Male Reproductive System Flashcards
- Corpus Spongiosum (surrounds urethra)
- Corpus Cavernosum (sponge-like erectile tissue)
Cremaster Muscle(skeletal muscle)
Dartos (fascia and smooth muscle)
Pampiniform Plexus
Temp Regulation (3 degrees celcius below body temp)
seminiferous tubules
rete testis
epididymis (capacitation)
vas deferens (smooth muscle for propulsion of sperm)
spermatic cord (vas deferens + spermatic Art +Vein)
Seminal Vesicle
ejaculatory duct
Cowpers gland function
mucous production
Leydig or Interstitial Cells
produce testosterone, stimulated by LH from the Ant. Pit. Test is negative feedback to Ant. Pit. and hypothalamus
95% of testosterone is produced in the Tesis Leydig cells
outside the seminferous tissue
Basal Lamina
makes up the blood/testis barrier
Sertoli Cells
nutrition of spermatozoa, helps the blood/testis barrier, produces Androgen Binding Protein, Produces inhibin hormone(negative feedback to Ant. Pit.)
stimulated by FSH
64 day cycle
1. Spermatogonia
2. Primary spermatocyte
3. secondary spermatocyte
4. spermatids
5. spermatozoa
46 chromosomes, XY
Primary Spermatocyte
46 chromosomes, XY, replicated
Secondary Spermatocyte
23 chromosomes, XY, replicated
23 chromosomes, XY, haploid
spermatids with flagella
48 hr lifespan
underwent a morphology change, 23 chromosomes, XY, haploid
change from Spermatids to Spermatozoa,
1. acrosoma cap forms
2. flagellum form
3. mitochondria group around the flagella
4. excess cytoplasm is discharged
5. chromatin condenses
Hormonal Control of the Male Reproductive Syndrome
- GnRH from the hypothamus is released
- stimulated the release of LH and FSH from the Ant. Pit.
GnRH - gonadal peptide releaseing hormone
mostly happens at night
Androgen Binding Protein
Testosterone Magnet
Testosterone Forms
the principle circulating form is testosterone, the most potent activated form is Dihydrotestosterone,
testosterone is primarily converted in peripheral tissues
Circulitory Transport of Testosterone
- 38% is bound to Albumin transporters
- 60% is bound to SHBG(sex hormone binding globulin)
- 2% is unbound and able to be exchanged with bound plasma fractions
Cellular Action of Testosterone
- plasma exchange between protein bound and free testosterone
- free T travels through membrane
- binds to cytoplasmic enzyme 5a reductase(converts T to dihydrotestosterone)
- stimulates nuclear transcription
benign prostate hypertrophy
male pattern baldness
General Effects of Testosterone
- skeletal and muscle growth
- stimulates erythropoeisis
- stimulates metablic rate
- stimulates sebaceous gland activity
- growth and distribution of body hair
Anabolic Effects of Testosterone
- increase in nitrogen, phosphorus and sodium
- enlargement of genitalia
- accessory reproductive glands gametogenesis
- maturation of sperm and ducts
- increases dominance and aggressive behavior
100 million spermatozoa per ml, about 6-8ml, basic pH, made of fructose, vitamin C, Hormones, Acid Phosphotase, zinc, cholesterol
seminal vesicle holds 60% of volume, prostate gland holds 40%
response to erotic stimuli, higher brain centers activated, parasympathetic response, dilation of ateries, venous outflow blocked
spinal reflex, contraction of Vas Deferns and Bulbocavernosus muscle