Characteristics Of Addiction Flashcards
How does the NHS define addiction?
Not having control over doing, taking or using something to the point it can be harmful
How does the BPS define addiction?
Addiction is defined as a psychological and for physiological and for physiological depend on a particular substance or event
What are the two types of addiction?
What is behavioral addiction?
What is substance addiction?
Prescription drugs
What is the DSM-5?
Diagnostic and statistic manual of mental illness
Uptakes new reaserch about different disorders
Doctors and Psychiatrics look for lists of symptoms when diagnosing mental illness
Version 5 published in 2013
Issues with DMS-5?
Issue is that it has a limited ability to diagnose behaviour addiction
-Aside from gambling
What did Griffith’s do?
Wrote the journal of substance use
Identified six criteria that need to diagnose addiction
What are Griffiths 6 criteria?
Mood Modification
Withdrawal symptoms
Griffiths- Salience?
Activity most important thing in individuals life, dominating thoughts and feelings
Example- it wasn’t gambling, I was spending the rest of my time working out scheme to obtain to feed habit’
Griffiths- Mood modification?
When engaging with activity, the mood changed
‘High’ or escape numbness. Self medicated
-Smoker smoking first thing in morning for a buzz, but in evening for relaxation
Griffiths- Tolerance?
Building up a tolerance to drug to experience the same effect
E.g. Heroin and alcholol
Gambling can cause a decrease in heart rate at an abnormal speed compared to non gamblers. Need to redstart gambling for same level of arousal
Griffiths- withdrawal symptoms?
If behaviour stops, withdrawal starts physically (insomnia, nausea and headache)
Mentally (irritable and moody)
E.g Drug and chemical addication
Griffiths- Conflict?
Conflict between addicts + family’s and friends by compromise jobs or relationship or relationships or themselves (intrapsychic)
E.g. addict know they want to step but struggle to do so
Griffiths- relapse?
Addicts have a strong tendency to resturn to behaviour after years of disengagement and it seeing successful
E.g. smokers restarting after a long period of quitting