The characteristics of criminal behaviour Flashcards
What do Andrews and Bonta 1998 say the definition of crime is?
-An act prohibited by law and punished by the state
-An action considered to be a violation of moral or religious cose
-An action that violates the norms of society
-An action that causes serious psychological stress and damage to a victim
What does crime is a social construct mean?
Although crimes a definition, it doesn’t consider facts that can be influence criminal behaviour
This includes historical context, culture and how it changes
What used to be a crime in the UK but not anymore?
-Homosexuality marriages
-Divorce laws
-Insulting the monarchy
-Groups of 6+ in covid times
-Illegal to eat a whale tail when poor
What are some criminal behaviours we weren’t aware were crimes?
-Heart attacks in parliament
-TV licence
-Gambling in a library
-Handling salmon suspiciously
-Walking cows in the streets at daytime
What are some crime in other country’s not criminal in the UK?
-Jaywalking in America but not in england
-Free speech in Korea
-Chewing chewing gum on public transport in Singapore
-Saudi Arabia can’t take pictures of government buildings
-Cant feed pigeons in jail
What do Muncie and McLaughlin 1996, says most people have demonstrated criminal behaviour, give some examples?
-Going on phone whilst driving
-Using someone’s electricity without permission of the bill holder
-Vaping in car
-Antisocial behaviour, playing loud music after 11pm
-Facebook account before 13
Is all criminal behaviour wrong-
There are time when criminal behaviour is deemed morally right
Nelson Mandela- Was arrested and convicted for conspiracy to overthrow the state in South Africa because they campaign against racial prejudice and the govt was pro-apathetic meaning they support racial segregation and discrimination
He spend 27 yrs in jail
Pussy riots- Group of feminists who are outspoken in their opposition president Putin, a lot of them have been jailed
-Emmeline Pankhurst, a suffragette
Who decided on the types of crime?
Farr and Gibbons 1990
What are the 7 types of crime?
-Property predatory crimes
-Property fraudulent crime
-Interpersonal violence general
-Interpersonal violence sexual
-Transactional vice
-Order disruption
-Folk/mundane crime
Farr and Gibbons- Property predatory crimes
Description and examples?
-People involved in taking or attempts to take someones private property without permission
e.g. Burglary, Robbery and car theft
Farr and gibbons-Property fraudulent crime description and examples?
People involved in deceit of manipulation with the purpose of converting property or services of others to their own use
e.g. Fraud, bribery and embezzlement
Farr and Gibbons- Interpersonal violence general description and examples?
People are involved in actions that threaten or cause a person harm
e.g. Murder, assault and kidnapping
Farr and gibbons- Interpersonal violence sexual description and examples?
Persons involved with actions that threaten or cause a person harm and contain a sexual element
e.g. rape, sexual abuse and incest
Farr and Gibbons-Transactional vice description and examples?
Persons are involved in ‘victimless’ offences where there is a willing exchange of goods and service
e.g. Prostitution, drug dealing and illegal gambling
Farr and Gibbons -Order disruption
description and examples?
Persons involved in actions where there are no direct victims but concerns raised about potential victim
e.g. Resisting arrest, loitering, rioting and disorderly conduct
Farr and Gibbons -Folk/mundane crime description and examples?
Persons are involved in actions that can range from minor rule violations (nuisances rather than crime)
e.g. Sharing copyright movie
-Phone whilst driving
-Not paying for a tv licence
What is a career criminal?
Criminals that use crime to finance their lives
What are the traits of a career criminal?
-Asocial value system
-Family dysfunction
-Easily distracted
-Power centric
-Cognitive laziness
Trait- Rationalising?
-Rationalise own behaviour by diverting blame on others
-Dont evaluate own behaviour
Trait- Entitlement?
-Self centredness, dont care about others
-Believe they have the right to commit any acts they could desire
Trait- Asocial value system?
No remorse to action or empathy to others
-Failure to adhere to acceptable social standards with a lack of self control leads to life with confrontation
Trait- Sentimentality?
See themselves in a positive light as they have sentimentality towards children and animals, further fueling fire of rationalising offending cycle
Trait- Impulsive?
Unable to control behaviour and impulses
-Lack control over their temperament leading to disastrous results
Trait- Family dysfunction?
Lack of family support on financial and emotions support
Family unable to provide emotional stability’s, leading to asocial behaviour
-Also substance abuse by father
Trait- Easily distracted?
Distraction issues losing focus of original goals
Can’t remain focused on target with socially acceptable objects
So criminalise decided they hold the strength they’ll exploit the weak
Trait- Power centric?
Look at people and situations as a power strategy
-Each encounters a battle of strong or weak
-When criminals decide they had the strength they’ll exploit the weak
Trait -Cognitive laziness?
Lack of ambition, without thought out decisions
-Have strong desire to live outside rules and test boundaries of acceptable behaviour in youth
-As older they live within antisocial boundaries they created
Trait- Invincibility?
Inflating sense of optimism ‘i’ll never get caught’
-Beliefs leads criminalisation of dangerous path
-Believe certain strategy’s worked in past so will now
What do Holmes and Holmes say about serial killers?
-Serial killers shared characteristics of being white, male and between ages of 25-34
-Charming and charismatic
-Different subtypes of serial killers
Holmes and Holmes- what are the 4 types of a serial killer?
-Visionary serial killer
-Mission orientations
-Hedonistic serial killer
-Power control serial killer
Holmes and homes- what is a visionary serial killer?
-Motivated to kill by voices and visions, individuals can be both lucid and then on occasion lose touch with reality
-Frequently report actions are due to god or the devil
-During commision of crime, usually kill quickly and don’t engage in staging at the crime scene
-Usually declare insane or in compliant to stand trial
Holmes and holmes- what is a mission orientation?
-Believe they have a calling to eliminate a certain group of people
-This sort of killer is in touch with reality apart from their self imposed need to irradiate certain groups
-In the commision of their crimes, the mission serial killer may stalk potential victim and generally display an organised typology (cleaning up after crime scene)
Holmes and holmes- what is a hedonistic serial killer?
Kill for joy- thrill and comfort orientation
Lust/thrill- Sexual gratifications and violence, murder is erotic
Follow distinct process they fellow and crime and protrade
Comfort- Personal gain (property+ money), perpetrator most likely to be a female, geographically mobile and hard to catch
Holmes and holmes- what is a power control serial killers?
-Derive sexual gratification from dominating and controlling the lives of others
-May be a sociopath and live by their own rules even though they are aware of society’s rules
-Derive most gratification by prolonging their crimes and may use weapons
-Strong compulsion to strangle victims