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A Level Media Studies
> Attitude - Media Language > Flashcards
Attitude - Media Language Flashcards
Study These Flashcards
A Level Media Studies
(125 decks)
Media Language Theorists
Representation Theorists
Industry Theorists
Audience Theorists
Tide: Representation
The Daily Mirror Representation Front Page
The Times: Representation
Kiss of a Vampire - Representation
I, Daniel Blake
Black Panther - Ownership & Control
Riptide Music Video
Peaky Blinders: Context
Assassins Creed: Valhalla
Psychographics/Young and Rubicam 4Cs
Peaky Blinders: Industry
Peaky Blinders: ML & Campbell Arrival Scene
Peaky Blinders: Representation
Peaky Blinders: Audience
The Bridge: Representation
The Bridge: Media Language
The Bridge: Industry
The Bridge: Audience
The Daily Mirror Double Spread Page
Formation by Beyonce - Representation
Attitude - Media Language
Attitude - Representation
Attitude - Industry
Attitude - Audience
Zoella - Media Language
Zoella - Representation
Zoella - Industry
Zoella - Audience
Online Media Terminology
Zoella context
Newspapers - Section B
Section B Practice Questions
The Bridge: Product Context
The Big Issue: Social Context
The Big Issue:Cultural Context
The Big Issue: Economic Context
Magazine Terminology
Tide: Audience
Formation by Beyonce - Context
Vogue - Industry
Tide: Social Context
Tide: Cultural Context
Tide: Historical Context
Tide: Product Context
Riptide Music Video: Media Language
The Bridge: Characters
The Big Issue: Audience
The Big Issue: Industry
Super.Human: Social Context & Cultural Context
Channel 4 Context
Super. Human. Audiences
Super.Human Media Language
Super Human Product Context
Super Human Historical Context
The Bridge: Economic Factors
The Bridge: Historical Context
The Bridge: Social Context
Kiss of the Vampire: Social and Political context
Kiss of the Vampire: Product Context
Kiss of the Vampire: Media Language
Kiss of the Vampire: Cultural Context
Beyonce's Formation: Historical Context
Beyonce's Formation: Economic & Political Contexts
Beyonce's Formation: Representation
Beyonce's Formation: Product Context
Vogue: Set Text Front Cover - Media Language and Representation
Black Panther: Historical Context
Black Panther: Product Context
Have Heard George's Podcast?: Product Context
Assassin's Creed: Valhalla Product Context
I, Daniel Blake: Social and Political Context
I, Daniel Blake: Economic Factors
I, Daniel Blake: Regulation
I, Daniel Blake: Marketing
I, Daniel Blake: Producer Influence
Have You Heard George's Podcast?: Industry Context
Have You Heard George's Podcast?: Technological Changes
Have You Heard George's Podcast?: Audience
The Times: Product Context
The Times: Media Language
The Times: Political Context
The Times: Social and Cultural Context
Assassin's Creed: Valhalla - Historical Contexts
Assassin's Creed: Valhalla - Economic and Political Contexts
Assassin's Creed: Valhalla - Production, Distribution & Circulation
Assassin's Creed: Valhalla - Technological Change
Assassin's Creed: Valhalla - Global Regulation
Assassin's Creed: Valhalla - Convergent Media Platforms
Assassin's Creed: Valhalla - Social & Cultural Contexts
Assassin's Creed: Valhalla - Audiences
Assassin's Creed: Valhalla Media Technology & Consumption
Peaky Blinders: Technological Changes
Peaky Blinders: Marketing & Promotion
Peaky Blinders: Genre
Peaky Blinders: Media Language
Peaky Blinders: Historical Context
Peaky Blinders: Cultural Context
The Daily Mirror: History
The Daily Mirror: The Mirror Online
The Daily Mirror: Ownership
The Daily Mirror: Newspaper Regulation
The Daily Mirror: Social & Cultural Context
The Daily Mirror: Economic Context
The Daily Mirror: Political Context
The Daily Mirror: Industry Context
The Daily Mirror: Product Context
The Daily Mirror: Categories of Audiences
The Daily Mirror : Newspapers Targeting Audiences
The Daily Mirror: Newspapers - Made For Audiences
The Daily Mirror: Mirror Online - Made for Audiences
The Daily Mirror: Audience Theoretical Approaches
The Times: History
The Times: Online
The Times: Ownership
The Times: Newspaper Regulation
The Times: Categories of Audiences
The Times: Newspapers Targeting Audiences
The Times: Newspapers - Made For Audiences
The Times: Online - Made For Audiences
Attitude Product Context
Super.Human Product Context