The hand Flashcards
What compartments are the intrinsic muscles of the hand split into?
Thenar compartment Hypothenar compartment Adductor compartment Central compartment Interosseus compartment
What does the thenar compartment form and what is its main function?
Forms the thenar eminence Main function is apposition of the thumb
What muscles make up the thenar eminence/compartment?
Abductor policis brevis Flexor pollicis brevis Opponens pollicis
Identify structures labelled 1-3

1- Flexor pollicis brevis 2- Abductor pollicis brevis 3- Opponens pollicis
What nerve innervates the thenar muscles?
The median nerve
What do the hypothenar muscles produce?
The hypothenar eminence on the medial side of the hand
What are the hypothenar muscles?
Abductor digiti minimi
Flexor digiti minimi
Opponens digiti minimi
Which nerve innervates all the hypothenar muscles?
The ulnar nerve
Identify the structures labelled 1-3 HYPOTHENAR MUSCLES

1- Flexor digiti minimi 2- Abductor digiti minimi 3- Opponens digiti minimi
Identify the two heads of adductor pollicis labelled 1 and 2 ADDUCTOR POLLICIS

1- Transverse head 2- Oblique head
What is the innervation of adductor pollicis?
The ulnar nerve
What is the action of adductor pollicis?
Adducts the thumb
From which tendon do the four lumbricals originate?
The tendon of the flexor digitorum profundus
What is the action of the lumbricals?
The lumbricals flex the fingers at the metacarpophalangeal joint and simultaneously extends the interphalangeal joint of digits 2-5
What is the innervation of the lumbricals?
The medial two lumbricals are innervated by the ulnar nerve and the lateral two the median nerve
On which surface of the hand do the lumbricals lie?
On the palmar surface of the bones
What is the function of the dorsal interossei?
Dorsal interossei ABduct the fingers (DAB)
What is the function of the palmar interossei?
Palmar interossei ADduct the fingers (PAD)
Which nerve innervates both the dorsal and palmar interossei?
The ulnar nerve
Identify the muscle groups labelled as either lumbricals, palmar interossei or dorsal interossei

1- Lumbricals 2- Dorsal interossei 3- Palmar interossei
Through which arteries is all the blood to the hand supplied?
The ulnar and radial arteries and all their branches
How is collateral circulation provided to the hand?
Through the superficial and deep palmar arches that are formed from the ulnar and radial arteries
Which artery is the main contributor for each palmar arch?
Superficial palmar arch- ulnar artery Deep palmar arch- radial artery
Where in the hand does the radial nerve supply?
Supplies the skin on the dorsal aspect of the hand
Through what structure does the median nerve enter the hand?
The carpal tunnel
What intrinsic muscles of the hand are supplied by the ulnar nerve?
All except the thenar eminence and the first and second lumbricals
Identify the dermatomes of the hand labelled 1 and 2 DERMATOMES OF HAND

1- Median nerve 2- Ulnar nerve
Identify the dermatomes of the hand labelled 1, 2 and 3

1- Ulnar nerve 2- Radial nerve 3- Median nerve