The foot and ankle joint complex Flashcards
What are the functions of the ankle?
Absorb loading forces
Adapt to uneven ground
Allow efficient propulsion
Role of the tibia and fibula
Act as pulley for tendons of muscles that run directly behind them, thus increasing mechanical advantage for inversion and eversion muscles
Weight bearing heel bone
Transmits weight from the tibia to the calcaneus and navicular
What is the anatomical word for ankle joint
What is the anatomical word for subtler joint
Involve motion is all 3 planes
Pronation - flat
Supination - high arches
Why are heels unstable?
The decrease in stability of when the ankle foot is plantar flexed. (Dorsiflexion allows for much less movement literally than when plantarflexed)
Also less stable when waling downhill than up
What is the tendency to fall forward restricted by?
Plantarflexors in the calf muscles
Functions of the foot
Support weight
Absorb shock
Rigid support to propel the body
Generally weight transferred from calcareous to 5th metatarsal head to 1st metatarsal
Medial longitudinal arch
calcaneus - navicular - 3 cuneiforms - 3 medial metatarsals
Lateral longitudinal arch
calcaneus - cuboid - 4th and 5th metatarsals
Anterior transverse arch
under heads of metatarsals
Flattens out as bear weight
Posterior transverse arch
Under 3 cuneiforms and cuboid
What factors maintain the arch of the foot?
Wedge shaped bones, ligaments, plantar aponeurosis, intrinsic muscles, long muscles
Inversion trains
Lateral ligaments are weaker than medial ligaments
Lateral malleolus projects futher distally
Uneven surfaces
Eversion sprain
Medial structures damaged
Plantar fasciitis
Pain at the most anterior portion of the heel pad
Medial tubercle
Worst with the first step in the morning
Pain increases with active dorsiflexion of the first toe
Shin splits
Medial tibial stress syndrome
Strain of tibalis posterior and sheath where they attach to periosteum
Due to repetitive activity
Inflammation of tendons e.g Achillis