The Bridge: Representation Flashcards
Relevant Theory: Van Zoonen
- The creation of Saga’s character reflects the interest in society in the changing ideas and viewpoints regarding gender, reinforcing Van Zoonen’s assertion that the meaning of gender varies according to cultural contexts.
- In The Bridge, contrary to Van Zoonen’s claim, women are framed and constructed in a similar way to men. Women are active, not passive, they are not objects of the male gaze and it is they who drive the narrative forward.
- When Saga takes off her t-shirt, the gaze between Hanne and John is intra-diegetic, in bewilderment at her action, she is not objectified by the camera.
Relevant Theory: bell hooks
- Saga and Hanne challenge the norm of women in the police force as does Lillian who is the Danish Police Commissioner in Copenhagen.
- Representations of the family also challenge
stereotypes. Helle Anker is an LGBT pokesperson offering a positive representation of acceptance of lesbian marriage within society. - Saga introduces Hanne to “Hen” as a gender-neutral pronoun reflecting changing attitudes to gender.
- Men in The Bridge are also constructed as less dominant; Hans is gentle and caring, a father figure for Saga, and Henrik is vulnerable and coping with his own demons however, patriarchal domination is reflected in the crime where the victim is a woman with liberal views suggesting that when patriarchy is challenged women are targeted. The way in which her body is displayed representing a more raditional nuclear family, is relevant in easserting stereotypical gender roles.
Relevant theory: Gender Performativity, Judith Butler
- Through the programme’s inclusion of Helle Anker’s narrative regarding gender identity, a discourse is opened up and debated within the programme focusing on the nature of gender.
- Hanne states regarding Anker, “she was very active in the gender debate, LGBT issues. You know, there’s not gender, only humans”.
- Saga subverts and challenges the accepted social norms regarding gender behaviour. The construction of her character through, for example, clothing, expression, and behaviour, challenges the typical representations of female characters in this genre.
Saga: Her Clothing
- Saga is unconcerned by conventionality.
- For example she is not worried about changing her t-shirt in the middle of the
office. - Her clothing is masculine, for example, the leather trousers, military style overcoat and
neutral t-shirt.
Saga: Body Language
- Her stance and walk are
masculine, she is active and dynamic, moving
about a lot.
Saga: Facial expression
- Her passive expression has become iconic and is shown in close up particularly when she is attempting to process several pieces of
information and inter-relationships with
colleagues. - An example in this episode is when,
late in the day and absorbed in the case, she asks John to find a map for her, Hans suggests that John needs to go home, this confuses Saga who replies, ‘he’s recently divorced and his ex-wife has the kids this week’, illustrating her inability to comprehend anyone who has a life outside of the job. - Saga continues to work through the night and the audience is rarely shown aspects of her life outside of work.
How does Saga’s characterisation impact the show: ‘The Bridge.’
- Saga’s construction allows the programme to explore a character who does not conform to social norms, but in doing so effectively represents a particular under/mis-represented social group.
- Saga struggles with social situations, she knows how she should behave, but finds this challenging, for example when she attempts to make small talk with Hanne. She also lacks empathy and does not read sensitive situations well; she thinks rationally and says whatever occurs to her at the time with limited awareness of its appropriateness.
- However, she is shown to be vulnerable and afraid at the end of this episode when confronted with her past in the form of her mother.
What kind of representation of Hanne is portrayed?
- A positive representation of an older woman who is well-respected, experienced, and good at her job.
Hanne: Costume
- She is not objectified, her clothing is functional and her grey hair and serious expression aid in constructing her representation.
What differences does Hanne exemplify?
- She also exemplifies the cultural
differences between Sweden and Denmark, ‘From their first meeting hostilities begin to mount with Hanne showing her prejudices bordering on contempt for Swedish political correctness’. - She can barely disguise her disdain when interviewing Anker’s wife at the idea of a gender-neutral pre-school, she describes her as ‘a bit Swedish’.
Lise Friis Anderson: Representation
- Lise Friis Anderson is powerful in a different way, she is middle class, the wife of a wealthy businessman.
- Her views are right-wing, and she is an opinion leader through her blog displaying her views of what constitutes a family which is in direct contrast to those of Helle Anker.
- She has no qualms in teaching her daughter to react with violence when bullied.
Henrik: Representation
- Henrik is portrayed as a flawed, vulnerable character with issues.
- It is the men, rather than the women who are presented in domestic roles, Henrik cooks and cleans and appears to be nurturing his children, a role usually given to female characters.
Another example of Masculinity being subverted in ‘The Bridge’?
- Lise has a male cleaner, Rikard who fulfils a domestic role.
Hans: Representation
- Whilst Hans is in a hierarchically powerful position, he does not use this in an oppressive way and is understanding and supportive of those who work for him, traits that could be said to be more typically feminine.
- He has an equal relationship with his partner Lillian who is a strong woman. He is also a positive representation of age.