Sz- Sociocultural Factors Flashcards
What are sociocultural factors?
Aspects of our society in which individuals lives affecting the behaviour of the individual
Declied since influence of biological evidence
What are the 3 sociocultural factors?
Social isolation
What is urbanicity?
Rate of SZ in urban areas is much higher than rural areas
Urbanicity- Faris and Dunham?
Found incidences of SZ were higher in the densely populated centre of Chicago compared to less densely populated suburbs surrounding the city
How has Urbanicity affected lifestyle changes over time?
Specific features of urban life and development of SZ
Increased socioeconomic adversity in urban areas contrubute to a stressful home life for families
Urban areas have high levels of drug and substance abuse
Pollution and exposure to toxins
Urbanicity- krabbendam and van os?
Specific features of urban life and development of SZ
Increased socioeconomic adversity in urban areas contrubute to a stressful home life for families
Urban areas have high levels of drug and substance abuse
Pollution and exposure to toxins
Social isolation- What does this mean?
SZ are often very socially isolated from others, few friends and estranged from family’s and are likely to live alone
They receive no corrective feedback and so the strange behaviour can flourish unchallenged
Social isolation- Faris et al?
SZ may find interaction with others to be stressful and confusion so they retreat and withdrawal from society, Urbanicity+overcoruding= SZ
SZ may find interaction with others to be stressful and confusion so they retreat and withdrawal from society, Urbanicity+overcoruding= SZ
Social icolation- Jones et al?
Longitudinal prospective study (study before onset of symptoms)
Reaserchers found that individuals diagnosed with SZ were more likely to show solidarity play at age 4-6
At 13 we’re more likely to rate themselves socially confident
Ethnicity in relation to SZ?
SZ more prevalent in immigrants e.g. Afro carrabien
Ethnicity- ineichen?
Since 1970s rate for Afro carrabien people were higher than expected, this group also had higher rates of compulsory admission to psychiatric facilities as opposed to voulntary admission
Ethnicity- Cochran and sashidharan?
Black Afro carrabien immigrants in the Uk are 7x more likely to be diagnosed with SZ than white people
Explanation can’t be genetic because increased risk is not apparent in studies carried out in the carrabien so can be argued that the higher rate of SZ in the migrant community may be due to increased stress caused by bring an imigrsnt or an ethnic minority
Since 1970s rate for Afro carrabien people were higher than expected, this group also had higher rates of compulsory admission to psychiatric facilities as opposed to voulntary admission
How has ethnicity been contested?
Suggested that the stress of migration can be the case
But High rates of SZ observed second gen immigrants
Can come from discrimination
In society the social isolation
Psychiatry dominated by white males leading to the discrimination when diagnosing SZ
Evaluation- who is our supporting research?
Jones et al
Evaluation- supporting research Jones et al?
Longitudinal study of 5,362 people born in a specific week in march 1946
Between age of 16 and 43 yrs
30 cases of SZ were diagnosed, those individually diagnosed with SZ were diagnosed
Those individual diagnosed with SZ were more likely to show solitary play preference at age 4 and 6 yr old and at 13 were more likely to rate themselves as less socially confident
-Strength as its longitudinal and prospect showing we can see the shift and change in behaviour overtime
Evaluation- urbanicity a valid explanations evidence?
Krabbendam and van O
Mckenzie et al 2002
Evaluation- urbanicity Krabbendam and van O?
identified a range of factors that may increase social stress (poverty, pollution and overcrowding) and cause SZ
Evaluation- urbanicity a valid McKenzie et al?
Proposed that higher levels of social capital in urban living actually protect individuals from stress
Evaluation- urbanicity a valid?
S- limitation is contradictory weather urban living increases social stress of an individual
E- Krabbenda and Van O + McKenzie et al
E- found city dwellers healthier than those in rurual areas due to better institutuins
W- Therefore
Evaluation- Practicle explanation?
S- One strength is that solitary play in children can indicate SZ later in life
E- Means we can spot these showing symptoms and encourage socialisation by an increase in social confidence in children via play therapy’s
E- Preventative measure
W- therefore a strength
Evaluation- cause and effect?
S- one weakness
E- Social drift hypothesis, once diagnosing SZ, individuals demonstrate a decline in socioeconomics stating as they find it less easy to maintain employment so move to inner city areas
-Carsten Pedersen and Preven Mcorten found individuals with high risk of psychological disorder, reduced likelihood of developing SZ if they moved to a rural environment, may be due to stress
Evaluation- diathesis stress model?
S- one weakness
E- looks at biological and environment around us to make a better explanation would involve biological issue
E- we may already have genes resulting in SZ but due to this sociocultural trigger this could cause SZ to develop and worsen
W- Therefore weakness as does not take into account non environmental factors