The challenge of resource management (uk focus on energy,water,food) Flashcards
What has caused an increase in demand for the UK’s food?
increase in population
How much of the UK’s food was imported in 2013?
Why is there a demand for high value food exports?
it can be cheaper to grow in LIC and transport
How do LICs benefit from high value food exports?
- income
- tax ; better infrastructure
How do LICs lose out from high value food exports?
- less land for local crop
- increased pressure on local supplies
Why is there an all year demand for seasonal food?
introduction of supermarkets and exotic products in them
Why is there demand for organic produce?
seen as healthy
What does organic mean?
no unnatural enhancements like fertilisers or pesticides used in production
When did the demand for organic produce begin?
Why is organic produce more expensive?
lower yields
How are crops grown organically?
- natural predators
- natural fertilisers
- rotated to increase fertility
How is cattle grown organically?
not fed hormones
How much does food travel in the UK per year?
30 billion kilometres
How much does food contribute to UK carbon footprint?
How much does imported food contribute to UK carbon footprint?
How does local sourcing reduce carbon emissions?
- eating seasonal
- home grown
- local farmer’s
- only importing foods unable to grow in UK
How many people home grow their own fruit and veg?
1/3 of population
What is agribusiness?
farming like an industrial business
How does agribusiness increase farm size?
- remove hedgerows
- increase mechanisation
- increase use of chemicals
- combine small farms
How has demand for water changed?
How much has water use in average household increased by?
70% since 1985
Why has demand for water increased in homes?
- increased population
- increased wealth
- showers taken each week
Why has demand for water increased in industry?
- greenhouses
- production increase
- leisure use
Give an example of how wealth has caused an increase in demand for water
using washing machines and dishwashers
Give an example of how leisure has caused an increase in demand for water
golf course needs watering
Where are the areas of water deficit in the UK?
east of UK
Why does the east of the UK have water deficit?
least rainfall and higher population densities
Where are there areas of water surplus in the UK?
west of UK
Why does the west of the UK have water surplus?
most rainfall and lower population densities
How much of UK population live in south east?
Where is the driest part of the UK?
south east
Why is there a need to transfer water to maintain supplies?
to match where supplies and demand of water are
What has the UK gov considered to transfer water?
national water grid
What are the economic concerns of a national water grid?
enormous cost to install
What are the social concerns of a national water grid?
local communities would be displaced
What are the environmental concerns of a national water grid?
- may disrupt ecology and block migration
- increased carbon emissions
Where do smaller scale water transfers occur?
Kielder Dam in Northumberland pumps water into North Tyne river to supply Newcastle, Sunderland and Middlesborough
Which agency manages water quality in the UK?
Environment Agency
How clean is water supply in the UK?
best since before Industrial Revolution
How much of water is classified as ‘good status’ by EU Water Framework Directive?
only 27%
What causes water pollution in the UK?
- chemicals from farming
- oil from boats
- untreated waste
- runoff from roads
- hot water from industry
What runoff from roads causes water pollution in the UK?
- exhaust fumes
- oil
- heavy metals
- grit/salt
How does water pollution affect the UK?
- aquatic wildlife killed
- eutrophication
- drinking water poisoned
- microbacteria spread disease
- fishermen and tourist industry suffer economically
How are water quality and pollution levels managed?
- legislation in UK and EU
- education campaigns
- waste water treatment plants
- investment in sewers
- pollution traps
- green rooves on buildings
How does legislation manage water quality and pollution levels?
limit amount of discharge farms and factories can release
How does education campaigns manage water quality and pollution levels?
inform public