Foot Flashcards
What are the functions of the foot?
Support body weight
Important role in locomotion
Identify the structures labelled 1-9

1- Talus
2- Navicular
3- Cuneiforms
4- Distal phalanx
5- Middle phalanx
6- Proximal phalanx
7- Metatarsals
8- Cuboid
9- Calcaneus
What is the aponeurosis on the sole of the foot called?
Plantar fascia
Where does eversion and inversion of the foot occur?
At the subtalar joints
Ball and socket between talus and navicular
How are the muscles of the foot arranged?
Into four layers
Identify the muscles of the first layer of the foot labelled 1-3

1- Abductor digiti minimi
2- Abductor hallicus
3- Flexor digitorum brevis
Identify the muscles of the second layer of the foot labelled 1-4

1- Quadratus plantae
2- Flexor hallicus longus tendon
3- Medial plantar nerve
4- Lateral plantar nerve and artery
What are the functions of the muscles of the first two layers of the foot?
Flexion of toes, essential for gait
Which nerves innervate the intrinsic muscles of the foot?
Medial plantar nerve
Lateral plantar nerve
Of which nerve are the plantar nerves a branch?
Tibial nerve
Which arteries supply the foot region?
Dorsalis pedis artery
Medial plantar artery
What artery are the dorsalis pedis and medial plantar arteries branches of?
The posterior tibial artery
What muscles make up the third layer of the foot?
The dorsal and plantar interossei
What are the functions of the dorsal and plantar interossei of the foot?
Plantar interossei adduct (PAD) the toes Dorsal interossei abduct (DAB) the toes
How do the interossei of the foot vary from the hand?
Axis of foot runs through second digit and so has two abductors and no adductors
What is the function of the arches of the feet?
Distribute body weight
Act as shock absorbers
What are the passive factors that maintain the arches of the feet?
Shape of united bones
Plantar fascia
Long plantar ligament
Short plantar ligament
What are the dynamic factors that maintain the arches of the feet?
Intrinsic muscles of the foot
Long flexor tendons
Tendon of tibialis anterior
Fibularis longus