoplasmic Reticulums
Thick Filament
rebound qualities, stabilize sarcomere
Thin Filament
- Actin
- Tropomyosin
- Nebulin
- Troponin
Myosin head binding site
alpha helix chain
structural for strength
Types of Troponin
- TnI
- TnT
- TnC
inhibitory for Actin/Myosin binding
anchors complex into tropomyosin
Calcium bonding
Myofibril arrangements
Sarcomere units
Z line to Z line
disatnce of Z lines shortens with contraction
A Band
Myosin and Actin
will not shorten with contraction
I Band
Actin and Z line
distance shortens with contraction
H Zone
Myosin centers
M line is center of H Zone
distance shortens with contraciton
Motor End Plate
sarcolemma + axon termials
Synaptic Cleft
gap between adjacent neurons
Neurotransmitter of the Neuromuscular Junction
Acetyl Choline (ACh)
Motor Unit
axon + all Muscle Fibers it controls
Precise Control
few muscle fibers per axon
eye muscles
3-10 muscle fibers
gross control
many muscle fibers per axon
Biceps Brachii, Gastrocnemious
1000-2000 smaller motor units, more excitable
All or None Law
If threshold stimulus is applied, all muscle fibers controlled by a particular motor unit will fire
adjusting number and firing rates of motor units for smooth, sustained, contraction
Where is muscle contration initiated?
A band, where thick and thin filaments overlap
Tropomyosin and muscle contraction
when resting myosin and actin binding is blocked by Tropomyosin
Steps of Muscle Contraction
- Axon Terminal depolarizes (Ca++ influx, ACh release across the synapse)
- ACh binds the Sarcolemma Receptors
- Chemically gated Na+ gates open, Na+ influx into muscle, depolarization
- T-Tubule system spreads action potential along sarcomere (depolarization wave)
- Electrical potential causes Sarcoplasmic Reticulum to release Ca++
- Ca++ bind to Troponin, causes movement of Tropomyosin, Exposure of Myosin-Actin binding site
- Binding between Myosin and Actin binding site
- Ratcheting of Mysoin head due to ADP leaving, causing conformation change
- new ATP binds to Myosin, causes dissociation of actin/myosin, resets myosin head
- Repeats 7, 8, and 9 providing Ca++ is present
- When stimulation ceases, Ca++ is sequestered in Sarcoplasmic Reticulum, binding sites blocked, muscle relaxes
What shortens during muscle contraction?
sarcomere, H Zone, I Band, Z line to Z line distance
Rigor Mortis
No ATP available, Actin/Myosin complex becomes stable
slow Ca++ influx, but no ATP to break the complex
Steps of Muscle Contraction that require ATP
8 Ratcheting of Mysoin head due to ADP leaving, causing conformation change
9 new ATP binds to Myosin, causes dissociation of actin/myosin, resets myosin head
11 When stimulation ceases, Ca++ is sequestered in Sarcoplasmic Reticulum, binding sites blocked, muscle relaxes
Creatine Phosphate
Phosphate store that donates phosphate to augment ADP + Pi = ATP
30 second supply
metabolism of blood glucose
longterm ATP generation
also liver glycogenolysis
Anaerobic glycolysis
yields 2 ATP
lactic acid builds up
Aerobic glycolysis
total yield of 38 ATP
Krebs cycle, glycolysis
blocks Na+, prevents nervous system from carrying messages, prevents muscle contraction
blocks ACh release, causes flaccid paralysis
botox facelift
blocks ACh binding, paralyzing agent, causes weakness of skeletal muscles,
eventual death from asphixiation due to paralysis of the diaphragm
Sarin Nerve Gas
blocks Acetylcholinesterase, nerve impulses from acetylcholine are continually transmitted
Length Tension Curve
as a muscle shortens tension increases to a point until thin filaments start to overlap
think bicep curl getting easier towards the top
Isometric Contration
muscle develops tension but does not shorten
Muscle Twitch Stimulus Response
- Treppe
- Summation (staircase)
- Tetanus
- Fatigue
initial contraction after rest submaximal
repeated contraction become more powerful
more Ca++ available from the Sarcoplasm
Summation (staircase)
absolute and relative refractory periods of axons are brief compared to muscle twitch time
can re-stimulate a muscle before it has relaxed
force from first stimulus can be added to second
flat line response (20-60 stim/sec, action potentials released very fast)
Incomplete fusion: stimuli spaced far apart
Complete fusion: stimuli spaced close together
cardiac muscle will not tetanize
muscle depletes glycogen stores
Multiunit trait of Smooth Muscle
each cell operates as a discreate unit,
fires seperately
each unit is controlled by nerves
Unitary or Visceral
linked by gap junctions,
functional syncytium
uterus, bladder, small vessels, GI tract
What stimulates Smooth Muscle?
- Nerves
- spontaneous depolarization (slow waves)
- hormones
- local factors (O2, CO2, temp, prostaglandins)
- an increase in plasma Ca++
Amount of Myosin in Smooth Muscle
very little
uses of Calmodium(Ca++ binding) in Smooth Muscle
- activates mysosin light chain kinase (MLCK)
- causes phosphorylation of myosin
- causes cycling of myosin heads
location of contraction regulation in skeletal muscle
Thin filament
location of contraction in smooth muscle
Muscular Dystrophy
genetic based degeneration of skeletal muscle fibers
muscle tears, Ca++ enters
necrosis, macrophages, proximal muscles too
structural membrane protein is lacking in muscular dystrophy
Myasthenia Gravis
abnormality in neuromuscular junction
autoimmune disorder against ACh receptors on muscle
neostigmine treatment AChase inhibitor
Multiple Sclerosis
degeneration of myelin on nerves that direct muscle contraction
Anabolic Steroids
increase protein sysnthesis in muscle,
stimulates tumor growth, causes liver problems, causes psychological problems (Roidmania)
Charley Horse
bruise/tear of a muscle, followed by bleeding (hematoma)
Tennis Elbow
aggravation of the tendons of the forearm extensors by lateral epicondyle of humerous
involuntary contracting and relaxing of intestinal walls,
Steps of Muscle Contraction in Smooth Muscle
- Ca++ binds to calmodium
- MLCK is activated
- increases ATPase activity
- increased tension, contraction
Compartment Syndrome
swelling of lower calf muscles due to over exertion
muscle swells in fascia, no blood flow