The Final Solution - N Flashcards
When did Jewish Boycotts happen in Germany?
January 1934
What were all Jewish shops marked with during the Jewish Boycotts?
A yellow Star of David or the word Juden “Jew”.
How were Jewish people discriminated during the Jewish Boycotts in 1934?
Soldiers would stand outside Jewish shops, turning people away. This meant Jewish businesses would struggle, causing them to lose their source of income.
News articles, speeches and film presented Jews to be evil, selfish and damaging to the nation.
How did Eugenics affect Jews?
Jewish children were forced out of German state schools and were left to have no education.
Aryans were taught that they were the superior race which lead prejudice of Jews being normalised.
What was Euthanasia?
Programme set up where around 350,000 physically and mentally disabled people were forcibly steralised and between 1939-1941 over 100,000 were killed.
What were the Nazi’s views on disabled people?
Saw people with disabilities or social issues as degenerates who genes needed to be eliminated from the human bloodline in order for them to achieve their perfect Aryan race.
When were the Nuremberg Laws?
What did the Nuremberg Laws do?
Prevent marriage between Jews and non-Jews.
When was Kristallnacht?
November 9th, 1938.
How were Jews impacted by Kristallnacht?
Jewish homes, synagogues and businesses were attacked all over Germany and Austria.
10,000 Jewish shops had their shop windows destroyed.
How many Jews were killed as a result of Kristallnacht?
How many Jewish men were sent to concentration camps as a result of Kristallnacht?
How many synagogues were burnt down as a result of Kristallnacht?
How were Jews physically isolated from society?
They were bricked into ghettos or sent to work in concentration camps.
This meant that non-Jewish people did not come in contact with them and this treatment became socially accepted.
Ghettos were in such poor conditions that many died of starvation or disease due to the close proximity they lived in.
How did the Eisatzgruppen lead to the Final Solution?
Execution squads went out into the countryside and shot or gassed as many Jews as they could find.
Total victims: around 1.2 million Jews
This was discrete and out of sight of non-Jewish people which allowed for this state of normality to continue where no one knew how Jews were being treated. The chaos of war meant it went unnoticed. This allowed for the Nazis to continue proceeding towards the Final Solution.
When were all Jewish lawyers and teachers sacked?
March 1933
When were Jewish doctors sacked?
What careers were Jews banned from having?
- Journalism
- Medicine
- Teaching
- Law
- Government
When did Germany invade Poland?
How did the invasion of Poland in 1939 lead to the Final Solution?
Initially as a result of Nazi rule, many Jews had fled Germany in fear to live in countries such as Holland and Belgium.
But, they found themselves back under Nazi control when Germany invaded and occupied countries during WW2.
How many Jews were there from Poland in 1939?
3 million
How many Jews were there in Western Russia?
2.7 million
How many Jews were there in France, Denmark, Norway and the Balkans?
Over 1 million
When was the Wansee Conference?
20th January 1942
Who led the Wansee Conference?
What was agreed at the Wansee Conference (1942)?
To carry out the Final Solution:
- 6 death camps
- Use of gas
How many companies transported people and resources to Auschwitz?