Assassin's Creed: Valhalla - Global Regulation Flashcards
What can be said about regulation across the globe?
- Video Game regulation differs around the world but is becoming standardised across many European countries.
Who regulates video games in the UK?
- In the UK until July 2012 video games had been regulated by the BBFC.
- They are now largely regulated by the Video Standards Council (VSC) who apply the PEGI system (Pan European Game Information.
How does the PEGI system work?
- The PEGI system uses the process of age ratings alongside visual descriptors of content.
- This is so audiences (parents in particular) can have an understanding of the game content and make a judgement if they think it is suitable before purchasing the video game.
What is NOT enforced when purchasing videogames online when it is in store?
Although legally enforced for the purchase of video game products within a retail environment, this is NOT legally enforced when making video game purchases online (through the Xbox Network or the PlayStation Network, for example).
What is the rating of most AC games within the franchise?
Many of the video games within the Assassin’s Creed franchise are at least rated 16 according to the PEGI system - with most of these fulfilling the requirements of an 18 rated game.
This is the adult classification that is applied to video games when the level
of violence reaches a stage where it becomes depictions of gross violence, motiveless killing or violence towards defenceless characters.
What do most AC games include to inform audiences about some of the content of the game before they play?
- Most AC games have visual descriptors to warn audience that the games feature violence and bad language predominantly.
How violent are the games in the Assassin’s Creed franchise?
- Assassin’s Creed is a very violent game, containing many graphic battles and a combat system which relies on parries and (often brutal) counter-attacks.
- Many missions focus on the assassinations of defenceless or (sometimes seemingly) innocent characters
- Although the game is designed in a manner which will punish players who randomly kill multiple NPCs (non playable characters) by automatically failing the current mission